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  1. Q2. What aspects of Moses' prayer of intercession should we emulate in our own prayers? Upon what logical grounds does Moses offer this bold appeal to God? What do you think it means to "pray the promises of God"? How does knowing the Bible help you get your prayers answered? How does this help our prayers be within God's will? As the question states Moses inteceded for others. We should emulate this by interceding for others. Moses offered this bold appeal on the logic that Moses didn't want others to say God had led them into the wilderness to die, when Moses knew God was leading them to a land of milk and honey. God promises to provide our needs, praying for our needs is praying the promises of God. Knowing the bible helps get your prayers answered because when you put God's word into your mind, God's word comes out in answers to your prayers. Knowing the bible helps us be in God's will because we keep our thoughts pure.
  2. What had the people done that was so bad? How can a loving God be angry? Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified? See the way I read it, the people did not request to have idols made. Moses was in the mountains with God for 40 days, and the people lost their faith because they didn't have anything in front of them to see (not unlike us). However, Aaron told them to go and get all their gold and Aaron fashioned an idol for them. Howbeit Aaron may not have thought of it as an idol it became an idol. What the people did that was so bad, was they quit trusting in God. God who had brought them through the red sea, God who had provided manna every day for them. God gave us all short term memory. God can be angry just as we can be angry, it doesn't mean He isn't loving. I love my children but I do get angry with them. If God had destroyed Israel would it have been justified? I am nobody to judge whether God would be justified. Would it have made a difference to raise up a new nation? Abraham pled for the "lack of 10", however, after Lot and his family were removed and the city was destroyed, Lots daughters got their father drunk so they might have children.
  3. Q4. Why should we continually ask forgiveness? How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? We have to ask forgiveness continually because we are not perfect and will not be perfect until Jesus comes again. We will always have trials. No one can say they don't get mad at any situation. Even Jesus had righteous anger. Unforgiveness will block God's blessing of joy and health. If we do not forgive someone for something then everytime anyone mentions their name we will cringe inside ourselves and we lose some of the joy we have in that moment. In addition our health will suffer. Maybe we overeat to compensate for the hurt we are feeling, or maybe our blood pressure soars because of the anger. Either of these hurts our health. Overeating will cause us to gain weight. Weight gain will put an extra load on our back and cause backaches, it will put an extra load on our hearts. God wants to forgive us and love us and bless us, but he also wants us to do the same for others. When we are not forgiving others we have impure thoughts. God is pure and cannot dwell within impurity, so he cannot forgive us because he is unable to dwell within us.
  4. Why don't we want to ask for help? It is part of our nature. Does a baby want help crawling, walking or talking? Why should we ask God for our daily bread? We don't have to believe in God or serve him to get a job. There are too many people in the world who are working but don't believe in God. But as believers we know that he will not only provide us with our needs but with strength to perform, and someone to walk with us in troubles. We don't have to believe in him, but he does believe in us.
  5. Q2 - I am asking thy kingdom come because I look forward to not having to fight my will anymore. I ask for the fathers will here on earth because God knows so much more than I. When I lost my job and asked for another job, I was out of work for 3 months before the Lord provided a new job. During that time, I was asking for a job, and I was asking for God's will. I don't know why I didn't get a job quicker, but I do know God provided for me and in his time he gave me a job. I believe part of the reason God didn't give me a job right away was because he wanted me to learn to trust him. This prayer should affect our lives in learning to trust.
  6. Q1 - To hallow the name of God, we must strive to direct all of our attention to God when we pray. When we are talking to someone we desire all of their attention and not be talking to others while we are talking. Prayer is talking to God and when we pray He desires our full attention. This is hard for some of us because our minds continue to go several directions. Besides speaking the Lord's name in anger, I think that we besmirch God's name when we ask Him to do something and then tell others that it won't come to pass. We are saying God is not truthful, that God is not capable, and that God is not righteous. To hallow the Lord when we begin to pray is to find the most quiet place you can find, and concentrate on all the good things God has already done for you. Then begin to praise Him and lift Him up.
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