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Everything posted by KelvinJC
Q1. According to Psalm 131, just how does David quiet his inner person before the Lord? What are the elements mentioned in this psalm? 1) David quiet his inner person before the Lord by first having an attitude of humility and have a quiet heart. We need to take our pride and humble ourself before we can have a peaceful heart. After having the heart stilled and quietted my soul, we will not have the attitue of having the control of everything. We need to allow ourself to know that God is in control and over us. 2) The elemens mentioned in this psalm is having humility and trust, have stilled and quiet soul, and having trust in the Lord by having a humble heart first.
Lesson 6. Exercises
KelvinJC replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
God has reminded me as he is the ultimate God! He do watches us and do protect us from all evils -
Q4. God's Protection
KelvinJC replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
Q4. Since Christians don't seem immune to accident, persecution, and death, how are we to understand these psalms of protection? Why don't some believers seem to be protected? Does God really protect us? How? 1) I strongly believe that God has a purpose for everything. Psalms do give us the encouragement and strength that we need. It is true that we are not immune to accident, persecution and death. Believing that God will protect us is really based on how strong our faith is to him. I have seen in my life that God has protected me in many car accident. For example, if i would have walked a few seconds early, i would be the one who would be in the car accident. I have really seen God protecting me in my life. However, I have also seen that God did save people from hazards. But, no one knows why God didnt save him, but I strongly believe that Heaven is greater place than the earth. God may use him in Heaven to watch over us. 2) Just as I have said, God has a purpose for everything. You may not understand why has he done that to you, but you will understand it in the long run. Do not be discouraged for a disaster that has happened to you or your family. But look positively to your life. God has provided you everything that you need. Remember that he has sacrificed the most for you as He has saved you from sins. 3) Does God really protect us? this is an open question. I think he does. As he has promised in the following verses: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28) "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?" (Romans 8:35) "You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death. All men will hate you because of me. But not a hair of your head will perish. By standing firm you will gain life." (Luke 21:16-19) Remember if we are in danger or in any troubles, we can come to Psalm 91 for strength and encouragement. God is our Great Protector and we have been given mighty power to overcome our enemies. Just realize that the final chapter of your life and mine is not written in the here and now, but on that Day it will all be revealed in victory and glory. God has us all in his hands. May God bless you and have faith in him. Remember we do not deserve this life that we have. We deserve to die, if God wants us to go back to heaven, he can easily do that. God has a purpose for each and everyone of us. -
1) Psalm 121 shows very clearly to me that God do protect us at all times. Psalm 121 started with the words of: "1I lift up my eyes to the hills -- where does my help come from? 2My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth." (121:1-2) God really is telling us that he do look over even to the highest or lowest point of our life. He has clearly shown us that he, the maker of the heaven and earth, the Lord is the source that we can seek for help. Not only this, in verse 3-8. He has told us that "the lord will watch over you". "3He will not let your foot slip -- he who watches over you will not slumber; 4indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. 5The LORD watches over you -- the LORD is your shade at your right hand; 6the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. 7The LORD will keep you from all harm -- he will watch over your life; 8the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." (Psalm 121:1-8) 2) The repetition of the praise "watch over" is been emphasized because God wants us to know that He will protect us if we are under his wings. God's protection involves his own careful guarding of us from danger. God is like a watchful Mom always keeping tabs on her toddler to keep him from any kind of danger that might approach. Noted that in those verses, he said that he will protect us from falling, 24/7, sun and moon, all-hazard policy, all harm, our life, our coming and going and now and forever. With many of these inclusive statement that will protect us has made me have the confidence on laying my burdens and worries upon God as I know that there is a mighty God that will take care of everything that is and will happen in my life. I believe that God has a plan for every believer. He knows the route that you will be going through even before you were born. It is up to us whether we should watch out for his calling. We should trust him and live for his glory.
Q2. (Psalm 91) What does this psalm teach us about God's protection when in danger? What does it teach about our authority to vanquish our enemies? What promises does Psalm 91 contain? How does this psalm make you feel? 1) First of all, we must never forget Who is with us: God in all his might and power! As it is written in verse 1 that he who dwells in the shelter of the Most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom i trust. As long as we are in the shelter of God, he wil be protecting us as he is the strong mighty God that watches over us. 2)Moreover, in verse 3, -"Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence." He has used the term "fowler" where it is a person who hunted fowl, birds, either for amusement or to supply birds for food, pets, or sacrifice. God had used figuratively for the plots of the wicked to try to entrap and bring down their enemies. Thus, we need not to worry as God's protection can extend both to the plots of evil men and the diseases that ravage mankind. 3) The following are the promises that Psalm 91 contain: "14'Because he loves me,' says the LORD, 'I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. 15He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. 16With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.'" (91:14-16) I will rescue him, I will protect him, I will answer him, I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him, I will honor him, I satisfy him with long life, I will show him my salvation 4) Psalm 91 tells us that he will be protecting us in all circumstances. He will keep his promise. He has taught us how to follow him. As he has said in Psaml 91, he will be with us at all times, and will send his guardian angels to protect upon us. If we do follow his path that he has provided, we will succeed in our christian life.
