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Everything posted by csreeves

  1. To redeem his kin by whatever means money, if murdered revenge, even to the point of marriage. Jesus paid for us through his crucification when he paid for our sins. God considers us to be worthy enough to send his son to die for us.
  2. God shows his grace to me daily by allowing me to live without fear of justice
  3. God loved me even before I knew him
  4. Faithfulness is a necessity to trust another. God first came to me even when I was unfaithful and now I am faithful because he loves me so
  5. God loves us so very much he created so many great things for us-earth, relatives, a way to love him. We humans sinned and broke God's heart, but he gave us another way by sending his Son to die for us and to forgive all our sins if we choose to follow him. It was in the Word after Jesus coming to earth and Jesus was present before God decided to send him to earth. It was written! God has been forgiving before the we were created and to model this everytime again and again. We deny him and yet we are forgiven and given time to be contrite and repent.
  6. Father and Son represent a generational approach. Jesus was the father (not by a physical) but it is important that we see this to keep the bibical commandment among other reasons. Jesus also was a generational "relative" of a harlot. I do believe that to be a good Father we must have femenine characterictics and in everyone there are both charactics and we are in the "image" of God.
  7. God is the husband of Isreal which reprensent the Church or God's People and God wants to be the head of each family after all that was why he came to earth. When we don't follow God as we should he becomes jealous.
  8. Jesus came as the Father in in physical form. Jesus is the 2nd part of the Trinity and sitteth on the right hand of God in Heaven as his son.
  9. I believe that (God) Jesus met each disciple at their own level and said, "Follow me" just as you are. The Jews treated you as if you must be some influential religious leader to go before the Father. Abba is such a sweet name for my dad for it is more personal.
  10. I believe God created the fathers on earth to be more like him relating to their children, yet this didn't happen. My dad was 1 such person who denied me the love in repensation of Christ. Thank God today & always for Jesus coming to me personally giving me all the wonderful love, understanding & caring I have ever wanted. He has and continues to teach me so very much and the least I can do is share, dress, and at more like him every moment.
  11. God is our Keeper which guards us by watching over our lives.
  12. Rock is solid, firm, and never changing. Cornerstone holds everything in place
  13. He is our shield in protections against the evil ones and our glory for he is worthy of our praise. He lifts us up to his father and he continually watches over us.
  14. It tellls me to drink and I will never again be thirsity.
  15. We humans are so prideful esp. when it comes to controlling things our way so sometimes we either forget we aren't in charge or too embarassed to call on God. We must remember we aren't in charge so we must repent.
  16. Yes there are times when God gives me someone to shephard. I have done it 2 times. Right now I have a friend who needs help and I am helping her emotionaly, physically, and spiritually.
  17. I believe Abraham didn't know that God would provide a sacrifice since he was being tested for obedience and like all humans.
  18. We are to submit to confession of our sins and confess that God is King for if we do we will have enternal life and only then do we one day meet the King.
  19. I believe all should submit to God at all times including Gov't officials. I think we are seeing the result of gov't bodies non-obidence. We don't support Isreal as we are told to do.We will be judged.
  20. For years I struggled with this question until God found me and told me he sent Jesus for his people and that includes me. Now I know that Jesus was sent from the Father and daily I submit to him to lead me the way he wants me to go. Rejection comes from denial tonot thithing.
  21. A thithe is 10% was expected to be given to the King as his due to support his administration, just as a thithe was given to Yahweh to support his ministers, priests, and Levites. Those who refuse to thithe "the whole thite" were considered as robbing God and those who do not have God as their King don't feel under any obligation to thithe but withholding God's tihte for themselves and robbing him.
  22. Vengenceance and justice are easily confused for the earthly revenge. I God's kingdom, "vingeance is mine saith the Lord." God doesn't let vengance go without punishment, but in his time and his way. The cross stands for Mercy and Grace which we are given freely as Christians.
  23. To me our commitment for the weak and poorest society are our main commitment.
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