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Everything posted by mags
Q4. The Angels' Titles for Jesus
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
Messiah Saviour:- bringing both salvation from enemies and from sin to ALL people (our Saviour) Christ the Lord:- highest designation of Christ the Lord/Yahweh Himself (God Himself) -
Q3. A Manger for His Bed
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
The shepherds received the message of Jesus' birth for 3 main reasons that I can see. 1. The shephers were considered the lowest and weren't respected and that is who Jesus came to reach - to preach the Good News to the poor. God shows no favouritism. 2. Throughout history God had used shephers as great heroes. 3. Jesus would become known as a shepherd to the people. Jesus being born in a stable, in a manger, shows us His humility. He made Himself nothing - taking the nature of a servant. He took the lowest place, born amoung the poorest in order to relate to them - a sign!!! Jesus has a heart for the poor, therefore so should we. -
Q3. Christmas Hardships
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
The journey would have been extremely difficult given the circumstances - Mary is 9 months pregnant (uncomfortable enough), has to travel 4 days on foot and doneky and on top of that, it was possibly winter. Pleasure is not an indicator of whether we are in God's will or not. We face trials and hardships when we are doing God's will. From these trials and hardships we learn more about the will of God, we also draw closer to God in this time! -
Q1. Naming the Current Rulers
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
Luke names the rulers in this passage to show that Jesus was part of this world. It shows us that Jesus is a part of history and not something that has been made up (myth or legend). -
Q5. Naming the Child
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Joseph was obedient to God - he did as the Lord told him without question. Joseph was a humble, righteous man who accepted the Lord's instructions and explanations with trust. The fact that Joseph named the child Jesus again shows Joseph's character. He accepted the situation and didn't question it. He accepted the child as his own and would raise Him as his child. -
Q4. The Prophecy of Immanuel
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
The prophetic concept of the virgin birth and the name 'Immanuel' found their fullness in the birth of Jesus quite literally. Mary was a virgin and Jesus' conception was via a virgin birth. They (Mary and Joseph) were to name Him Jesus (the Lord saves) shows that the Lord was/is with us. There is no hidden meaning but a literal fulfillment of the prophecy. -
3. The Name Jesus
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
The significance in the name Jesus was and is still in its meaning "Yahweh saves". This is significant because it sums up the whole reason for Him to become flesh - because He will save His people from their sins. I think that both Mary and Joseph were given the name indepdendently for a number of reasons: - confirmation - so that there was no doubt this was what God wanted for His child - So they didn't forget it by the time the baby was born - for Joseph to name the baby specifically and therefore adopt Him as his own -
Q2. The Character of Joseph
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Mary had very little options to her because of the pregnancy. She could be stoned but she probably realised that she wouldn't because of the things the angel had told her. She knew that she would probably be raising this baby on her own and all she cold do was to trust in God. This situation was where God had called her to be and he would provide. How often do we think that God's calling on us is the way out? We know that He has a plan but often when we say yes to Him and what He wants us to do, we expect it to be easy - we expect the hard part is submitting to His will. Here Mary said 'Yes Lord' and was then faced with persecution and even death. She was face with no one to support her and having a baby! This is a huge lesson to us in submission to God - to trust Him and His plan. Joseph was a righteous, loving man who wanted to protect Mary as much as he could given the circumstances. He obviously felt for her and the stiutation she was in, even though he was probably disappointed, angry and hurt himself. He was showing God's love to Mary at this time. -
Q1. Son of a Carpenter
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Jesus would have learnt the skills and discipline needed for carpentry. He would have learnt about business - making deals etc. Jesus would have also learnt about money, and lack of, He had a heart for the poor and he could relate to them from experience. Jesus would have learnt about people's relationships and friendships and interactions between people. -
God is our hope when everything else is gone. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. In those times He has us in the palm of His hand and He will not let us go. We just need to reach out to Him and we will find Him. God gave us everything, His most loved, His Son. Through God's love for us, His Son died on the cross so that we could be free, redeemed. He redeemed us, it was a high cost but He did it anyway because He loves us. We are worth it to God. We avoid condemnation by taking refuge in Him (vs 22b). Turn your eyes upon Jesus and we will be forgiven.
We are called to praise God continually, at all times. There isn't a call on us to praise God on Sundays and read our Bible the rest of the week. Our call is for praise to always be on our lips. Why? Because He is our Lord and most worthy of praise, because of all He has done for us. Because He loves us. God should be at the forefront of our minds. We need to remind ourselves constantly to praise. When we get busy, wrapped up in ourselves, we often forget about Him, who is worthy of our praise. By praising God continually, even if we don't really feel like it, we lift our spirit. We come to know Him more intimately. The more we do it the easier it becomes. I have changed my study/quiet time to first thing in the morning. This has meant getting up early, but I have seen a huge change in my spirit. Because I start the day with Him and focus in on the Lord, He is at the forefront of my mind all day. I find myself continually talking to my Lord. Just short prayers as the day goes by. I have been truely blessed by making this sacrifice of myself.
Just as the stone mason chose which stones he would use in a building, and rejected the stones at his discretion - so to did the leaders of Israel. They looked at Jesus, some wanted to accept Him but ultimately they chose to reject Him. Not only did they reject Him - they cruicified Him. Jesus is the cornerstone, the foundation, to us as Christians and as such we can't reject Him. He is vital and everything built without Him as the foundation is unstable and shaky.
