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Everything posted by csreeves

  1. Some people sometimes flee from God because of shame, blame, or inability to "face" God with their sin under the delusional thinking that in the running we hide the sin from God which is impossible. I have done the same thing many times in the past.
  2. God does honor the prayers of the righteous over the backslidden. All blessings are freely given-without earning-by grace. The prayer of the righteous man is powerful & effective (James5:16)
  3. Hezekiah appealed to God's promises for an heir and for a righteous life which God hear and answered quickly. He had walked with God faithfully for a long time and he had walked righteously with God not in only in his judgement but in God's. He was also appealing to God's promises for David's son Solomon for long life and to walk rightly before him.
  4. Lord is Hebrew personal specific name of God pronounced "Yaw-whey". Jew felt the name of the Lord was too holly to even pronounce and substituted Adonai or lord. God of Israel Israel name God gave to Jacob and is applied to nation. Israel Northern Kingdon and Judah Southern Kingdom. God is alone over all the kingdoms of all the earth and God made the heavens and the earth. The basis of the action petition of prayer is speaking to the 1 true living God
  5. The Battle is the Lord's. Now is the time to look to the Lord: live a righteous and faithful life before the Lord. We lose the battle.
  6. An individual's attitude of possessiveness and greed blocks all access to praise and worship of God. If you can't praise and worship God without reguard to possessions then you are tied to this earth in more ways than just unable to praise him you have become a slave.
  7. I believe prayers should begin in a praise and gratitudal spirit to honor our Lord for all the blessing he has given us. I might begin by singing him a song like, "Holy holy Holy" or "Amazing Grace" Sometimes I sing a song making up my own praise words as I go. I picture God smiling down at an adoring child who pleases him tremendously.
  8. In prising God it exhalts him to a level above myself thanking and praising his hallowed name and reminding me how insignificant I am and how much more important he is. God deserves exaultation in all of our lives just because he is God and if we truly are his our pride has been removed to the point where only he is exalted. He accomplished something so signicantly bigger than any of us could ever do and that was to endure what he did for us and choose to die to be raised back to life to prove to all he was God with a big G. A feat no one before or since has ever accomplished or ever will. This exaltation does to me says I am not the one who anyone should look up to the only person for that job is God.
  9. My prayers should always contain praise to God for just being God of my life and I should in paticuliar offer my thanks which he accepts as blessing when I tell him how great, holy, and awesome is to me. He not only blesses me with life, breath, ability to move and function, but also for planting me firm footed as his child in charge of tending to his garden. I sing to him and feel so much closer to him, I whisper tiny loving words esp. for his pleasure and if he gave me a special blessing I didn't expect I say thank you Jesus. For it is in the praising another which makes them feel good so I know it is so much more important to our Saviour.
  10. To walk humbly and honestly before our God without pride nor arrogance. Repentance & sacrifice is continually requested by our Lord.Our broken and contrite heart are his sacrifice for with this he can do his will.
  11. Yes a pure heart is possible, but first we must accept and repent that he isn't God and we need forgiveness for a lifetime of sins. God brings us to a pure heart through first approaching us which starts a process where we work with God in creating a heart created by and after the Lord. My part is to continually work on my relationship with Jesus and ask for forgiveness when necessary.
  12. David doesn't need to minimize nor maximize his sin since the Lord knew all of his sin from before he created him. An authentic prayer of repentance was required by God for his forgiveness thus pardoning him.
  13. To pray you first have faith not in yourself but in an unmeasureably compassionate God who sees his son who died for each of us and pardons us. This faith doen't come from inside or outside of us in any way or form except from the phenominal love in which only our God can do is to place Jesus as our sin who knew no sin.
  14. Abraham was persistent. Everyone who seeks finds and the widow kept persistently crying out to Abraham night and day until Abraham went to the Lord. That is what I call praying it through without ceasing.
  15. God loves you, me and Abraham after all he created us to please him so yes God laughs, dances, and has many feelings with us. He especially loves bargining with us, boy we delight his day so I think God loved the strength, power, and boldness that Abraham used in coming before our King. I think God enjoys our prayers for in our prayers we are honest and gracious.
  16. Abraham shows his respect and reverence to God by coming humbly before God both in spirit of mind which God already knew fully and by the way he approached God, If I may................. Abraham already had a history with God whom he had shown that Abram was mere man with a broken and contrite spirit yet comes to God showing total respect due to his love. If our boldness isn't tempered with humility then there can never be any contrite spirit. God must break us to make us his.
  17. Abraham was strong enough in his faith-he had already been through the struggle of whose he was and his realization of what that status of being Christ-like meant for him he was able to come before God boldly "preaching" back to him his words-if there is 50 righteous people, 40, 30 20 10, 5, and 1. Sometimes it takes standing before the Lord fearless and humble for it doesn't matter what we look like we have tennacity to ignore the devil. Who are we to stand boldly before God--his child-of course.
  18. I think prayer is communication with god and Immutability is almost like Predestination everything is already been decided you have no input. Can God answer prayer outside of the scope of his will. Yes if you petition him as Moses did for there is nothing outside the scope of his will.
  19. We can think that everything has already been placed in order and prayer doesn't work. Fear and dead.
  20. Moses prayed boldly God's Word (Scriptures) constantly. To tell you the truth I was of a different mindset before I reaad this. Just like God He had me read this at exactly the right time. Moses persisted in prayer until God CHANGED HIS MIND. I never saw that before. I couldn't figure out why anyone would pray if God had already decided the outcome some 2000 years ago and much more importantly God was going to do what he wanted prayer or not. Well I found my answer Praise God. A new avanue has opened up to me-Moses prayed until God chaned his mind. Wow what a lightbulb. Now I know the reason to pray--not to always try to change his mind, but knowing that whatever I ask may have some influnce inhis decision. Moses prayed the Promises of the Bible which were the logical grounds that Moses was able to get his prayers answered. I think God listens to the people who pray the promises for they are reminding him of what he has promised us Iam not one to pray word for word out of the Scriptures for it isn't my way not that it was wrong. I read the Scriptures to know how to contradict the devil's darts in my weakest point--my mind. When he says I am not good I counteract that with what God says that I am a child of the King worthy and wonderful. I had quit praying, but now I have reason to begin again. Thanks.
  21. The people had created gods that they could see-idols-a calf, gold at that, and they were worshiping the calf. I can be loving all the time but if you say something about my mom derogatorily I will get angry. The same with God or more he created us just to love him and due to our selfish need of instant gradatude we create idols because we have trust issues. That's enough to anger God and he wants to stew in it for a while. I think Mrs. God (not funny I know) sent Moses to re-center his thoughts for like us it isn't good to stew in your anger. I think if most of the world was living with idolaty then he certainly had the justified to raise up a new nation.
  22. I received your post and just had to say welcome. Where are you from in Oklahoma? I have a friend in Ft. Smith. I attend a small Presbyterian Church in Georgia. Again let me say welcome and I'm glad you found this too. It has given me a deeper knowledge of our Lord, but more than that a deeper relationship with him. Your peace and jpy will help you focus more on him. God bless,
  23. I am human and I sin and must continually repent. I can't leave a stone unturned in my digliant search for the truth. Unforgiveness on my part for others means that my Saviour will not forgive me when I ask. I can't harbor unforgiveness for anyone or anything.
  24. God did not create us to be independent. First on him completely since we can't earn a living or anything for ourselves we must depend on God. He is our only hope
  25. We are asking God to allow His kindom to enter us so that his will will be done through us. God's will is what gives us our health and skill so that the Father's will can be done through us is we humble ourselves.
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