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Everything posted by melnash

  1. We receive the eternal reward of that ministry in which we supported, because we were in agreement acknowledging that the Lord is able to provide. Other types of support would be giving our time, using our gifts to reach out to others, praying, being encouragers, etc...
  2. The basic ides of a slave is one who is bound in servitude as the properity of a person. Saint refers to one who is holy or dedicated to righteousness. Holiness or to live righteously is being set apart, to be different from this world and its desires. Thus, a saint is one who demonstrated the Holiness of Jesus Christ by becoming a servant or slave for others (Just as HE was on earth) until the end of days.
  3. Good Morning, It is such a delight to know that there are many other brothers and sisters in Christ that are striving to know the One and True Father in Heaven! I am currently in the Military and am stationed on the East Coast (United States). Please be praying that I will be an example of the glory, love and power of Jesus Christ... In the Father's love, Melissa
  4. Good morning, I am delighted to be apart of this study, the book of Philippians is so full of helpful truth for living in this day and evil times. I am currently on the East Coast... It is such a delight and encouragement to know that there are other fellow brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ all around the World. Melissa
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