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Everything posted by csreeves

  1. self righteousness, slandar, gossip, and mean spirited slander. No leader can support the one true God with these qualities.
  2. Christians support other christian leaders or partner with there teachings pertaining to Jesus Christ. In supporting other Christian leaders it is as if we take part in their stepping out and furthering the gospels, A "co-worker" works along side of other Christ like believers and teachers by supporting them. If Christians didn't support them their ministeries would fall short very quickly,
  3. Refusing hospitilaty to a false teacher would be today as forcing the bad thoughts out of our head. Hospitality was a Christian virtue when we entertain false teachers easily there is a point where we are tricked into turning from God and following a man and not divinity. Tolerance is not agreeing but allowing someone in your presence in whom you differ in opinion and stupidity is when we become close buddies to a false teacher--there is many divisions started. Denominationalism is the centering around thinking we are better than or just getting your mind off of the real subject-Jesus Christ being fully divine.
  4. Running ahead of Christ's teachings was common for false teachers trying to detur people from worhiping the true Son, Jesus Christ in his divinity. Abide or continue reminds me to walk hand in hand with Jesus resting not running ahead of him but with him.
  5. Idols are a distraction from the one true God. My idols are TV, time-busy, anger.
  6. The difference in saying this life is in the church a person with a relationship will say Christ is in me and I live for him. Religion is a set of laws we must live up to verses a faith relationship is knowing grace is a gift and can not be earned.
  7. our obedience and God's will. Prayer is about seeking him and his will for our lives and as his followers so if you are in his will go before him boldly knowing that he listens to his children.
  8. A defeatest attitude isn't a part of the Christian life. Christ came so we can have hope knowing the joy of his return for he came to overcome the world. Faith is knowing that we are bound for Heaven and any other belief isn't a part of Heaven's faith.
  9. Fear of God is respect and know this reverental fear is what God wants. The fear of judgement is extengished when we have love in our heart. Christ is love perfected. I look forward to Jesus coming and my lifetime with God
  10. God is love is the mark of the seed within me which gives me the strength to know God wants us to love our enemies. Through this love I can know forgiveness is the key for it to me is the very nature of God We are human so we will fail, but repentance is the only way to keep or return to the truth.
  11. Jesus seed in me is greater than anything this world has to offer. We have overcome sin when we can love our enemy. Knowing the seed within gives us a joy that superseeds anything this world has to offer.
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