1) The psalmist sees God as a rock that is higher than him. Not only that, it is also shows as a place of refuge. It shows as the image of a man seeking refuge from his enemyby hiding in the towering rocks of a mountain. He realizes the vulnerability of God, he knows that it is impossible for others to attack with his current position. The image is of a man seeking refuge from his enemy by hiding in the towering rocks of a mountain. He has found a place of concealment but realizes the vulnerability of his position. And so he asks a person to lead him to a rocky prominence that is yet higher up and more difficult to attack than his current position. And so the person leads him up the hidden trail to the higher rock. In the image of God as a place of refuge is a safe place, a place to whihc one can retreat when all hell is breaking loose. He is our source of protection. Moreover, the psalmist also see God as the shelter of our wings where we can also seek him and hide under his wings no matter what the circumstances are. 2) This verses reminds me of the hymn I sang when I was in PCC of "Jesus is the rock" and there is a verse that goes like this -
Through this lesson, I reminds me the importance of prayer and importance of the several elements that should be included in our daily prayer. Moreover, it is also important to have humility and faith in our prayer. I strongly believe that God has a purpose for everyone. It is just you that need to listen carefully, so that you will not miss his calling.
1) "Father God, Search my heart Lord, may you allow me to realize the sins that I have in my life. God, do send revival in our lifes and in the church. Take away our pride as we have done in the past. Revive all the different tribes of people in the church. We need your revival, your life, your power, your glory, your holiness. Forgive us for our sins and the wicked heart that we posses. I repent of our gradual drift away from your purpose for us. Father God, I pray that you will help us to focus our eyes and desire again on our love towards you. God, so send revival in our life, in Jesus' name, we pray. Amen" 2) Elements such as: humbling ourself, repenting our sins, asking for forgiveness, seeking for guidance, turning away from evil and seek God's way of life should be part of our prayer and God will hear us and answer our prayers. 3) 2 Chronicles 7:14 says "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." My requirement of my prayers has all the element of 2 Chronicles 7:14. Thus, i should say we should pray just like what 2 Chronicles 7:14 says. We need to 1) Humble, 2) Seek God, 3) Turn away from wicked ways, 3)Seek for forgivness. 4) For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever shall believeth in Him shall not perish but have ever lasting life. God has promised us for those that sincerly believe in him, and have a repentant heart, he will succeed. However, God has promised us that he will love us unconditionally.
1) First, we need to define what does humility means - "the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc. " We need to humble our heart before God and acknowledge that God is the one that provide and guide as in our work of life. God does not want to see us having a prideful heart and have a wrong attitude towards prayer. Thus, I believe we need to examine ourself first and also need to have the strong faith in God in prayers. 2) Without faith, we will be able to please God. We will also begin to get discouraged and will have dark clouds flying around of mind (doubts). We need faith in our prayer because we need to Him that he is our savior and have given us eternity life in Heaven. On the other hand, having humility is showing that we acknowledge that we are God's servant and are willing to humble our heart and bow down before him to serve him. Therefore, I believe we need to have both humility and faith in our prayers in order to be successful.
1) When I realize that God's thoughts and plans are focused on me, I will have peace in my heart. Not only that, I will feel excited to serve him even more. For example, when there were missionary nurses that came to our school. My heart were really soften as I see those poor little children in Africa and some third world countries are suffering. I felt that God has called me to be a nurse to serve him in the ministry. I am really happy that this profession has a high chance to lead unbelievers into christ. I remember once during clinical, I was happy to lead my patient to the lord. I felt proud of myself. I felt that I have done something good for God. Not only that, I just felt very content. I ended getting an award from my instructor which says Jude 22 - And of some have compassion, making a difference. I strongly believe that God has a purpose for everyone. As long as you have the compassion, you will be able to share your blessings to others.
1) Because David remembers that God is the almighty. Like most laments in the Psalms, this psam turns from complaint and misery to faith with an upswing at the end. David did not stay in his pit of misery, but climbs out through praise. He understood that faith is more pleasing to God than going through the outward rituals of atonement and cleansing. This ways, he talls use that we should express our love to him with praise and with a thanksgiving heart. 2) Just as David did, we should stay in our pit of misery and not knowing what direction we should go. We should turn our eyes upon God and seek him for guidance so that we will be able to receive his ultimate blessings and have a joyful life. With the Holy Spirit in our body, God will guide us and provide all our needs. Praising God also bring encouragement into our life and praise can be in many forms such as singing, reading the bible and even spreading the gospel. I strongly recommend to increase our level of faith in God so that we will not dispair when something negative happens.
