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Everything posted by mags
Faith is the belief in who God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is. The believing without seeing - the knowing in your heart and head. We can't take credit for our faith because it is only through the Holy Spirit's conviction, and our Father's softening of our hearts that we have faith. Who Christ is is revealed to us by the Spirit who leads us to a better understanding - he teaches us, and guides us.
We were created to do good words so that people may see our light and praise our Father in Heaven. These works are done as a result of our faith - we have been saved and so are changed from the inside out to be Christlike. They come from a desire to do God's will - rather than a desire for self (to get to heaven etc). It is not the good works that save us but being saved gives us the desire to do good works!
As Pastor Ralph said - saved can be easily translated to rescue - which shows people both it's meaning and why they need it. I am reminded of the song My Redeemer Lives: I know he's rescued my soul!
We find grace so hard to understand because in our culture and society you work for everything you have - it is all about getting ahean and no-one is going to give you a free ticket! Everyone is out for themselves and what they can do - not helping each other. We make it all about what we do - our works, and acts. We continually try to prove something by our works rather than our works proving something about our personality! Grace is about getting the good things you don't deserve - getting things when you don't deserve them
Q17. Seated with Christ
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.1. From Deadness in Sin to Coming Alive in Christ (2:1-7)
We are seated with Christ means that we have the spiritual power and authority, in Christ, over Satan, demonic and human authority. What an amazing thought! Often we have a woe is me attitude where the world seems to get us down and forget that the very power that Jesus had to perform miracles (healing etc), the very power that raised Christ from the dead, is in us and we are in Him. We need to claim our authority in Christ and use it in our lives. We have the most powerful authority and yet we don't use it. We should be confident in this power and pray for opportunities for God to use us and for us to have the confidence to step out in who we are in Christ - to step out in his power and authority. God's grace is huge - not only were we saved by grace but we are seated with Christ and given spiritual power and authority. We have been given so much by a gracious God but it is our responsibility to use that power and authority wisely! We need to make sure that we are following God's plan and not our own agenda. -
Q16. God at Work
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.1. From Deadness in Sin to Coming Alive in Christ (2:1-7)
God's motivation and character is described with the following words: - his great love for us - God, who is rich in mercy - made us alive in Christ - by grace you have been saved -> 'made us alive in Christ' describes what has happened to us. Our God is an awesome God who loves us unconditionally and made us alive in Christ through nothing that we have done or will done. It is only through his love, grace and mercy that we are saved. -
Q15. Following Satan
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.1. From Deadness in Sin to Coming Alive in Christ (2:1-7)
People unwittingly follow Satan by not following God. You either follow Satan or God - there is no in between - no middle ground. By not following God we end up following Satan - the Deceiver - who helps to make our lives about ourselves. We can't follow two masters and we 'must chose this day whom you will serve', by default if we don't choose God we have chosen Satan. We are sinners by nature and with every sin we are rebelling against God - we often do it without thinking and it isn't until later we realise. Simply by not being obedient to him we are rebelling against him -> and we all have times when we don't do what we should. We are responsible for our actions and just as here on earth we are held accountable for our actions - so to does god hold us accountable. If it is not us who is accountable for our actions then who is it? Ultimately we have the free will to make our own decisions and therefore, are accountable for the decisions we make! -
Q14. Spiritual Deadness
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.1. From Deadness in Sin to Coming Alive in Christ (2:1-7)
All non-believing people are dead to God - spiritually dead. They are missing the fullness of Christ in their lives and look to fill that emptiness with somethign else - other religions, smoking, alcohol, drugs etc As Christians we are fortunate enough to have the fullness of Christ in our lives and know his power and love. Our lives, in contrast should be ones of contentment, inner peace, joy and love. If we really understood and believed that non-beleivers were 'dead' and subject to God's 'wrath' I believe that we would pursue them with fervour. We would share with them at every opportunity and sow seeds. We would spend more time praying for them and their salvation - we would do more and with more urgency -> so often we become blazae about it but we need to remember the urgency and the difference our lives would be if we didn't have that relationship with God. -
When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation we miss out on the fullness of Christ. We also withhold this blessing from others. God has called us to be an active member of a church and to fulfill his calling on our lives. If we don't obey both ourselves and others miss out on the fullness of Christ. I don't believe that we have the right to stop others missing out on Christ's blessings or that others should stop me from missing out on his blessing for me. It is our responsibility to ensure that others receive Christ's blessing, we need to do our part. God intended us to be a part of a body and that we all play an important part within that body. No one part is more important or to be placed above another one.
