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Everything posted by csreeves

  1. They were listening to false prophets. That day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
  2. Christ's glory is awesome way beyond our infinate minds comprehension. To be continual excluded from Christ's love would be hell to never feel love or loved again would mean all Christ's miracles in my life would be taken away. I would not want to live. Outer darkness is closed mind and eyes to Christ's glory is hell.
  3. everlasting destruction and being shut out from God. Eternal punishment
  4. no. Rehabilitation is a chance to grow for the better with forgiveness and love. Retalitation is done out of anger and unforgiveness. When forgiveness through Christ a Christian learns a better way. and this is when forgiveness takes place. Love and justice=Jesus
  5. If we are persecuted like Jesus then there are not of Jesus and we can't grow If we don't grow we never change
  6. Assurance is the known fact that you are repentant and forgiven and Jesus has risen to forgive you and take your sins on him. With this assurance you are going to Heaven to be with him. A true Christian has this assurance of salvation if it isn't a known fact in every Christian then they aren't a true Christian.
  7. Prophecy in these times is defined by the speaker and so much isn't from God so this fearfulness causes some churches to turn away. If you don't have love then it isn't prophecy
  8. I feel rejoycing in Christ's presence and being in a continual spirit of prayer on a daily basis is the answer.
  9. Revenge is not a Christian virtue. If forgiveness is not a part of the church members as a whole then the whole attitude changes into side taking which destroys a church. To become healthy again the individual church members must repent and change their outgoing to a forgiving repentent church.
  10. If disrespected leaders fall into question by the community of believers and the mission of the church of God is dishonored. The church begins to erode. Getting rid of the leader doesn't fix the problem for it goes more deeply than that/
  11. Normally we can get comfortable in our lifestyle and can fall "asleep" in our continual watchfulness. In our complacency we fall too easily back into sin.and not be ready. We must deal with our faults as soon as they appear so we may be ready at all times.
  12. Daniel's prophecy of the Son of Man are fulfilled as compared to Revelation for the Son of God becomes the Son of Man to show us he has suffered to show us we can we can believe in his returning to fulfill the second coming.
  13. I think effects from sin are all severe punishments, but sexual sins cause greater destruction. These punishments are a warning to be given only if we step out of the bounds of marriage.
  14. Sexual urges are controllable. Humans want instant pleasures and demand their way so they demand uncontrollably sexual desires. God says marriage between a woman and a man and sexual desires will be me withing the bounds of marriage. This instant society goes outside of our marriages and the healthy boundaries God has given us and create more death from sexual diseases. God's choices for us are not demanding for no reasons they are for our health too.
  15. We are holy now only because we are Christ's for we are on holy ground when we stand for Jesus and point to Jesus not ourselves. Sanctification is the process we to go through as we become more like Christ every day.
  16. The Old Testament is full of rules and Jesus Christ came to earth to break the rules and show us love. Love is the strongest for if we follow rules even the believers will break them and fall away but with love rules lose their power. Paul.brings us love from Jesus.
  17. Special visitors remind us of the truth our Pastor imparts
  18. Persecution creates a false belief in us until we become a follower of God through Jesus Christ. Active worship is done for show and we all including the tempter are not robots but given the free will.to do so as we choose. God hasn't done away with the tempter because he gave him the free will as he has given each of us. God says choose Life or death. God would be an emotional God and if he would destroy him then it would be against free will his own choice for us.
  19. Timothy's role as encourager and strengthener is exactly how we should live our daily lives in which God wants us to show his love. This is so important in today's world for it is evolving into a "all about me" world. The assignment given to Timothy is special since it demonstrates God's assignment for each of us instead of just following our own ways. If not for delegation how can the "family" be used as 1 body.
  20. We are so use to instant gratification we feel that is the only way to receive a reward, but we are so very wrong when we seek instant since only the world gives instant gratification. God watches as we choose the rewards in life. He isn't pushy so he doesn't demand his way even though there are big differences in gratification and blessings. Blessings are not instant but oh are they so much more than gratification. There aren't any free justification in instant gratification as in a blessing and God loves us so much if we but ask he will give us so much more if we but wait, repent and believe. It is through his love and our continual worship that we are given blessings that gratifications could never come close to.
  21. The Word of God is the instruction book, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ (God) all are needed to mold a disciples' life. We read, Jesus speaks through the words of the Word and the Holy Spirit helps us discern right from wrong as we repent, trust and continue to follow God's Word. To much is given much is required.
  22. It takes fathers and mothers in marriage as says the Bible to nurture and guide to create more love and discipleship, There are many fatherly attributes that today's families are way off mark. Women can never make up for the man's influence in the family.
  23. Like a mother caring for her children-nurturing, gentleness, love, and kindness-shows the importance of caring and growing in love and God's love is so addicting it is most effective in growing more like Christ.
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