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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Charles t

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  1. Jesus knew when his crucifixion was going to take place, then he would know psalm 22 would be referring to him.
  2. When in danger. Trust in God and he will protect us. Beleive in the Lord and he will order his angels to protect us from all evil. The promise of Psalm 91. If we trust in the Lord he will protect us and reward us with a long life The more I study my bible the more secure I feel daily.
  3. I feel joy in my heart that God has plans for me, if I follow the path that he has laid down.
  4. David could ask for mercy from God because he knew how forgiving and merciful God is. God's grace and mercy functions the same with us, provided we are sorry for ous sins.
  5. We should praise the Lord in the Sanctury. We should praise with cymbals ,lyre, harp. All should praise him. I think we should make an effort to praise him many times through each day.
  6. It reminds me how I must follow the right path to reap the goodness of God.
  7. The psalmist seem to be in great joy knowing that God knows all about him, but he seems he might question wheather he should hate God's enemies or not? I wonder about that? The bible says that we are not to hate anyone? I would like to have an answer to that? In verses 23-24 He wants God to search him and to and point out anything that would that would offend God. Also he want to be led by God.
  8. I think the verses seem very different, but are a lot the same. I feel we can get the same message from 1 to 6 or 7 to 13, It is all about the wonders and glory of God. Verse 14 David is asking God to be pleased with his daily thoughts and words that he uses to praise God.
  9. He is asking God to lead him on the everlasting path, and to point out anything that would offend God.
  10. It tells us that God is a trusting and ever loving God. It also teaches us that God looks at us all important.
  11. The purpose of Christ's death was to free us from the fear of death, and break the power of the devil who had power over death.
  12. Truth of salvation has been revealed to me through baptism and receiving the holy spirit. I think sings would help non beleivers and strengthen Christians faith no matter how strong our faith is. The new testement is where I have formed my opinion of the value of signs today.
  13. We must listen very carefully and hold on to the truth.
  14. Jesus came to earth so we would kown God. Jesus is our image of God. Knowing Jesus is knowing God.
  15. God made the son higher then Angels, so the Son would have more authority then Angels
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