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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

joyce dykstra

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Everything posted by joyce dykstra

  1. I DO NOT think anger is an appropriate response to sin. I think our response to sin should be prayer and confession to our Heavenly Father. We have a God who sacraficed His only son for "OUR SINS" and He was not angry when He did this. He did it out of His great love for us. He did it to set us free.. OH WHAT A SAVIOR!!!! Caprecious anger is spiteful, resentful and always uncontrolled. Anger that brings about justice is always controlled. Joyce from N.J.
  2. Q1. I know that John the Baptist statement about the Lamb of God refers to sacrifice because throughout the O.T. the Jews were instructed by God to use an unblemished lamb as a sacrafice offering in atonment for their sins. John knew that Jesus was to be the sacrifical Lamb because it was revealed to him by divine revelation. When he referred to Jesus as The Lamb of God who will take away the sins of the world, the statement could be taken as radical because in those times only the Jews could get forgiviness.
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