We often take a 'pass' to enter into spiritual warfare because it is hard. It is scary and we often try to find an 'easy' solution. We don't like to rock the boat, we don't like to upset people and always want the easy way out. We also don't understand the seriousness of spiritual warfare. We often rely on our own strength to do things or address issues. We don't rely on God's strength, we don't believe that he can work mightily through us in all situations. We are so small and insignificant yet he chose us and his power/Spirit is in us and will work mightily through us if we let him. We need to believe in God's ability to use us and work through us in spiritual realms. God uses us if we allow him to - we have to submit to him and believe that he will and can use us!
Q11. Unmeasurable Power
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
We become powerless because we don't believe in God's ability or desire to use us. We believe that he will use someone else. 'That is what _______ does' etc. I believe that it isn't necessarily a lack in the faith that God can and will move but often in a lack of faith that God can move and will move through me! It is true that some people believe that Christ doesn't move miraculously today but more often that Christ won't move through ourselves, everyday people. I believe that some congregations and movements are 'producting' disciples with miracle - believing faith because they 'allow' even encourage people to use the giftings of the Holy Spirit in a safe nurturing environment. An environment where they can get it wrong and not be condemned. An environment where they are supported and nurtured into their giftings - where the Holy Spirit can lead. -
Q10. Christian Inheritance
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
The fact that we have inheritance in God's presence should change our lives dramatically. It should make us stop striving to prove who we are to God, or that we are worthy. He has promised that inheritance to us - not dependant on our works but despite it. As a result we should want to share the love of God to others so they can also share in His inheritance. When you go to a shop, restaurant, and get great service and food, you share your experiences with others so they to can experience the greatness so too should we feel that way of our experiences of God - yet so often we hide it from them. We should fellowship in love with our Christian family - knowing that they too have been chosen to share God's inheritance. He loved us so much to choose us before time, so to did he love them. We often forget that love and focus on ourselves. -
Q9. Christian Hope
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
We have Christ's second coming to look forward to - to see Christ reign on earth and in heaven! This hope, in Jesus Christ, should motivate, change and affect everything we do. We know that Christ will come again - we know that he will reign on high. In him can we put our trust. Everything we do should be done with one focus in mind - Christ. Is this what Christ wants for me? If we do this then our decisions, lifestyle and motivation change to glorify God rather than please ourselves. The non-believer lives life trying to better themselves and their standing not with a view to expand the future Kingdom. Therefore, we, as Christians, should stand out from the crowd NOT blend in. -
Q8. Seal and Downpayment
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
End of term is when Christ returns Both these analogies help to understand how the Holy Spirit functions in our lives. 1. Seal - mark of ownership and authority shows who our master is internal rather than external God is in our heart 2. Downpayment - as wotj deposit for a house or hire-purchase - more than guarantee of payment - it is the 1st instalment of the purchase price - God has given us - not just promise of the final inheritance but a foretaste of it -
Q7. God's Purpose
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
God's purpose for our lives is to praise him. In the words of John Stott: 'To live to the praise of the glory of his grace is both to worship him ourselves by our words and deeds as the gracious God he is, and to cause others to see and to praise him too!' Wow! What a calling! I am really excited about this purpose and calling that has been placed on my life - here I am wholly available! In everything we do we are called to be the light in the darkness, the mirror of God's glory. No matter how we feel, the burdens that are upon us, we are to praise God in ALL situations! This relates closely to Matt 5:13-116 where we are called to be the light of the world. We can only be God's light in the world if we are in Christ and praising Him -
Q6. One Head
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
It shows that God is the head of all and one day everyone and thing will acknowledge the headship of Christ regardless of whether they have believed in him or not. There will come a time when every person is united in acknowledgeing Christ as Lord over all. God has created us all in his image and we were made to worship and praise. This will bring us back to our created purpose! There will be unity - found in the acknowledgement of the headship of Christ. There will come a time when we will all be united in our acknowledgement of Christ. In 1 Cor 15:24-28 we see the same idea - that all will reign under him, the Father. This idea flows in the same vein as Eph 1:7-8 - it is the idea of complete acknowledgement of Christ, and the Father and complete unity. -
Q5. Redeemed from Slavery
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