The predominant emotion in Psalm 100 is that of being thankful and joyful. We should joyfully give thanks - not grudgingly give thanks. It is a real joy related psalm - where joy shoul fill our hearts. I just want to thank the Lord for all that He has done for me! I am so thankful for where He has brought me and all that He has provided for me. I know that there is always trials to face but I know that even in trial and suffering I can have joy in the Lord and that I am never alone. Verses 3 and 5 show us His character and goodness - which is our very reason to praise. What greater reason is there to praise our Lord and King than because He loves us. He is faithful, righteous and good - our Creator, Shepherd, King and deserves our JOYFUL praise. The command of this psalm is to give joyful praise to the one true God.
Q4. Psalm 51
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
Our hearts should break for what breaks our Lord's heart. We should weep with Him. Instead we seem to push things under the carpet - or say and believe that it doesn't really matter. ALL sin breaks God's heart and we need to repent of it with true sadness and regret. To be sorry for our sins means that we can and have looked back on it and not do it again. (Or at least be much more aware of that sin.) We need to desire the heart of God - a heart that loves what He loves and hates what He hates. -
Q3. Psalm 51
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
It is possible to have a 'pure heart' after sin because of what Jesus, our Saviour, did on the cross. He died to forgive and puirfy us from our sins so that we can have a pure heart and a relationship with our Heavenly Father. We can only have a purified heart through Jesus and the cross. We must ask God to forgive our sins and create a right spirit in us - so as not to continue sinning. -
Q2. Psalm 51
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
David is not minimizing his sin against Bathsheba and Uriah. He recognises that he has sinned against them and that by this sin against them he has sinned even more against God. When he sins he is rubbing his rebellion in God's face as if to say he doesn't care! David recognises that by sinning against man he ultimately sins against God. David affirms that he is sinful through and through and has been since birth. He isn't excusing himself, just acknowledging his sinfulness. -
Q5. Titles of St. Mary
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
These titles are appropriate as they explain - emphasis what she did. Blessed Virgin Mary - she was blessed by God, she was a virgin. Mother of God relates to her earthly relationship with Jesus. These titles remind us of what Mary did and her servant heart. -
Q4. Mary's Response to the Angel
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
Mary's positive response to the angel shows her faith and belief in God. She doesn't once doubt and worry about the consequences for her, instead she puts her faith and trust in God. For Mary this was a huge thing and she trusted God, yet we fail to trust Him for even the little things. Mary's response shows her decision to trust in the Lord and submit her whole life to Him. God has a plan and Mary trusted in His plan for her life. When we respond to God we are consenting to do His will. To be His servant and do what He requires of us - whether we understand it or not, whether we want to or not To open ourselves to Him! -
Q3. The Virgin Conception
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
The virgin conception shows us that Jesus is God! He is conceived by supernatural means and is a divine being. It teaches us and shows us that Jesus is the Lord, the one true Son of God, and fulfills the prophecies of the old testament. The virgin conception is central to the Christian message because of the fac that Jesus is the Son of God. Because Mary was a virgin we can't dispute the supernatural power of Jesus' conception. It is the point that shows us who Jesus is - He is Lord! Also by Jesus being born of a virgin scripture is fulfilled which shows us that the Word is a true account. -
Q2. Mary's Question to the Angel
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
Zechariah asked the question "How can I be sure of this?" This was a question of doubt and disbelief - of prove it to me. Mary asked the question of "How can this be?" Mary didn't question what the angel was telling her but seeking understanding of it. Mary was rewarded for her faith whil Zechariah was disciplined for his lack of faith. -
Q1. The Angel's Announcement
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
Mary:- found favour with God - highly favoured with child Jesus: a son to be called Jesus He will be great He will be the Son of the Most High He will be from the throne of David He will reign forever -
Q1. Psalm 32
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
Self-deceit enslaves us by the guilt and shame that we are left with in our soul. We tell ourselves that it doesn't matter but it starts to eat us up inside. Confession brings freedom from this because it releases the chains and bondages that self-deceit has tied us up by. We sometimes resist the truth about ourselves because we like to believe that 'we are all that' and that we didn't do things wrong. Sometimes it takes us to step out of the situation - to see others doing the same thing - to understand or realise it is wrong. Also conviction goes a long way to understanding ourselves and our sin. -
Hi There, My name is Margaret and I am in Ashburton, New Zealand. I am looking forward to this study and putting a real Christ focus on Christmas (I always try to do so but this will make it so much better). I have almost completed the Psalms study here, and gotten heaps out of it. I am married and have been for 9 years. We have two beautiful children - Jayden (3 years) and Gianna (almost 2 years). I love being a mum and where the Lord has led me in my life. I pray that we are all blessed by taking time during the "silly season" to study the Word of God, and what it all means for us. God bless.
Q3. Psalm 22
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
I believe Jesus spoke these words because He truely felt abandoned by God as our sins and guilt were placed on Him to bare. God and sin can't co-exist so as our sins were placed on Jesus at the cross He felt God's displeasure and abandonment - it doesn't mean that God had abandoned Him but that He felt abandoned. God is usually at His closest when we are in times of great need - we just don't see and feel it because of the situation/sin. We seek Him but He is there carrying us through. "I will never leave you nor forsake you." -
Q2. Psalm 110
mags replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
Jesus asked the Pharisees because He wanted them to know and understand the trurth. He wanted them to know and understand that He, as Saviour, is from God - that He is God. That He, the Messiah was/is superior to David not inferior. Jesus combines the role of Warrior-King and Priest by His very being and love. God is a mighty God who leads us by still waters. He wants us to know His peace and love. He is slow to anger but He will go into battle for us against Satan. Just as a parent loves and nurtures their child but will fight for the good of that child too.