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Everything posted by csreeves

  1. I sing to God and tell him how wonderful he is to me and how much gratitude I have to have hime in my life.
  2. Royal Priesthood means a priesthood of royal rank or in royal service refering to how we offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ
  3. Greetings from Georgia. I am Charlene and from the USA.
  4. Even though I can't see him I receive an unspeakable joy-a faith vision. It isn't emotionalism or artifical. The pursit of happiness is just that the pursuit and this unspeakable, glorious joy given to each of us who choose to worship the one true loving God.
  5. yes I searched for years for reasons why God didn't take away sins of my past sooner than he did. I begged and yet when I gave up he came right on time. God had to refine me and purfy me to the point where I couldn't come up with any way that I could take credit it. God created in me a strong believer who knows that there is a Saviour guiding my life and today I fully depend on his guidance and control.
  6. Past Jesus death for our sin's and his rescue from our sins (old way) Present God on our behalf helps us in our present circumstances and rescueses us from our problems and sins Future When Christ returns we will be completely rescued from our worldly existence and be fully immersed in his presence. My part is to continue to work on my salvation with fear & trembling.
  7. Forgiveness must be the other side of a double sided coin with the other side is obedience for if we can't forgive then we can't be forgiven nor can we obey Christ with true obedience for it is only through him can true willingness and openess be available. True faith requires obedience. We can't earn our way with works for we were born humanly falable-imperfect, sinners that can only be saved by grace.
  8. I would describe the person more earth bound than heaven bound. Yes I was tied to this earth until my mom recently went home to be with the Lord. Now nothing will hold me here when the Lord is calling me home.
  9. I had no hope before finding Christ. I tried suicide constantly thinking that life had no answers but pain. In this world there isn't any stability or hope, but in Christ there is a hope that prevails even the worse days that we have on earth. I have recently lost my mom and would never have the hope I have today of knowing the joy that 1 day I will see her again if not for Christ. I have grace not from earnings but from freely choosing to follow Jesus and through that choice I don't need but an infantansamisable spark of hope compared to my past gigantic needs. Praise be to God.
  10. The means by which prayer is to be answered is "the Spirit of wisdom and revelation." We pray to the Spirit as God who revealed himself to Moses on Mt. Siani in fire and smoke--The Shekinah glory of God is great inexpressible light. The purpose of prayer is to know him better or come to know him how you ask does a person really get to know God better? For a person to "get it" requires the work of the Holy Spirit which is prayer. If Christians didn't pray for others to receive a revelation then God wouldn't work in the lives of the unsaved at all.
  11. The Father is always pleased when we are authentically submit to his will with humbleness and sencerity.
  12. Because Jesus didn't want to die he was hoping that God would make a way where there seems to be no way. He prayer 3 times because he was so intense also the sweat was as if great drops of blood. He was resistant to dying if there was any other way but he always said and meant that his Father's will be done.
  13. Jesus asked the disciples to pray that he be stron and resist the devil's temptation. The devil tempted Jesus to 3 specific miracles and he would make him ruler of this world if he would only obey. Jesus refused the disciples slept even when he came and woke them up. The content of the prayer was to be in the sharing of liked minds in prayer to their Creator. Jesus withdrew from the crowds because he knew he alone was in a crisis and and needed to concentrate on his prayer with God.
  14. The king could cut off his head He want to give the Lord one last prayer saying help me Lord save me from this terrible plight I am about to face. This quick arrow is from his over flow of months of agonizing prayer over this very moment.
  15. The danger of the request Nehemiah's situation was as the situation Esther found herself in many years ago with the Persian King Xerxes who had a high govermental official who plotted to kill all the Jews and Mordecai ask her to go before the king something that was also punishable by death. Pray for our leaders govermental, local, churchwide and local goverment. I have seen Presidential Assinations and heard of many attempts being caught in progress. I am disturbed by our Presidental Canidand today but I also know that God is in charge and can and will work even through the advisary
  16. Nehemiah quotes back to God his own words and promises of scattering and gathering through repentance and renewal and return of obedience from the returnees-Your Servants, Your People. You redeemed your servants at great expense and they delight in honoring you.
  17. Nehemiah doesn't pray a single prayer but a continuous prayer that your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel. They are a series of supplications.
  18. An impertive for action as if to hurry God. God heard and answered his prayered both by personal messenger of the Angel Gabriel and historical events that unfolded.
  19. If we are to intercede as Daniel did it is important for us not to think of us as exempt from sin instead we are to take the very nature of servent being made in human likeness and being found in the appearance as a man. Jesus was sinless yet took on our sins.
  20. Daniel prepared for prayer and petition by fasting and in sackcloth and ashes. He then turned and set his face to the Lord (toward Jerusalem) and with determination he pleaded, prayed, petitioned, and confessed. When we interceed for others we must come before God humbly and with a clean confessed heart.
  21. Daniel believes God promises to return his people so Daniel begins to pray for the forgiveness of their sins and for restoration in Israel. Daniel's faith and intercession to God for his people showed his continued belief and strng faith in God.
  22. Because we like control and being in charge of our lives makes us feel important. 6 years ago Total surrender Allowing God to take charge of my life was a new beginning for me and my family. No if one doesn't pray a pray of surrender God can not help this person for they will not relinquish control.
  23. God knew me 2000 years before I was ever formed and placed gently in my mother's womb by the Master's hands. He created the unique cell that gave me all I needed in life as long as he walks with me everyday. As a young woman she can be reassured that God is forming her child just the way he wanted him/her to appear. It overwhelms us because we can't picure a God so big as to create and care for all yet small enough to hold a small infant in his hands.
  24. If I go up to the heavens you are there if I make my bed in the depths, you are there..... even there your hand will guide me your right hand will hold me fast. In verse 5.... "...You hem me in--behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me" A strong tender touch as in a guide. Yes. This very weekend I needed it as my mom went home to be with the Lord. I needed reassurance that she is in a better place--I received double rainbows. Praise God. There is joy even in death.
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