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Q4. Bearing Our Punishment
t-c replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Q4. In addition to our sins, the Servant also bears the punishment deserved by sinners. In what sense, if any, did Jesus bear the punishment due you when he died on the cross? Romans 6:23 For wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Yes, He did, He bore the sentence of death, that was meant for me; for my sins. -
Q4. Bearing Our Punishment
t-c replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Q4. The Servant also bears the punishment deserved by sinners. In what sense, if any, did Jesus bear the punishment due you when he died on the cross? He bore all the sins of everyone; past, present and future; for all time. And that includes me. He took all the punishment meant for me, for my sins and paid for them in full in advance of my birth and sinful lifestyle. Romans 6:23 The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners Christ died for us. He went to the cross because of me; my sin separated me from a Holy God. His sacrifice for me reconciled me to God, restored my relationship with God. Christ did the work; I believed in Him; that He is the Son of God sent to save a sin sick world from eternal separation from a Holy God. He is my redeemer! -
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) In your own words explain how a person can rejoice and pray continually. I think that we can rejoice in a new day of life as a believer, and all the possibilities that this day holds for us, in Christ. To rejoice in our salvation and our right relationship with God; that God is for you and not against you. That you can partner with Him today in what He is doing in your life, your family, your work place, and every place you go. Knowing that everyone you meet is an opportunity to share His love with another. We are His hands and feet, the victory is won, and you are a part of His plan to save a dying world. That's reason to rejoice! As Pastor Ralph said, thanksgiving is the language of faith, that reminds us how faithful God has been in our lives, even when we failed in that area. As situations arise we can praise God and thank Him for His presence and the leadership of the Holy Spirit, how His word comforts us and gives us wisdom for this days situations. We can interceed for those He places on our mind throughout the day, praising Him for all He has done, is doing and will do in the future. Thank Him that we stand on the solid ground of faith in Jesus Christ, and in His strength we will not be shaken. Are there any circumstances we might be in the midst of where we should not give thanks to God? No, every circumstance is an opportunity to glorify God and for Him to build our faith. We trust in, rely upon and cling to, Him. Romans 8:28, And we know that in all things God works for the good, to those who love Him who have been called according to His purpose.
Q3. Substitutionary Atonement
t-c replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Q3. Isaiah 53 teaches what theologians call "the substitutionary atonement." In what sense does the Servant act as a substitute to bear our sins? Put it in your own words In every sense, because He takes everything that was meant for us to bear, and takes them on Himself; all of them. And after all that, then we receive His righteousness, it is transfered to us. It is as though we have trades places with Christ. It illustrates God grace so well; when we don't get what we deserve, because God's plan was to atone for our sins through His Son, Jesus Christ. When you realize that you are a sinner who doesn't come close to God's standard of righteousness, or would you ever, then you can begin to see the depth of God's love for you in sending Christ to die on the cross in your place; your sins remembered no more! -
(1 Thessalonians 5:15) What happens to people who seek revenge on those who hurt them? Firstly, they could fall into sin, because they aren't called to pay back wrong for wrong. God says, "I will repay." I think that it hurts their witness and sets a bad example that others might follow or become involved. It disrupts the church and could keep it from it's full effectiveness. What happens when they neglect to forgive those who have wronged them? God tells us that we are forgiven in the same way that we forgive others.That's a sobering thought! It could create a root of bitterness that could spillout into others of the congregation, invovling them and perpetuating the unforgiveness and bad feelings. They fail to extend the same grace that they receive from Christ. What happens in a congregation that has an unloving, superior attitude towards outsiders? Visitors come once and catch the attitude and do not return. I would think because of the ungodly attitude, the church would shrink and maybe fail or would be full of likeminded people, and be very ineffective in reaching people for Christ. And would have a reputation as such. How do these attitudes reflect on Christ? To a someone unsaved, a seeker, or a new believer, I think this would reflect very poorly; especially if this chuch was their only exposure to Christ. They might say," If this is what be a follower of Christ is about, I want no part of it." How can people or congregations get healthy after have been vengeful, proud, or unforgiving? Confess their sins to God and repent; and whenever possible, seek out people they wronged; appologize and ask for their forgiveness. I think that personal testimonies are powerful; they show where we were and where God's forgiveness and grace has brought us. This type of testimony would possibly change the perception of the church. I think that God could restore a church like this and make it a place where people would go, knowing they would receive love, grace and acceptance for the leadership and congregation.