I have been set free (redeemed) from slavery in every way and form. I know I am saved and as a result of that redemption I can have an intimate relationship with my Lord and Saviour! My sins are forgiven and I am presented as holy and blameless because of the blood shed for me at Calvary. My life would be radically different if I didn't have Christ's redemption - I can only imagine where I would be now without Christ. There would be no purpose or point to life - apart from to further myself and try to get more money (because the world is all about how much money we have or don't have). It would be self-centred and focussed on me predominantly. I would probably appear okay in the world's standards but God would have rejected me and ultimately that is what matters for eternity. This would have been the way of my past and my future. But I am chosen and forgiven and so my life can and is presented as holy and blameless before King. -
Q4. Adoption
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Adoption is wonderful as it means that we weren't 'born' into that family - that God wanted a child and He specifically chose ME! He chooses each of us and wants us. We are not forced upon Him like a parent has no choice which baby comes out of the womb - we are wanted and chosen specifically. How cool! Being chosen in this kind of adoption can and will change who you are, your status and outlook on life changes depending on the family you belong to. Belonging to God's family changes how you look at the world and the focus you place on certain things within life. -
Q3. Holy and Blameless
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Holy means that we are consecrated to God - we belong to Him. How wonderful - I love the fact that I belong to the creator of the universe - who loves ME! I know that I can stand 'blameless' before God because the blood of Jesus has cleansed my unrighteousness and made me pure in his sight. There is no other way that we can stand 'blameless' before God! -
Q2. Predestination
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Predestination is both scary and exciting. To think that my life was mapped out before time is huge - that God would care so much about me to do this, but also that God knew that I would stuff up the things I have. Paul is showing the Gentiles that it is no accident that they are there, that they are a part of God's perfect plan and that they are important. -
Q1. In Christ
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
To be in Christ means that we are in a close relationship with Him. We need to grow spiritually mature and nurture that relationship with Him through reading His Word and praying everyday, not just superficially but really studying and searching. We should, as a result, love the things that He loves and hate what he hates. We are joined with HIm, and everyone has that opportunity to be so. We have to make an effort - by being 'in Christ' we will receive every spiritual blessing. Take the self out of our lives and focus on Him and our relationship with Him. Christ is the location of the believer's new life - to be united to Christ is to be 'in Christ' -
In what way does the "Golden Rule" capsulize the message of the law and the prophets? If we treat others how we would like to be treated we are showing others Christ's love. This is hard when others put you down - but Christ has called us to show his love to others, we do that by treating them well, this shows them Christ's love. It also means that other things would happen - we we don't lie to others because we wouldn't want people to lie to us ... This seems like a different "summary" of the law and the prophets than Jesus indicated in Matthew 22:37-39. How are they the same? How are they different? It is the same as if we love God with all our heart, soul and mind. We become one with Him. We see God's love for them.; If we love God, and then love our neighbour then we will treat others with the love and respect that they deserve - which is how we would like to be treated.
Q3. A Faithful, Loving Father We Can Trust
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Asking in Faith (7:7-12)
What do these verses teach us about God's relationship to us? God is as a parent - He only wants good for us and won't give us something useless and dangerous. God loves us and wants the best for us - often what we think is best is not right - God knows better, just as a parent can see that bigger picture ~ how much more of the picture God sees What do they teach about God's characteristic response toward us? God's response toward us is love - love of a parent who created us. He will never leave us. How does this differ from a cynical view of God? Why is a positive understanding of God important to be able to pray with faith? If we know that God loves us and wants the best for us then we can pray with faith that He won't let us down. We will know that God loves us, can see the bigger picture so we can pray that God will answer and trust that His answer is the right one. -
Which lesson is taught in both the Parables of the Friend at Midnight (Luke 11:5-10) and the Widow and the Unjust Judge (Luke 18:1-6)? The persistance of prayer -> to continue to ask, seek, knock until we get an answer. We shouldn't give up but remain persistant. How do these relate to the commands in Matthew 7:7-8? If we don't ask we won't receive If we don't seek we won't find If we don't knock the door won't open. God has called us to ask, seek and knock not only when we want something but until we receive His answer.
Q1. Ask, Seek, and Knock Continuously!
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Asking in Faith (7:7-12)
What do the words "ask," "seek," and "knock" have in common? They all refer to looking (seeking) more - rather than standing stagnant. They are about searching for more of God. What distinguishes them from each other? ask - is a petition seek - is a search for things unfound knock - is for opportunities Does one word convey more intensity than another? I think seeking is hard and more intensive than the others - we can become frustrated and despondent - we want to give up especially if we have been seeking something for a long time. What is the significance of the present, continuous, imperative tense of these verbs? It is a continuous action - we always need to be asking for more - seeking more of Him - knocking for new opportunities. It is ongoing!