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  1. There are many good examples and reasons listed by the other responders that are right on about drifting. I find that drifting away from God does not come all at once - in one fell swoop - but it is a gradual thing. Missing a church service here and there - not studying the Word - skipping on chances to fellowship. It becomes easier and easier to skip the things that keep us anchored in God - that is when the drifting starts. Without our anchor we will continue to slip away from where we need to be and where we intended to be. Our faith needs nourishment daily - one way to avoid drfiting is to feed your faith and make your faith a "verb" out in the world.
  2. We are not immune from drifting because we often revert back to our humaness - we do not stay rooted in the Word and in God. Drifting away usually does not occur all at once. It take time - slowly allowing things to pull us out of church - things that take our time that should be spent in regular study and worship to God and his Word. The Parable of the Sower shows this perfectly. Where are our roots? In our own works? Other people? Or in God? I think that some Christians drift when they start to think that "We;;, I have made it - this is about all I can do - I have grown as much as I can". This attitude would almost guarantee drifting.
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