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About Truth

  • Birthday 09/11/1968

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  1. Well said JanMary. The book "Unchristian" does a wonderful job explaining the current perception of Christians held by the youth of society (18-35). The strong belief being that Christians are hypocrites and very judgmental. I know as a Christian myself that I need not look beyond the doors of my church to confirm this perception held by both young belivers and nonbelievers. I always like to embody what St. Frances said "Preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary use words."
  2. Clearly I need trials in my life because often I am not cognizant of the sin(s). It is so easy to get stuck in a rut and keep going along without any change like a ball that is without friction (or any force) would continue to roll forever. The trials are that force I need to stop me, make me aware, repent, and roll on. The sins I'm aware of I repent of. However I liken it to lighting up a cigarette in a butane factory because I don't know the inherent flammability of butane. I'm unaware of it but it doesn't make it any less dangerous for me. So I need someone to get my attention before I blow myself up! God gives me that attention (to think of that alone is incomprehensible- that God Almighty would love me enough to intervene) and leads me to safety. The trials definitely catches my attention and never once has God abandon me during my trial or given me the resources to make it through. And always it has been the best experience for me to undergo. Amen, praise the Lord!
  3. Q2. (1:13-15) Why do people blame God for evil? Does God tempt us with evil? Does he tempt sinful people with evil? Why does he allow people to sin? Why does he allow evil to exist at all? This hits to the heart of the matter for me. I know I have blamed God for evil because He has the power to prevent it (unknowingly having just failed a test of His). So I ask God "Why did you allow this evil into my life? What I come to realize (slowly and with great pain) is that I don't want God to hold me accountable- responsible for my sin. Okay but God allows adversity into a person's life who hasn't sinned (Job)? Now I'm not righteous like Job but it makes me think why would God allow (the devil did it) to one person? To build character? To glorify Himself? It seems a steep price to pay but again I think in self-centered, irresponsible thinking. I'm a sinner and I have accepted Jesus Christ into my life. And I do believe faith without works is dead but when the rubber meets the road would I suffer as much as Job did to glorify God? I like to think I would but maybe that sliver of doubt believing I might not illustrates that my walk with Christ is just beginning and my faith immature. I don't believe God tempts us with evil because evil has no part of God. He can't tempt with what He doesn't have (or ever has had). The devil does the grunt work of temptation but mind you satan is extremely effective at this work. God will allow it to test us but it never comes directly from Him (although their is a Biblical passage relating that everything passes by God before it gets to you???) Evil is present thanks to Adam & Eve and exists in a world of free choice. We have a choice to love God or not. Provided we come knockin' He'll always answer.
  4. Since my recovery as an alcoholic I have faced many trials, and being human, haven't always rejoiced in them. Almost instinctively I allow Satan to take me by the hand to my pity pot. Why me? Why is this happening- I've been good, reading the Bible daily, etc. Slowly I realize that God is perfecting me through the fire of my trials, making me pure and complete. I take so much comfort from this letter of James because "giving up" seems so enticing at times yet I remind myself that God has me exactly where he wants me and if I persevere I will allow Him to purify me. Thank God for this Bible Study!
  5. Hello all! I am John from Illinois (for now) and am a living witness to the renewing power of Jesus Christ. I am 38 and have two wonderful boys and a great wife. I am a recovered alcoholic and during my recovery gravitated to the Word of God. I look to deepen my understanding of God's Word and continue my lifelong walk with the triune God. Glad to be a part of this community and look forward to getting to know you! "Discover the Truth that will set you free"
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