1) David knows that no body is sinless. He also knows that God is a God of second chance. Even though, David had committed adultery with Bethsheba, he knows that God is merciful and will be willing to forgive you as long as you have the heart to repent and admit that you have done wrong. 2) Even though we have sin against God, due to his unfailing love and mercy, he will forgive us as long as we have the heart and desire to change our old habbits. We need to confess and beg for forgiveness from God and promise him that you will never ever do such sin again in the future. God will cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1) We should give praise to God for the marvelous things that had created for us. It aslo due to his faithfulness to us, his loving-kindness. Not only that, also for he comes to judge the earth, he will judge the world in righteousness and the people with equity. Just simply these reasons, we should praise God for what has given us. 2) Praising is exuberant because the righteous Judge is coming who will set all injustice aright and bring our final salvation! Hallelujah! Not only that, for knowing that God is our saviour and have forgiven all our sins, we should praise him joyfully. 3) Praise in our congregation is exuberant. Praising in our church is very lifely. It is exuberant because I have experienced God's grace and wisdom. He has helped me at all times even through in times of storm. I believe that everyone has experienced some sort of deeds that it seemed impossible. And you know that there is nothing that is impossible in God's sight. As long as we believe on it, it will be done.
1) We should worship God as he is the almighty creator of the Universe. He had given us the gift of salvation as a believer. He had saved us marvelously. He is also our sheperd. We praise God to allow him to know that we are thankful for the things He had given and poses right now. Overall, he is worthy and the almighty one, thus we need to glorify his name and lift his name up. 2) I believe it is a reminder from God that there is a tendency to forget who is the true God and always been there for us in times of trouble. These verses are just reminding us that we should always depend on God and know that the success does not come from ourself. We do need the help from God or else we will fail no matter how hard we try. Often times, we think we are in control of the task, and often forget it is God that had helped us and guided us. 3) We should always praise God at all times and in all circumstances. We are once reminded that only God is the true God and we should depend on him at all times. We should take actions and not just simply say it through our mouth.
1) It shows us the importance of praise. It also tells us when and who should praise the Lord. 2) Praise should occur at all time. Praise can happen anytime, in any form, while waiting for bus? Just it is mentioned in Psalm 150, we can praise him in His sanctuary, which sort of tells us that maybe we ought to be a little more "praiseful" to Him when we go into His sanctuary, for his acts, and with music form of praising. 3) Psalm 150 says that we are to praise with musical instruments and dance. For example, trumpet, harp, timbrel, tambourine, strings, cymabls, etc. We should praise him with a joyful heart. 4) It reminds me that we should praise Him at all time. Not only at church or bible study, but instead it should occur 24 hours, 7days.
Q3. Psalm 133
KelvinJC replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
1) It is a blessing and such a refreshing to me because it shows me a lot that is useful for me. 2) Dwelling in unity is so difficult because there are many different types of people and have different personalities. Others may like this, while you may dislike it. Thus, we should learn to get along with everybody and love one another. 3) We will need to respect one another and try to balance out and not only help one person. 4) I believe that you will need to have unity to have purity. 5) Reconciliation and unity were important in Jesus' teaching so that because forgave us and we should always want to pleaes him. -
Q2. Psalm 15
KelvinJC replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
1) I personally will teach my children to keep God first in place. And know that He is the creator and had died for our sins to earn our eternal life for us. Thus, i will teach my children how Jesus love and serve others. I would expect my children to learn from examples that are shown in the Bible. I would teach them to live and walk by faith with his words. It is important to follow the 10 commandments as it helps us minimize our sins. 2) I would teach them - faithfulness, obedience, fair, moral issues, friendly, leadership and others. -
Q1. Psalm 1
KelvinJC replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
1) A review of that is important because it can allow us to think it through what is being said in the Bible. It also refreshes our mind that only the righteousness will succeed and the wicked one will fall. As we are human beings, we always fall short from what is expected from us. We are born to be sinners, thus, God knows that we do need constant reminders from believers and the Holy Spirit to keep us from walking the wrong path. 2) I like verse 3. I like it because it reminds me that God is the mighty God. For it is said in the verse that he will have fruits throughout the season, the leaf will not wither, and will always prosper. I want to be like Him. I want to follow him as i know he will guide me, protect me and nothing can take away my love and passion for him. As long as i am under his wings, I will definitely succeed. -
1) First of all, we will need to have understood that God loves us. We need to have a strong faith that he really really loves us as we have seen that from John 3:16. He has sent His only begotten son to die on the cross to have our sin washed away. Thus, we need to recognize that God loves us. Once we recognize that, we will have a stronger faith in believe His word and we will continue to seek him to help us guide our path of life. 2) Knowing that God loves us, it helps me to continue to follow his way. Because he love us, I will need to use the same passion to love others. I would love to use my talent to share the gospel to others. For God has sent his son to die for our sins, we should be followers of Christs as he has forgiven our sins and have our eternal life.
