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Q4. Compelling Proofs
etheldma replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Convincing Proofs of Christ's Bodily Resurrection
Q4. Which of the various proofs for the resurrection seems the most compelling to you? Why? If you had a friend who wasn't sure about the resurrection, could you explain why you're sure that Jesus was raised from the dead (A) The grave were empty they saw him put in the grave and seal but when they went to the grave on the 3rd day morning the grave were empty but done the day so many different one saw at different time and place and with him resurrection that morning made a different in my life thank God he rose because he said he would rise again -
3. How does the disciples' psychological state after the crucifixion provide excellent support for belief in the resurrection? (A) They were afraid scared and depressed because they through they had done something they were thinking about Christ had told them that he would die and rise again,and when he did died and rise they were very,very happen and then believe
Q4. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8) What effect should a belief in Christ's soon coming have on believers? What does it mean to be "sober" or "self-controlled" (verse 6)? What does it mean to be "alert" or "watchful" (verse 6)? How does this differ from our normal Christian lifestyle? (A) Be ye also ready because we do not know the day nor the hour keep your house in order what i what I think it mean to be "alert and watchful"live like you knew he is coming to day ( Do not been be done all the crazy things we do daily, live like each day is the last day
Q3. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3) According to this passage, what warning can we expect to have prior to Christ's return? What does it mean that he will "come like a thief (1)We will have no warning,but as the word said the angles in heaven do not know the time,or hour what I wonder why the people start make plan when somebody said the world will end on some special day who do you believe man words or God word (I BELIEVE GOD'S WORD) (2) I think it mean what it say he will be like a thief you do not when the thief will come,but be ready when he do come
Q2. The Theft Theory
etheldma replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Convincing Proofs of Christ's Bodily Resurrection
Q2. On the theft theory, what motive might the disciples have to take Jesus' body? What motive might the Romans have? The Jews? Joseph of Arimathea? Each group were try to cover them self; the disciples had no reason to steal the body of Christ, the Romans soldiers did not wont it to be told that had fallen asleep, the enemies did not wont Jesus body to be stolen they did wont him to be buried. -
Q2. (1 Thessalonians 4:14) How will Christ bring with him those believers who have previously died? According to Matthew 25:31, who will also will accompany Christ when he returns? (A) We believe that Jesus died and rose and and all the believers who have already fallen asleep will rise againin christ. ( All is angles will accompany him and O what a good time.
Q1. What do you think motivates liberal Christian scholars to explain away the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ? Why would they claim that it is unhistorical more than some other event in the first century (1) I think they did not wont to believe it because it were not what they called proven by some one they would call scientifically proven but I am so glad that he did not need to be proved by no one, because when he Rose he not only for me he Rose for the whole wide world. (2) I think they claim it is unhistorical because they did see him rise,but that were God plan for them not to see rise (so to make their side shine) they say is body were stole from the grave
Q1. (1 Thessalonians 4:16; Daniel 7:13-14) In what ways does Daniel's prophecy of the Son of Man outline Christ's return? In light of this prophecy, why did Jesus use the title "Son of Man" rather than "Christ" or "Son of God (A) Daniel say that in a vision at night he look and there before him was like a son of man coming with the clouds of heaven. He were giving all power to all nations,peoples and all language,his dominion were a everylasting dominion that will not pass away,and his kingdom shall not pass away. ( The Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise
Q5. What is the difference between Jesus' resurrection and his ascension? How do the two fit together? In what sense is the ascension the completion of the resurrection (1) When Jesus died he stay in the grave for three days and then he rose he stay on earth 40's days to wallk and talk to is disciples and then he went to heaven to be with his father. To me with him ascension in to heaven to prepare a place for me.
Q4. (1 Thessalonians 4:6-8) Why do you think Paul mentions such severe punishments for sexual immorality? Are these punishments more severe than for other sins? What effect should these warnings have on Christians (A) I think Paul were telling us what thus say the Lord we all had been warned about it ( No, to God it no big or small sins all sin is sin for what it may be © A lot effect on christians because if you do that you gone against the word of God
Q3. (Luke 24:12; John 20:6-8) What about the grave clothes brought Peter and John to faith? What was so peculiar about them? (A) Luke saw, that Peter saw the liners lay their very neat it show that Jesus had rose and all is cloth were still there. ( John saw, Peter go into the tomb the cloth was still lying in its place,ere separate from the liners were the cloth that were wrap around his head. © When all the dixciples went into the tomb they all saw and believed
Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? (A) Each one that went into the tomb saw thing different but each one did see that the body of Christ were not there. (B Jesus died on the cross for your sins and mine, yes he died but early on that 3rd day morning HE ROSE WITH ALL POWER
Q3. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5) Are humans actually capable of controlling their sexual urges? If so, why are so many people seemingly out of control? Why is it important to control ourselves sexually within marriage? What happens when sexuality does not have any boundaries? What happens to marriages, to children, to our spirits, to our b (1) I think we as humans are capable of controlling our sexual urge,but what we do we let flesh take over. (2) I think it very important to control your self,because if you do not anything come by you will go for it. (3) when sexuality control your life you are done every thing that not pleasing to God. (4) It break up home,cause children to be homeless,causes a good person lose all hope trust and faith.
Q1. What differences do you find between the various resurrection accounts? How do you account for differences in eyewitness testimony? How might these differences add to the credibility of the witnesses (1) The differances were everbody that went to the tomb did not see it the same that tell you everybody see thing difference, and each could have been looking for difference thing (2) It were difference women that when to the tomb but one thing all the women's could see that the stone had been remove from the grave. (3) Everybody told what they saw it may not have been seen the same way but each one saw something and we know "HE ROSE that Easter Sunday Morning"