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Everything posted by DebChats
Q2. Gideon's Fleece
DebChats replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Gideon's Incredible Shrinking Army (Judges 6:33-7:15a)
I do not believe that we need to seek a sign in this day and age. We have the Word and the Holy Spirit to guide us. If we are well familiar with the Word and the Spirit, we will know if it is God who is talking with us .. Or not. When I first moved to my present address, I asked God for a sign that He was with me. (If I had known my bible I would have been familiar with God telling us "I will never leave you nor forsake you" and would have found my comfort in His Word.) Shortly after I asked God for a sign, they renamed the street I had moved onto as "Morning Star Lane". I was so thrilled that God had given me a sign! (I was thinking of the verse in Rev. where Jesus tells us He is the bright and Morning Star.) As I grew in the knowledge of the Word and feel of the Spirit, I learned that Satan too was called the "Morning Star" and Jesus was actually the "BRIGHT and Morning Star". Satan can give you answers too and if you are not knowledgeable (KNOW YOUR BIBLE!!) about the Word, then the "sign" could lead to all kinds of danger .. Even death. -
Q2. Gideon's Fleece
DebChats replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Gideon's Incredible Shrinking Army (Judges 6:33-7:15a)
Gideon wants to be assured that he is talking with God and not some demonic force, or his own imagination. He asks twice because his own logic said "once is not enough". I do not believe it is a sign of either .. belief or unbelief. But, rather, a sign of "assurance". I do not consider this a testing at all. The "sinful" testing that Satan and the Israelites did was a test FOR God. If this is at all a test .. It is a test OF God. -
Joash has been a poor leader (Jdgs. 6:15), as he has allowed the worship of Baal on his property which breaks the first two commandments. Our leadership abilities are only as good as our obedience to God. Gideon's actions have a positive affect on his father, as it forces Joash to choose whom to serve .. God or Baal. I believe Gideon DID consider the impact on his father, but believed God knew best. It affected Gideon enough that he worked during the evening so as not to endanger his family. Joash has made a firm stand on the side of God. He protected Gideon in a most clever way.
Disobedient Disciple?
DebChats replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord Is With You, Mighty Warrior (Judges 6:1-32)
Yes, one can be a disobedient disciple. We have to choose our battles everyday and somewhere we will not being doing as God told us. The love of God does change us and that certainly is the good news. God sees us as disciples long before we see ourselves as disciples. I do not think it is an oxymoron though it sounds like one. Disobedience will have it's consequences. Gideon had a choice, as we all do. -
Prioritizing Allegiances
DebChats replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord Is With You, Mighty Warrior (Judges 6:1-32)
I fail to see how Gideon was "dishonoring" his father and mother. (Is this what the question implies?) Gidon was honoring his true Father. Gideon needs no justification for his actions as he was being obedient. -
There is more than one reason to tear down the Baal altar. I believe it has to come down because of the first two commandments. But, also it makes Joash take a stand on whom to worship .. Baal or God. Gideon is to erect an altar for GOd in it's place. Gideon runs the risk of being killed. Gideon thinks it is better to do at night because his father's household is sleeping (they must be very near the altar) and he fears them seeing him. In verse 25 Gideon is told to do this at night. God knew of Gideon's reluctance and fear and He respected this. I believe it is a sign of faith because Gideon was feeling fear, but did as he was told.
God assures Gideon that He will be with him and that he (Gideon) will kill the Midianites as one man. Yes, we all have many times in our lives when we feel weak or incapable of handling a situation. Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Rom. 8:37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. Jhn 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. Lord, I am nothing without You. You know I have to depend solely upon You for any and all my needs to be met and for any and all of my situations to be handled correctly and resolvedly. I ask that You help me to fully believe this. I also ask for the courage and strength to act on this. Amen
God sees Gideon as a mighty man of valor (fearless courage). Gideon sees himself as the least of all his household. The bible clearly states (more than once) that God cannot lie, therefore God's perception of Gideon is the more accurate. Our own self-perception (if too low or too high) can stop us from obeying the voice of God. I shudder to think what our Gospel would be today had Paul (Saul) told Jesus "Lord, go away and leave me alone. I cannot do anything for you because I am a murderer. Not only am I a murderer, but a murderer of your people and therefore, there is nothing I can do for You."
Fear is the reason for Israel's oppressed state according to Jdg. 6:10. The Israelites fear the Midianites and the Amalekites and their Gods. THey are worshipping Baal (Jdg. 6:25). It seems to me that they are more than likely breaking more than one commandment. According to Judges 6:25 they have broken the first two. They had not listened because they continued to live in fear of the Amorites, after God had sent a prophet to tell them "not to fear". They chose to believe their circumstances and their enemy as opposed to what the porphet was saying and teaching of how God was faithful to their forefathers and delivered them from the enemy. This affects us today when we are weak in faith and chose to believe our "poor" circumstances as opposed to God's promises. The enemy sees our weakness of faith as an opportunity for advancement.
Fear is the reason for Israel's oppressed state according to Jdg. 6:10. The Israelites fear the Midianites and the Amalekites and their Gods. THey are worshipping Baal (Jdg. 6:25). It seems to me that they are more than likely breaking more than one commandment. According to Judges 6:25 they have broken the first two. They had not listened because they continued to live in fear of the Amorites, after God had sent a prophet to tell them "not to fear". They chose to believe their circumstances and their enemy as opposed to what the prophet was saying and teaching of how God was faithful to their forefathers and delivered them from the enemy. This affects us today when we are weak in faith and choose to believe our "poor" circumstances as opposed to God's promises. The enemy sees our weakness of faith as an opportunity for advancement.
Hi everyone! My name is Debbie and I love to chat, especially about the Lord! I was saved while waitressing about 11 years ago. I had thought that I knew Jesus but realize now that I did not. I live in Florida with my husband. I am looking forward to the bible study!
This is wonderful! Amen to member number 118! And amen to many other posts as well! It is obvious that Gideon is very afraid of the Midianites. Gideon had heard stories of a God that protected and secured His people and Gideon had never considered what these "forefathers" did to find favor with God. He is looking at himself and the people as victims and this gives a feeling and sense of abandonement. The bible clearly states that "He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us" and that means even when we FEEL He is not there ... God is there. Fear (being afraid) can blind us to our own faults and make us miss the miracles of God. Fear is a crippling mental disorder. Gideon's assessment of his (and his people) situation is one-sided. We might reach out and blame someone if we need to understand "why" yet do not seek a deeper understanding. Blaming can seem better than not knowing. Realize that we don't always HAVE to understand but that we DO have to trust and obey God.