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Everything posted by csreeves
Q1. Hallowed Be Thy Name
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
My life by itself can't make, create, or force by might anything to happen in this world, but through faith and the Grace of Jesus Christ I become more than an heir but a child of God. I can keep it holy through repentance, prayer, Bible reading, staying as close as His coatail. I also must realize the joy in being humble and weak to allow his strength to flow through me to others. I can besmirch and/or besmircha by leading a worldly life more than a Godly life or through simple things as worshiping idols. We hallow God when we pray giving him the praise and honor for directing and granting us life We should always remember when he first loved us. That is all I need to get me through the days. -
Hi I am Charlene and old member glad to be back. I just graduated from a 3 year deep study in the Holy Bible and being a lay pastor. I am excited to learn even more for I don't think anyone ever stops learning or we would still be in exodus.
Lesson 12. Exercises
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Psalms: Giving Thanks to Our Faithful God
I will praise him in all my days for he is worthy. In him I can hide he is my strength He is my refuge and strength. -
Q4. Psalm 34
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Psalms: Giving Thanks to Our Faithful God
I've been there. My heart has been broken. My spirit crushed. Yet I've experienced God there with me. He is there with you too. When your troubles crushed down upon you and you nearly lose hope, he is with you. Call out, seek him in your lowest time. You'll find him close, nearby. Reach out. Redeem means to be present and to protect you, buy back, pays our debts, to transfer ownership from one to another through payment of a price so much that he will pay for whatever it costs to set you free. By taking refuge in God. -
Q3. Psalm 34
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Psalms: Giving Thanks to Our Faithful God
For he is Lord and he is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. The battles come from the world-too busy, too late, etc.-I praise him continually by walking out my day thanking him and for everytime a blessing comes I talk to him and say thanks. Praise makes my spirit sore all the way up to heaven. -
Lesson 11. Exercises
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
Reading a Psalm 130 has alsways been the Psalm that I hold on to in the rough times. It has carried me through the valley of death. Oh Jehova I love the not for what you are doing for me but just because you are....... -
Q2. Psalm 118
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Psalms: Giving Thanks to Our Faithful God
The stone the builders rejected isn't a perfect stone it is the Messiah everyone rejected except his people. Yahweh has designated him the Capstone, Keystone, Cornerstone. Jesus is referred to as the "the stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. -
Q1. Psalm 100
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Psalms: Giving Thanks to Our Faithful God
Thanksgiving & exuberent praise. So unworthy but praising God is what I do for sure.Know that God is the one who made us and not we ourselves and we belong to a King with his people and a shepherd and his flock. -
Q4. Psalm 51
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
Restoration and forgiveness results from our choice of once again serving the Lord. A true repenting heart is something God can work with by our being very sorry and repent from our sin. Humbleness is a heart sign that God recognizes. -
Q3. Psalm 51
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
Create means to make something new while pure & clean and contrite or broken and humble and steadfast. God is the only one who can create purity from something dirty. The steps are recognation, repentance, and to make willingness -
Q2. Psalm 51
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
No he is recognizing that all sin are actually only between that person & God and we must go to God to repent. we are sinful from birth for we are born out of sin so David is recognizing his true need of repentance for our human-ness which we all should do. -
Q1. Psalm 32
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
Self-deceit is a downward spiral keeping us stuck forever causing confusion. Confession frees up from that cycle and esp. clears us from sin. Most times we resist thinking we can control our own life and another life is so foreign that it is totally unbelieveable-something that can't be imagined isn't "trustworthy" unless a dramatic and shocking experience or awakening happens that shakes our world and opens our eyes and then we believe. -
Lesson 10. Exercises
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
After mediating this Psalm 22 I begin to wonder if the Old Testmant and New Testament continually reflect each other where the Messiah is the winner in both. -
Q4. Psalm 22. Comparisons
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
Psalm 22 speaks of despised and scorned, mocked allowing the Lord to "rescue" him, bulls surround him and roaring lions, and being poured out like water--my heart has turned to wax, melted away, strength is dried up and his tongue sticks to the mouth, lay me in the dust pierced my hands and my feet and divided my garments casting lots for them. This lament is about Son of David but in reality it is about the Messiah. -
Q3. Psalm 22
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
In this Psalm there can be seen as a lament followed by hymn of praise. Some think it is the "Fith Gospel" "The Psalm of the Cross" Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 together formed the core of Jesus' and they early church's understanding of the crucifixion. Spiritual seperation from a holy God because of our sin he was bearing. -
Q2. Psalm 110
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
The Jews in Jesus time saw this Psalm as Messanic the Messiah's kingdom will extend far beyond the boundaries of Israel, resist by the enemies, but will extend by force with Jesus at the head. The point Jesus is making is it can't be anyone from the earth-an external priest. Because Melchizedek's was both king of Jersalem and priest of the most high God. The writer of Hebrews sees Melchizedek as a type of Christ combining the roles king and priests different than ever before and acts as a mediator between man and God. The Warrior-Messiah goes to war in the Battle of Armageddon and rests drinking at the brook to refresh himself and looks forward to another. -
Q1. Psalm 2
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
Serve the Lord be wise Kiss the Son. Submission of all the earth to our Lord. It is not good to anger God. -
Lesson 9. Exercises
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Psalms: Rejoicing in God's Character
I will praise him everyday, all the time with love & trust, faith & honor, but more than that I will praise him in all my ways and heart. -
Because love & trust areThe 2 aspects of God's character which should result in praise & worship. As with the Father & the Son the bedrock of all Jesus' ministry is love and trust-faith. Only trust and obey for there is no other way...
Exalt, extol,mighty acts. Every creature and every human must realize that God created all of this just for us because he loves us. That is one drop of all he does for us but just for that we should praise him. I walk the walk with my little mouth and light shine all for Jesus. I forgive and try to love everyone.
Blessed! I am blessed for God blesses me all the time. Because we all go through an exodus in all our lives. Completely.
Lesson 8. Exercises
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
The experience of this lesson helps me. I am going through a crisis and just studing this lesson I know God is in charge and I exaluation Him until the restoration. -
Q4. Psalm 24
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Verses 1-2 begins again with exaltuation and declaring the Lord's or King or Creator sovereignity over all the earth reminding us that all there is and all we are has come from him. Verses 3-6 describe that God requires ethical and moral purity-loyality to the King. Strict allegience without idoltry. Verses 7-10 speaks about how the Lord will come in. I am going through a long dry spell but I remain steadfastly praising God and resting in knowing God is in charge of the timing and restoration. During the dry times I grow. -
Q3. Psalm 126
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
We are going through exile. Remembering God's restoration to people of Israel. The song of ascents is a mixture of high praise and then the lament. This high praise carry us and verse 4 is a prayer and promise of restoration by God. Praise must come first before we can carry on with prayers. Weeping comes before reaping...a wadi or dry gully reperesents the dry spell we must go through until we receive the blessing. -
Q2. Psalm 96
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Ascribe to the Lord means giving all glory to the Lord Due his name. God's glory gives us strength when we surrender. If we don't praise him we think we are doing all the tasks forgetting God and his fittingness or worthness. We get "I" centered instead of God centered