1) He was discouraged because he was losing hope and he is depressed. He lives in the desert in order to escape from the reality. He is experiencing the dryness of the dessert. Overall, David is discouraged. 2) David combats with his spiritual depression through self talk, words addressed tohimself, of hope and that he will eventually have cause to rejoice in God again. He also deliberate remembrance which recalls God to mind. Not only that, he also sings and prays to God night and day to seek for his guidance. 3) Yes! I have had been through depression trials. Depression do take away your believe and faith from God. Because you are so into the situation and you have lost all your hope from God and thinking that He is not helping you. 4) Instead we should make use of this chance to draw closer to God. I had shared my problems with my godly friends and ask them to pray for me. I strongly believe that God has a purpose on everything He has allowed things to happen in my life. One thing i found out is, when you are in trials, the bible gives you all the answer that we needed. If we have faith in God, he will answer according to his will. Remember! Prayers do work!~
1) To dwell in the house of the Lord is seek Him in all things and to have complete trust in Him. David is telling us to complete pour our whole life in trusting the Lord as he is the provider and mentioned as "my light, my salvation, [and] my stronghold". David knows that if we dwell in the house of the Lord we will be able to draw closer to the Lord at all times. In the house of the Lord, it is safe and we will have peace in our heart. 2) "Seek the face" of the Lord literally means wants to have a person's earnest seeking of something or someon. The intention is to be found or acquired. David wants to seek God - his presence. He wants to be face to face with him and desires to hear from God's word. David wants to be able to draw closer to God, so that he will be able to see him face to face and have a more intimate relationship with God. 3) David has mentioned to us that we should wait for the Lord. Because he is telling us to wait with a commitment to wait expectantly until Yahweh comes through with the answer - the help that we need. Not only that, in Psalm 27 verse 14, he has mentioned "wait for the lord" twice. This increases the significance of the importance of the praise "wait for the Lord". He is giving us the hope that we should be "strong and take heart" and wait for the good news that God has for us.
1) It makes him to know that God knows everything even before his birth. And God is in control of everything. His life is in God's hand. And God allows him to realize that it is impossible for things to be accomplished without God. 2) In verse 23-24, he ask God to that he will be able to completely surrender his life to God. He wants God to check his heart, test him, and cast his burden upon God. He asked God if there is anything that he can do to cleanse his heart. He want God to lead him back to the path that could lead to everlasting life. He asks God to help him to draw closer to him and to be more like Christ-like.
1) The common thread between verse 1-6 and 7-13 is the glory of God and his creation. The second part (verse 7-13) explains to us how these actions should be done. 2) According to the dictionary, "bask" means - to lie or be exposed to a pleasant warmth (enjoy the pleasant situation). In Psalm 19, He used many imagery such as the sun, light, joy to illustrate to us that with God having bask unto us, we will enjoy the presence of God's blessing. 3) Yes. I have felt this way before. With having God's light/pathway, it seems that everything go smoothly. It feels very comfortable and successful under His leadership. 4) He takes in the awesomeness requirement of God in his word and the psamlist issuddenly conscious of his own sins. The psalmist rightly observes that by ourselves we often cannot discern our own errors. We should pray for guidance. 5)David asks that God to guide and make sure that his words and thoughts are clean and pure. David wants to make sure that everything that he does will glorify His name. Thus, he ask Him to help him to guide his mouth and his heart to keep him be Christ like.
[/size]Psalm 8 teaches that God is the all mighty and he is the creator of the whole universe. It is reminding us that we even the children and infants should personally give praise from their lips for all the things that God has given us. It teaches us that Christ was able to humble himself and become lower than the heavenly things - such as being as a man - and die for our sin on the cross. It also illustrate to us that Jesus Christ is willing to sacrifice his life for us, so that we do not have to go to hell. Just as it is mentioned in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." God loves us. We must obey his word and praise him for all creatures that He has made. Lastly, we need to serve God by ruling responsibility over his creation. Our rule is never independent of God, but in submission to God. .
Psalm 8 teaches that God is the all mighty and he is the creator of the whole universe. It is reminding us that we even the children and infants should personally give praise from their lips for all the things that God has given us. It teaches us that Christ was able to humble himself and become lower than the heavenly things - such as being as a man - and die for our sin on the cross. It also illustrate to us that Jesus Christ is willing to sacrifice his life for us, so that we do not have to go to hell. Just as it is mentioned in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." God loves us. We must obey his word and praise him for all creatures that He has made. Lastly, we need to serve God by ruling responsibility over his creation. Our rule is never independent of God, but in submission to God. .