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Everything posted by jjcia

  1. "We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away." We can easily drift away from the gospel when we do not pay more attention to it.. Merely reading it and yet not applying it to our lives, not obeying what God has clearly stated in His gospel, being careless of our lives, our time, priorities etc According to the author we can successfully resist the tendency to drift by paying more careful attention, NOT just attention but MORE CAREFUL attention..just as human attention/mind definitely can drift/wonder so easily if not controlled and focused, so does our lives if they are not worked everyday at obeying the Lord. Parable of the Sower v 19: "drifts" when he does not understand it; and most probably does not want to/does not care enough to learn it/understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart.. Careless attitude/spiritual neglect is and easy target of the evil one v 20-21: fell on rocky places but has no root; initially he received the word joyfully but does not last, when trial and sufferring comes he has no resources to draw from because he does not cultivate the seed to infiltrate and become rooted in his heart and life.. v 22 hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth..makes it unfruitful...wrong priority (worldly cares) will deinitely choke the spiritual life to death
  2. In verse 2 "but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe." a)"..but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son".. God Himself spoke by this 'Son',through this 'Son', using his physical mouth and his physical body to relay His message AS Himself (the Son as God the Father) therefore divinity of the Father is also revealed in the Son, and how divine He (the Son) is indeed! As much divine as the Father!! "..whom he appointed heir of all things.." God Himself appointed Jesus to be THE HEIR of ALL things, and that includes EVERYTHING, the heavens and earth,the entire universe, and everything within it, including you and me..Thank God for that because we are His. Actually this makes me wonder whether 'the heir of all things' also include the negative sides of 'the all thing' i.e. the earth: pollution, dying earth etc; humanity: pain,suffering, poverty, SIN..etc,etc..that's a question for everyone As I ponder upon it, I think " all things" in this verse did mean ALL THINGS, the good AND the bad..which is why He who inherits also is He who has to die once and for ALL , so that after the ultimate sacrifice, what He inherits will be what He has done..the fruit of His work on the cross.And a "new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.." Another reason for Him being divine; He is the Prince of God!! the ruler of the present and the future heaven and earth. c)"..through whom he made the universe.." God made the universe through Jesus, His Son. God imparted His power into and through Jesus, power unimaginablely great that the whole universe is created..He is Divine Power in Himself indeed!! verse 3: The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by His powerful word.After He had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the majesty in Heaven The role of the Son in doing the Father's will: a) the body/mouth of God the heir of all things - hence the cross and the reward-THE inheritance c) the Power of God d) the radiance of God's glory e) sustainer of all things f) puryfying sins by His death on the cross
  3. 1) The author of Hebrews uses the word
  4. Hello, I'm really looking forward to this bible study. This is my first online study.It's great indeed to be able to share some thoughts about His words, but best of all I really humbly thank Pastor Wilson and everybody for your imparted wisdom and knowledge. Currently I'm still looking for a bible study to attend here at home (Malaysia) and in the meantime I'm so glad to participate in this online bible study. I pray that the Lord will bless each and everyone of us to grow more and more like Him as we seek Him daily.. Regards, jjcia
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