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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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About Gordy

  • Birthday 04/18/1948

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  • Location
    Whitley Bay, England

Gordy's Achievements


Newbie (1/3)



  1. As Jesus was and is the exact representation of God, what better way to communicate His message to mankind than for God to take on human flesh and become man himself. With the full authority of the sovreignty of God, Jesus surpasses all prophets and angels inasmuch that the Word became flesh. Gordon
  2. Hi everyone This is my first time in being involved in a forum so evrything is new to me. However, I`m sure that there are brothers and sisters in Jesus who will help me. I`m from the UK and involved in the leadership of a community Baptist church called Preston Grange Community Church. I am married to a wonderful wife and we have 2 sons aged 28 & 26. I also look after our church web site so please feel free to have a look at www.preston-grangecc.org.uk and tell me what you think. I am very eager to start on this Bible course as I am always learning about God`s gracious love through Jesus Christ. PS My full name is Gordon but someone has already registered in that name. Yours in Christ Jesus Gordon
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