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About Patsy350

  • Birthday 02/09/1954

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    Muscatine, IA

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  1. Q3. (Psalm 98) What are the reasons given for praise in Psalm 98? Why do you think praise is so exuberant in this psalm? How exuberant is praise in your congregation, in your life? Why or why not is it exuberant? I praise God for all the marvelous things that he has done for me.
  2. Q2. (Psalm 95) In Psalm 95 we are commanded to worship the Lord. What are the reasons why we should worship contained in this psalm? Why do you think the warning in verses 8-11 is included in this psalm? How does this fit with the earlier elements of the psalm? Reasons to worship: He is the rock of our salvation, great King above all gods, he created everything he is our Maker Vs 8-11 We must be faithful to God and praise Him. When things do not go my way I tend to forget about God or grumble against Him, wanting to run the show myself. I must have full faith in God and praise Him as my everything or my worship is worthless. I must have devotion and love toward God and regard Him as my everything.
  3. Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Where should praise occur? With what should praise be conducted? Who should praise? What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud? This psalms tells me that we should praise God all the time from anywhere. We can do this with instruments and dance. This makes me want to praise the Lord even more than normal. Praise be to God
  4. Q3. (Psalm 133) What about this short psalm seems to attract you? Why is "dwelling together in unity" so difficult? What kinds of commitments does unity require of us? How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Why are reconciliation and unity such high values in Jesus' teaching, do you think? Living in Unity begins with me and my relationship with God. Do I have Unity in the relationship is the starting point of any other unity that would follow in my life. If I don't have Unity with Christ I can't have unity with my brothers and sisters. Myself gets in the way of unity. I get in the way of unity between me and others and God. I want to always be first which doesn't work with unity. It's being able to reason without letting go of my deep beliefs.
  5. Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover This Psalms instructs me on what it looks like to be a righteous person. It tells me what I am required to do to dwell in God's presence, moral integrity, how treat to others, love those I don't like, keeping my word, and living without greed.
  6. Q1. (Psalm 1). This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know: the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish. Why do we need to be reminded of this? From an emotional standpoint, what lines in this psalm stand out to you. Why do you think you like them? I need to be reminded because how quickly I can let other things step in the way. Vs 3 stands out to me. It leaves such a wonder reminder that if I am planted and have roots in God I will yield fruit. I will stand strong like a tree in Him. It is such a wonderful picture I have in my head, that brings me back from my everyday stuff.
  7. Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? When I understood that God loved me I could trust and put my faith in Him. Without the love of God life for me meaningless. He has given me His love freely
  8. Q2. (Psalms 42-43). What is the psalmist feeling during this spiritual struggle? How does he combat his spiritual depression? Have you ever felt this way? How did you reach out to God at this time? The psalmist is feeling completely dispaired. He is very low and has set himself apart from everything. He combats this by looking at the greatness of God. God brings light and fullfillment to our lives. I have felt this way several times and the only thing left for me to do is to seek the Lord, emmerse myself in Him.
  9. Q1. (Psalm 27) What does it mean that David desires to "dwell in the house of the Lord"? What does it mean to "seek his face"? How does David provide hope at the end of this Psalm? To dwell in the house of the Lord, for me to is to dwell with the Lord. To be so absorbed by the Lord to be in union with the Lord. To seek his face for me means to seek after the Lord with a full blown relationship with God How does David provide hope at the end of this Psalm? He knows that God will be there and he waits on Him
  10. Q3. (Psalm 139). In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? God knows everything about me before I know. He is my creator In his concluding prayer in verses 23-24, what does he ask God to do? Ask God to search me for ungodly thoughts
  11. Q2. (Psalm 19) Verses 1 to 6 seem very different from verses 7 to 13, but there is a common thread that relates the first part to the second part. What is it? The Word of God and the written Word of God In what way does the psalmist seem to bask in God's Word? Meditation How does the psalmist's wonder in creation seem to affect him in this psalm? The greatness of God In the classic prayer of verse 14, what is David asking God to do? Direct his thoughts and words in accordance to God's Word
  12. Psalms 8 tells me how wonderful and great my God is. The wonderful things that he has given me in this world. PRAISE BE TO GOD
  13. Hi, My namei is Pat and I live in Muscatine, Iowa. I am 53 and have been married for 33 years. I work for a lighting company and enjoy Bible Studies. I have one son, daughter-in-law and one beautiful grandaughter. I enjoy working and making new friends.
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