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Everything posted by csreeves
Q2. Psalm 15
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
Psalms 15 instructs us with a wisdom about who will dwell with God. It is very poetic yet complex structure. Yhis reminds me and shows me how to live down to the do's and dont's. Moral Integery, blameless, fairness, clear allegience and I try my best to intigrate all theses in my life, my humaness sometimes shows it ugly head, but I try. -
Q1. Psalm 1
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
I love Psalms 1 because it reminds me to keep my oil lamp full and ready. The parts I love the best are the images it conjures up in my mind. -
To know God loves me gives me a extra indescrible feeling of knowing that I know. God had to watch me go through many stages in my life as I tried everything but him. This realization that if I contine to repent and asking him to search me and all my heart and change anything that is not of him gives me strength, courage, and love for myself which passes to others and my face is his.
His feeling was hopeless depression. Yes By self talk, deliberate Rememberance, singing & praises. Acknowledging my blessings, self talk with His words and finding beauty in surroundings daily.
David begins to relax and reflect on god's love expressed intricacy of his own person creation in his mothers womb. In the prayer David surrenders to god to search his heart, test me, and check out his worries and if he finds anything cleanse it.
Psalms 19 Verses 1-6 Proclaim the Glory of the God by Unspoken word Expressed in the Heavens (19:1) b.The Glory of the Sun (19:2-4) The perfection of God's Written Word (19:7-9) a. The value & sweetness of God's Word (19:10) b. The Word exposes and protects against Sin (19:11-13) 3 A prayer for a Pure Heart(19:14) While 7-13 seems to make a shift from Heavens to Torah is actually the psalmist has been relating how God speaks Wordlessly through Creation and then he shifts to how Yahweh speaks through his written word. The awesome requirement of God in his Word the psalmist is conscious of his own inadequaties so he began with all creation narrowed to those who honor God's word and again to David and the reader. By ourselves we often can't discern our own errors. We have blind spots that keep us from seeing ourselves as others see us and how God sees us. In verse 14 David asks God to give him a pure heart inside and out that is pleasing to God.
Psalms 8 show me how majectic and loving God is to listen to his children. we complain, fuss, and walk around our moutain 40 times when we try to move it. then Christ provides us a shortcut and shows us the narrow way. Our job is to praise, worship, sing and honor our loving God.
Lesson 1. Exercises
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Psalms: Marveling at God's Creation
Psalms 8 speaks of God majesty in all the earth. I looked at God's creation, the green grass, the multi-colored sky, the ferousness of a coming storm, the beautiful flowers in the Spring & Summer, the heat index, and remember the deadness of Winter. Talking with a friend i shared about God carring for every bird, flower, seasons, and clouds. I feel infantasmily small while God is so majestic He knows every hair on my head. With God I feel small, but am actually I am His Child which makes me stand tall, eyes afront, and walking briskly for I know why I was created. -
hello My name is charlene from Brunswick, Ga., Golden Isles. I am a Presbyterian (USA) I love the Lord.
Paul, after his Demascus experience suffered greatly with the problem he asked God to remove 3 times and God refused. After the experience he knew he was a apostle to the Gentiles. With great confidence and humility he set out to achieve is calling. I am hestiant because I don't want my sins becoming their sins and my leading them astray. Jesus was born and walked this earth and came upon the men he wanted for apostles yet all he said was "Follow Me"......I have too many people trying to be me esp. my neice who is growing slowly but surley in her own way.
Q4. Christian Citizenship
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Pressing Toward the Goal (Philippians 3:12-4:1)
You must continually repent and walk the walk letting God be God in order to have the light for discipleship or you will easily be lead astray. If the church becomes confused with where their leadership comes from then the vision starts going and leading people off the path. -
Q2. The Upward Call of God
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Pressing Toward the Goal (Philippians 3:12-4:1)
I have been called upwards by God and really received his unconstrained love. Leaving his side has made my hearing to become dim. Go back to the place where we left God. Summons or call is God's love reaching out to use you in a mighty way by giving you the means to carry out that call. -
Q1. Confidence in the Flesh
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
At a supper last night I was called a liar by someone who is more centered in her flesh. I have struggled with it even today. -
If he came in my lifetime vs after my death would make no difference to me for through forgiveness and repentness grace has already given me a large piece of Heaven.
Q4. Outside the City
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
Right living is "doing what feels good" continuing to practice sin and will be doomed for the Lake that burns with sulphur and fire called the Second Death. Holy living is following God's plan and having hope, love, and forgiveness. Holy living makes us "Holy" through grace. -
Q3. Holy City, Bride, Church
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
Jesus looks at his bride (the church) in and out of the "Holy City" as eyes full of love and open wide showing the light of the lamb and the protectiveness of the lion -
"Water of Life Freely Given is called Grace. His forgiveness, love and becoming a part of the family will all be given and will completely fill our thrist. How by forgiveness, love, and peace with one another.
Q1. Promises Fulfilled
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
God will be Himself in Heaven because all his people will be there to praise him and his "mind" will be free of the fighting. I look forward to jumping into Jesus arms and playing with my son. -
I was traumatized as a child and was only creating chaois which was all I knew. I was in a psy. hospital and God just filled my ever being. I followed him through the mountaintops and then I went on "The Walk to Emmaus" and on that spiritual journey I saw Jesus saying Well done my child. He has given me hope in a life that was hopeless and a peace which knew no peace. I know that I know that where I am goig.
FEAR is the greatest drawback for non-Christians for there is a God sized hole in each person and they know deep in their souls what to do, but to them punishment is more normal than freedom for if you haven't been there you (or I) can't imagine what a blessing it will be.
Q1. Marriage Supper of the Lamb
csreeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. The Millennium (Rev 19-20)
We as God's people will draw up to Heaven for we are married to our Lamb and will definetly be at the feast of Heaven for Christ will return for his Bride. -
As for me there are many people claiming to be who they aren't but the title given to our Lord is exactly what it means that He is "King of Kings and Lord of lords" without a minutes hesitation I will do anything to be His light to others.
Eternal punishment is hard for me to understand why anyone would ever not receive our God for his great works are always on display until he returns like a lion.Punishment lasts for a while and then stops when we learn our lesson. Eternal is exactly what it says forever and forever.