Q2. Sense of Destiny
t-c replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Q2. Which New Testament parallels to Isaiah 53 convince you that Jesus himself saw his own mission and destiny spelled out in Isaiah 53? There are many verses, but I think of John 10:14-18, "I am the good shepherd, and I know my own, and My own know Me, even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one sheppard. For this reason the father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it up again. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own anitiative. I have authority to lay it down, and i have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father" -
(1 Thessalonians 5:12-13) What happens in a congregation when people don’t show respect for their leaders? It can cause gossip and slander within the congregation, which can lead to a lack of confidence and dislike for the leadership. What happens when the disrespectful spread their disrespect? "A little batch of yeast spreads through the dough." The same as stated above; gossip, slander and more disrespect. People may leave the church over heresay; our a leader or leaders may leave also. "Satan has come to kill, steal and destroy." Chuches can be torn apart by this type of behavior. Will getting rid of the leader fix the problem, or is there something deeper going on here? No, I don't think so; Satan want to destroy God's work, and if he can get a foothold in a congregation and stir up strife and discontent he will. And he can use people to accomplish his goal. Whether or not we agree with our church leaders we need to pray for them and if we ever disagree with them, we should speak to them privately and respectfully, in an attempt to work out an difference, or to gain anderstanding. Our conversation with them must remain confidential. We have the choice to leave if we feel like the church or the leadership is wrong or going in the wrong direction.
Q1. Universal Atonement
t-c replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
From how large a group of people does God remove sins in Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12? Isaiah 53:1 Who has believed our message, and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? I believe the answer lies within this verse; the ones who believed the message and to whom Christ (the arm of the Lord) has been revealed. In what sense is this a universal sacrifice of salvation? Because it is for anyone and everyone who believes in Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of the world. In what sense is Jesus' sacrifice wasted on some people? Because they didn't believe, for whatever reason, they could not or would not accept Christ. -
Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? That the price of our sin was costly, and that an innocent animal must shed blood and die because of our bad choices and disobedience. What do they teach us about holiness? That God is Holy and can not tolerate sin. What do they teach us about God's nature? That He is Holy and merciful and His grace abounds in a love for us that we can not comprehend. He gave His best in His Son, Jesus Christ, so that our sins could be forgiven and our relationship with God could be restored. He made a Way where there was no way. He desires that we be Holy as He is Holy. Nothing is impossible with God!!!
Q5. In what sense is God's provision of animal sacrifice for forgiveness of sins an expression of his mercy? Because God allowed the sacrifice of a lesser animal (a lamb) to atone for the sins of a greater animal.(man) Just as God used the Law to show us we were sinners in need of His grace; He used the system of animal sacrifice to show us we also needed a Savior who atones for all sin and restores our relationship with God. Were animal sacrifices actually adequate to atone for human sin? No, but in God's mercy and grace He allowed it, to show us how much we needed a Savior, Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God.
Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8) What effect should a belief in Christ’s soon coming have on believers? We should be anticipating the return of Christ, knowing that it could and will happen at any time. To be right with God, confessing our sins to Him and to one another; along with repentance of those sins. Move to repair any broken relationships, that we have the ability to repair. As we keep a short list with God, we should do the same with all others; leaving no unfinished business. Be in prayer constantly with the Lord for those who do not know Him; seeking opportunities to be used by Him as He saves the lost. Use all our time wisely, knowing that it may be short. Take everything, I mean everything to Him in prayer. This is a life He has already called us to lead. What does it mean to be "sober" or "self-controlled" (verse 6)? It means to live a quiet, controlled, Christ centered life, yielded to the Holy Spirit's leadership and guidance. What does it mean to be "alert" or "watchful" (verse 6)? Keep your mind on Christ and not getting caught up in the things of this world. Be in the Word, be in prayer and in fellowship with with other believers. Live in anticipation of the Lord's return. I think of Psalm 27:14 Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle? It shouldn't; I think verses like today's and end time Bible studies help us to remind to be alert, sober and ready for Christ's eminent return. Jesus, the Jewish Messiah and Savior of the World, came and went and many either missed Him, or didn't believe in Him, or He wasn't what they expected. And they were anticipating His coming.
Q4. (Leviticus 4:32-35; 5:5-6) What are the basic elements involved in a sacrifice for sin? Confession of the sin. Providing an animal, (lamb) without defect for the sacrifice. Laying your hands on the head of the animal to be sacrificed. Personally killing the animal by cutting it's throat. Blood is collected by the priest, put on the horns of the altar, and poured out at the base of the altar. Far portions are removed, given to the priest and burned up on the altar. The meat is eaten by the priests for a sin offering; or the family as a sacred meal, for a fellowship offering. Which are no longer necessary? Everything but the confession of sin is no longer necessary. Why? God provided the sacrifice, in His son, Jesus Christ, who took upon Himself the sins of the world; past, present and future. We do practice communion, in which we drink grape juice or wine to represent Christ's blood and eat bread to represent Christ's body; we do both in rememberance of Christ, His sacrifice, and all He has done for us. I always think about repentance of sins going hand in hand with confession of such. I guess that is a heart issue between you and God, that is not always easy to see or measure. John the Baptist preached a message of repentance, (turning away from sin or a sin) while animal sacrifice was for forgiveness of sin.
Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ’s return? There will be no warning; we are called to always be ready for the return of Christ. I believe every generation expected Christ to return in their lifetime, because of the times that they lived. We are no exception; through modern technology, the message of Christ is being proclaimed to all the people of the world. Read Romans, Chapter 11! What does it mean that he will “come like a thief”? It means, like the question above, that there will be no warning. Be ready and expectant!
Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? I think because we are far removed from animal sacrifice. In John 19:30, Jesus said, "It is finished!" And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. He became the full payment for all sin, past, present and future. For Christ followers animal sacrifice was no longer practiced. Jews practiced it I believe until the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Now it would generally be considered a pagan practice by most modern cultures. Cruel, messy, grotesque and wierd. How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life? I live in Wyoming where farming, ranching and hunting are a way of live for many residents. Killing and harvesting the meat and skins of animals are everyday occurances. But this is done for the meat they provide and other by-products of the butchering process. Any type of sacrifice of one of these animal for religious purposes would consided outside the norm and pagan or occult. People who live in rural communities of hunting and farming are use to seeing animals butchered, in the city, not so much, it's all done in meat processing and packing plants.
Q2. Anger, Caprice, and Justice
t-c replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Lamb of God (John 1:29)
Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? Because God is holy, sinless and good. Sin separates us from God and the abundant life He has for us. He desires that we should be holy as He is holy. Sin keeps us from the holiness God desires for us. What is the difference between capricious or uncontrolled anger and anger that brings about justice? Anger that brings about justice is controlled, tempered with love and compassion. It's purpose is to illustrate the sinful behavior, leading to confession and repentance. It's goal is to correct (disciple) and to restore the relationship broken by sin. Uncontrolled anger provokes anger and breaks, rather than restores relationships. -
How do you know that John the Baptist's statement about the Lamb of God refers to sacrifice?. As God provided animal skins for Adam and Eve to wear as they left the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:21; restoring relationship with Himself and point to the first animal sacrifice. In God's covenant with Israel, sin always required sacrifice So to remove or forgive sin would require a sacrifice. How was the comprehensiveness of "sin of the world" so radical a concept? Because, until John the Baptist's statement, sin and sacrifice was confined to the people of Israel. The idea of a sacrifce that would forgive the sins of everyone in the world was new and unheard of to say the least. That the sins of gentiles would be included in God's plans, had to be unbelieveable.
