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  1. I am a mother of 4 and a grandmother of 4. In each case, two boys and two girls. I lived in New York until retiring three years ago. I now live in a warm Caribbean island with my husband of 42 years. I became a Christian on learning of the conception of our first grandchild, whose parents are both wonderful followers of Jesus Christ. I had been in New Age and Eastern religions before but have never felt the joy and peace that comes from being a follower of Jesus Christ as I do now. I praise my Savior for finding me during my search for meaning. It has been six years (the longest I have ever stayed in any faith) and I grow more and more convicted that I am finally in the Truth. My God is surely without a doubt EL ELYON. Thank you for this study. I was led to it by the Holy Spirit. You see, I had been doing this study through research on my own for about two years now. I have been translating to Greek and Hebrew the names I have gathered. However, I do not know the ancient languages so that my translations are phonetical rather than grammatical. And so, I say thank you once again. I am looking forward to studying with you.
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