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Everything posted by csreeves

  1. David deserves death but he hears and repents to God loses his child, but returns to serve God.
  2. David could have beheaded him. Storytelling, David was going to behead the other person in the story.
  3. David was also human and sins as we do. We are all about me. He finally got on his knee to ask for repentance.
  4. David honors his friend Jonathan by taking care of Mephibosheheth. David respects the Bible and God.
  5. Out of the orgin of David's linagecame Jesus fuilfied as the Messiah
  6. When they followed God they won the wars
  7. Gid is sovergn all powerful omnipresent and omnipowerful. Conditional. Conditional because if God ain't the head then it won't work
  8. Because he served God,gone straight to God and then to David. David started building when if he had waited and talked to God then built
  9. Michal was judgemental about how we worship God and became barren afterwards. I am not bitter cause it takes up too much energy and sin. The only healing comes from God. God would have been guilty of sin.
  10. With joy, praise, and worship. Dancing before the Lord is being faithful to the Lord and accepted in that day. We don't listen to others telling us how to worship we do what makes God happy.
  11. According to Mosaic law David was to bring the Ark back to David's Kingdom where he instead dropped it of fat house of Abinadab. The Ark was carried by men instead of b cart. If he had followed the law Ozziah wouldn't have died and David wouldn't have lost all the blessings.
  12. David follows God way by praying for his guidance to all things which has God behind him and will always win. We are so me centered we always struggle with giving all of our power to God.
  13. David was very patient with God's timing of his coming to the King My patience is so very short, but is getting longer. I am learning the more patience I have the greater the blessings and the timing of patience grows.
  14. Abner was of the house of Saul increasing his position by sleeping with Saul's concubines so was sent awa. Joab slayed Abner after bringing him back. Spiritual blindness always comes from our wants instead of God's .
  15. Occult practces are evil and lead to death. If you have been involved repeant and go back to God
  16. As one who didn't follow God. God knows Saul's sins and refuses to follow him. Follow God and will receive eternal life.
  17. Writes and reads Psalms, prayer, listening to God
  18. Humaness. David is overwhelmed he doesn't act immedietly because humaness hurts all involved and God tells David not to.
  19. I believe it is just it opens up a bucket load when you practice occult which damages the mind Christ gave us. Repent and never touch them again.
  20. David followed the Lord's request and was refused. Abigails character was more of no bloodguilt on her land, her husband was the opposite demanding vingence. Abigail provided a way for David not killing her husband. It is given in this story was more about murder since Numbers had just set up the commandment
  21. Crazy worldly people today I believe Christians are killed just for believing. I think he will say I never knew you on judgement day
  22. David loved God and God's word says to not touch the King for that is the leader who only God shall deal with the King. Saul is jealous of David and Saul wants to kill him.
  23. With God in my life God sees your struggle and awaits an invitation and when asked he steps in he works and supplies the need. David was a man who walked in God's footsteps so he had a close relationship with the Father. Psalm 127
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