In what ways does Daniel’s prophecy of the Son of Man outline Christ’s return? It says, One like the Son of Man is coming; the Ancient of Day, (God) has given Christ dominion, glory and a kingdom. That all people would know Christ and serve Him. His dominion (reign,authority,rule) will never end and His kingdom can't be destroyed. In light of this prophecy, why did Jesus use the title “Son of Man” rather than “Christ” or “Son of God”? Son of Man is a Messianic title, when Jesus refered to Himself as The Son of Man, He was fulfilling the prophecy of Daniel 7; a passage the Jewish people of that day would know and be familar. Jesus was proclaiming that He is the Messiah.
Why do you think Paul mentions such severe punishments for sexual immorality? Because these sins were rampant in the early church as Paul evangelized the gentiles. They had lived, and were use to this sinful, sexually immoral lifestyle. I think Paul had to drive home the point all the more, that this needed to stop; that it was not compatible with God's word and that the penalty was severe. Are these punishments more severe than for other sins? 1 Corinthians 6:17-19 But he who unites himself with the Lord is one in spirit. Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside the body, but he who sins sexually, sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you received from God? You are not your own; I don't know about the punishment being more severe, but sexual sin is noted as being different from all other sins. What effect should these warnings have on Christians? These same verses pertain to us also. Our society has become very permissive and sexually liberal and this same culture has spilled over into the church. The church is suppose to affect the culture, not the reverse. These are as strong a warning to us today as they were to the early churches 2000 years ago. God's word hasn't changed, nor has His attitude on sexual sin.
Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges? Yes, as we trust God and have faith that that His ways are right and for our own good. He made us and knows us better than we do ourselves. In His strength,we can: Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control? They don't believe in God or that what they are doing is wrong, nor do they believe they have the power to control their urges. 2Timothy 3:1-5 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage? Because marriage is God's design for man and woman to be fruitful and multiply. Sex within the marriage covenant is holy, sex outside of marriage is a sin. What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries? It leads us down a sinful path that has many negative consequences; adultery, divorce, sexual diseases, fatherless/motherless homes, and poverty, to name just a few. What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our bodies? Our marriages could end in bitter divorce, the tearing apart of the flesh that God has made one is a nightmare. Parents often remain unreconciled bitter enemies; this has a very negative effect on the children; they suffer the most, often well into adulthood. Our spirits are broken. Often we blame God for our situation, saying, "how could you allow that to happen to me." We may turn away from God, possibly to never return. Although our bodies could suffer from sexual diseases, they can also suffer from the process of depression, rejection, grieving a loss, the root of bitterness; these are all a reality of divorce. When we step outside sexually, the boundaries of marriage, the damage it causes is impossible to fully measure.
What does it mean to be "sanctified"? It means to be holy; set apart from the world for God and His purposes for you. A lifelong process, as we yield to the Holy Spirit and allow and desire that Christ be the Lord of our lives. In what sense are we "holy" now? We are positionally holy because we have been justified through Christ's work on the cross, and have accepted His free gift of salvation. In what sense are we in the process of becoming "holy"? In a sense that, as we yield to the Holy Spirit, He begins the refining process in us that conforms us to be like Christ. As the silversmith heats the silver into a molten liquid in order to purify it by removing all the dross; the Holy Spirit refines our character and leads us towards holiness. This process is not without pain or discomfort, but is essential to our growth and is always in our best interest; because God loves us. What does holiness have to do with our sexuality? God has given us marriage between one man and one woman, a mutually exclusive relationship, to enjoy and express the sexuality He has given us. Sex within the parameters of that relationship is holy.
