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Everything posted by csreeves
Q1. Psalm 57
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Praise is great when we are o0n the mountain tops, but in the valley is is like moving through thick syrup. I am going through months of pain until I have surgery on the 8th. The longer we are in pain chronic the "feeling" just doesn't connect. If you are around grumpy people you are likely to stay there. I have a group that is allowing me to be accountable so soon I turn from horribleness to seeing the blessings. Gartutide is sometimes an "as if thing" and soon life turns around. Praise God. -
God is my resting place. I never understood about this simple task that God wanted me to do. He is my clef covering over me and helping me at the same time. Praise God.
Q5. Resting in the Lord
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Psalms: Resting in God's Care
Rest is eternal rest and love because I control nothing and God does. I try to find a quiet place with today's busy world sometimes it is only 5 minutes, but I spend it with God. -
The river gives us life beside the still waters refreshing us. Peaceful to me includes love not as the world knows it, but patterening after Christ. My words can either plant a seed or harrow the ground in a destructive way. I love peace. I can "be still" knowing God is on his throne and he's in control. I can then rest in his love.
To rest in the arms of God knowing and trusting him to keep us safe and joyful. Joy to me means even when losing a loved one we know where they are going, but especially knowing I shall see them again at the second ressurection.
Yahweh means "My shepherd" and he provides me a pasture to rest, drink, food, and all my other needs. He leads me beside the still waters which refer to a quite stream where he restores my soul. He guides me in his righteous ways not where I would lead someone but his ways restoring my soul like a sheep that wanders his own way and Jesus gently prods him back into the fold with protection and assurance in fear. Jesus our gracious host setting us down at a picnic with food overflowing our stomachs--"my cup overflows" and he goes on to give us life eternally. Two loves for a small amount of trust and obedience. I am well satisfied with surely and goodness (God and Jesus) forever and forever.
With humility and trust he came to God as a little nursing baby who at first receives all his needs met from the Lord. Then as he grows he begins to wean himself from God meeting all his needs instantiously so he rests. When we act and wean ourselves from God we are acting out our selfish ambotion or vain conceit. So we must find that place or rest and contentment or trust.
Lesson 6. Exercises
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
I decided to sing a song unto the Lord. I sang him as only he can be my very own capative audience. -
Q4. God's Protection
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
I think God loves me so much that I am protected from many things that if I didn't love and honor God which might befall me. I am not immune but I am protected from auto accidents, rape, murder and many others. -
Psalm 121 reassures me that God knows even the strands of hair on my head and he feds the the birds and cares for them so I know he watches over and provides me with all his blessings. It makes me feel loved and worthy not in the way the world shows it, but as in a child-like love.
This psalm teaches me that God is sooooo much bigger than my problems. He can protect me in all danger. I will rescue him I will protect him I will answer him I will be with him in time of trouble I will deliver him I will honor him I satisfy him with long life I will show him my salvation Wow what a Saviour!
For my exercise I chose mediating on all the psalms and seek an answer I have always misunderstood. Why pray if he already knows your thoughts I earnestly do not understand. Maybe I am missing the point? I just know of my past and present life questions.
To me they feel like my church friends do now like I am wrapped in the arms of love where no harm can come to me. The first 4 verses sound like my prayer at night.
Lord I praise you for every blessing you have give me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Forgive my unbelief. Bring revival into my life. May I countiualy praise you. Prayer always invites God's will into you life before any event or individual revival. It gets me off my mind and him directlly in the center of my thoughts.
I don't like humility but I also know without humility and faith I would never learn or realize that I would just be stuck in my sin.
It makes me feel so very special and loved. I just want to praise him more.
After voicing their complaints with the lamanet they again recognize all their blessings that God has given them. God loves praising constantly especially after when we are full of ourselves we turn and our eyes and ears are open.
Because he repented and was truly sorry and he had the faith in Jesus Christ. It convicts us and we eventually repent. Then we must suffer the consequences like David did with the death of his child. And we stand tall know with a repented heart we can face anything. As long as a lesson is learned...Jesus holds us.............
I love the praising in these Psalms. I just go around my house singing praises to God for he is my mighty King. Praise Him for all he has done. Alleluiah! Is Jesus in the house today. Yes said the unbeliever. Alleluiah Praise the King. This continually goes on for God loved us so much that He sent His Son.....I can't imagine, but I do see his reflection in the loving angelic people in my life, why he cares for me.
To glorify him for his salvation and the marvelous things He has done and his faithfullness. Righteousness is coming Very much. Because he has first saved me from my sin and because I know that He is coming again.
Praise is sincerely and deeply thankful for/and satisfied in lauding a superior qualities or great works (acts) of the Lord. What we must do is praise him in his holy place (Heaven) Why for his acts of power and surpassing greatness How with instruments and dance Who everyone who has breath. After reading this I just want to dance and sing to the Lord with great exhuberation and thanksgiving. I have great joy for this psalm makes me want to jump and shout Hallelujah!
Lesson 3. Exercises
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
I love singing and sing the psalms is a unique song which gives all praise and glory to our Creator and life substainer. When I sing I not only sing my praises to God, but I receive so much more. It carries me right to the throne of God. I sing to God who cares less how my voice sounds, but adores the worshiping I sing for. -
Q3. Psalm 133
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
I love the part about dwelling together in unity. The tie that breaks or bonds His followers is very complex.I must do my part in becoming more like God through loving my neighbor and forgiving 70 X 7 and continue to work on my self, daily Bible reading, prayer, and listening not to the world but to Jesus. Unity and purity collide. Reconcilitation is bring us back into focus on God and unity focuses on drawing strenth or energy from the life of the community, social and religious which is revived and quickened. -
My favorite Psalms is 32 and I read this everyday and post it where anyone can see it. You are my Shepherd I will not be afraid You make me dwell in peace You are my light And the Lord of my journey Your rod and Your staff Comfort me So I'll sing in the valley Shout from the mountain, Drink from the river Dance near the fountain Of Your everlasting life And Your eternal love.