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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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  1. Good morning. I'm from a tiny little town in the mountains of Colorado -- Buena Vista. I participated in a Names of God study 20 years ago and then went on to teach it a couple of times to small groups of women; it changed my life. I remember one of the early lessons quotes from a Nathan Stone was "We will experience God and enjoy him only in proportion as we know him. The knowledge of God is more essential for the Christian than the knowledge of anything else." I'll never forget it. Isn't it so true that our God is so big, that we can never plunge the depths of all there is to know about him. Yet we can sense that we are so intimately related with him along the way as he does reveal himself to us uniquely throughout the stages of our individual journeys? I'm very much looking forward to this study. -- Pam
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