What is the difference between (1) conducting our lives by rules and (2) conducting our lives trying to please our God. Living a life that pleases God requires faith. Faith that He is God and His ways are right and that He desires the very best for His children. It also calls us to love the one who forenew us and created us in His image; giving everything to us through His son Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins. We generally follow rules to avoid the the punishment for disobedience or because we believe they are benefical to us. Or both. Which is stronger? Rule-keeping or love? Love is stronger! Rule keeping in itself becomes legalism. People will do just enough to avoid breaking the rules and being punished. It lacks grace; breaking a rule demands punishment. Love motivate us to please God knowing by faith that His ways are best and for our benefit. Love is a relationship between God and ourselves. Is there anything stronger? On whose authority does Paul bring these commands? God's authority.
What is the value of visits of special speakers to a congregation? They often bring their testimony as to what God is doing on the mission field, in their country or their church. As God's messenger for such a time as this, they bring a message that maybe we've heard before; but this time it pierces our hearts because of God's perfect timing. What can they impart that your regular pastor can't? Their particular God given spiritual zeal and excitement about His word and what they see Him doing through faithful believers around the country and the world. Also a tough message that needs to be heard by all, that brings tremendous conviction, confession of sin and repentance. Fuels revival in the body of Christ. Why is a ministry of itinerant preaching so difficult -- and important? Because I think it is a true calling from God and relies upon complete dependance on Him. The wages and lodging are often dependent upon free will offerings.The itinerant preacher doesn't always know what to expect, or how he or the message he brings will be received by the congregation. It's important because of his calling; I believe that God through the Holy Spirit lets us know what He wants to do in His church; the message brought by an itinerant preacher can awaken in us and confirm what God has been telling us all along. Leading to confression, repentance, and one day soon I pray...revival!
In what ways does persecution discourage Christians from active, open service? With it there usually comes a level of fear; of failure, of physical harm, ot the unknown, personal loss (job, friends, property, freedom) Alienation from those we are trying to serve. In what ways does it mature them? It allows us some insight into what Jesus went through to bring the message of salvation to the world. To partner in His suffering. By the strength of the Holy Spirit, to overcome our fears. It give us a opportunity to love those who may hate us. To see that this world is not our home. In what ways does it reveal our underlying motives? When something is under pressure, what's inside will eventually come out. The pressure of persecution will reveal who we are in Christ and whether or not we are operating in our strength or the strength of the Holy Spirit. Why do you think God allows the tempter the ability to tempt us? Although He gives us the ability to resist the devil and his temptations, we get the opportunity to make a good choice or a bad one when tempted; as we confess and repent of our sin, God forgives and restores us. This builds our faith in God and God refines us through it. We become aware of the devil's schemes and our own weaknesses. Why hasn't he done away with Satan already? 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 7 To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Why is Timothy’s role to be a strengthener and encourager so important? Paul had only spent 3 Sabbath Days with them as a disclipler, teacher and church planter before he was forced to leave.(Acts 17) As new believers, I'm sure there was so much more he wished to share with them about the gospel of Christ. Paul showed them that they were not alone or abandoned in their trials, by sending Timothy. He could remind them of God's love for them and that He will never leave or forsake them. In what ways was this a sensitive role. They didn't know Timothy; he wasn't with Paul and Silas when they first came to Thessalonica. Trust and acceptance could have been an issue early on, when he first arrived; especially in light of all that had occured when Jason and other church members were brought before the authorities who were seeking Paul. How did it help Timothy to be sent on this assignment? It showed him that Paul had great confidence in him to stand in his absence. It also gave him the opportunity to put into practice all that Paul had taught him as his disciple; to encouraged and strenghtened this church. How does delegating ministry help the overall enterprise of the Kingdom? Christ delegated ministry to His disciples as He sent them to take the gospel message to the ends of the earth. That has been repeated over and over again throughout the centuries. It causes the gospel message to be spread and for believers to partner with God and to walk in His will. For the Body of Christ (church) to function as it should; Christ's hands and feet.