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Everything posted by aray1967
Q1. Son of a Carpenter
aray1967 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Jesus would have learned how to create something from a raw material. He would have to learn patience to get the job completed and also compromise to overcome the flaws in the material. -
Q5. Titles of St. Mary
aray1967 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
the two titles Blessed Virgin and Mother of God are both appropriate for Mary. She was a virgin blessed by God with a child and she bore the Son of God making her the Mother. As far as being hesitant about exalting her too much .... I simply do not know. -
Q4. Mary's Response to the Angel
aray1967 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
What is the essence of Mary's positive response? Faith & Belief We can learn the wonderful feeling of God's will in our lives. If we don't have faith and don't fully believe, His will may never be known to us. The angel explained to her what was to happen to her and how it was to happen. Great care was taken in making sure she understood. What do we consent to? God's will, course. -
Q2. Mary's Question to the Angel
aray1967 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
Zechariah did not question the angel in faith and Mary did. Zechariah doubted the angel and the Lord and was made silent for his lack of faith. -
Q1. The Angel's Announcement
aray1967 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
The angel told Mary that her baby would be the Son of the Most High and he will take over the throne of David and reign forever without end. -
What I hear most, is the forgiveness and healing. I know for me, I needed to know these two things first and foremost from my Lord. After I received and accepted these, I could understand the redeeming and crowning of compassion. I am still learning the greatness of my Lord, and I am still trying to understand all He offers and expects of me. Exodus is important because God showed his faithfulness in his actions. People have to be shown things sometimes in order to believe. The Lord has no limit on his forgiveness - even if he is angred.
Q1. Psalm 57
aray1967 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
When we are in crisis, we focus on ourselves. Forgetting that we are not alone and only need to look up. Praise is very important to our faith - it reminds us who is responsible for all the goodness in our lives and keeps us focused. -
Q5. Resting in the Lord
aray1967 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Psalms: Resting in God's Care
"To Rest in God" - to me it means that I am not alone and don't have to try and control everything that is happening around me. As I know God, I also know that I can give up everything to Him and he will take care of me. I don't have to worry anymore about what may or may not happen, the will of my God is stronger than my own and stronger than that of anyone else. There is nothing that can be given to me that I cannot handle with the help of my Lord. This gives me great peace! -
To me - committing my spirit to the Lord is completely giving myself to Him. This brings me great peace and allows me to enjoy the life that has been given to me without any fear. I know that the Lord will keep me in his care.
The Lord quiets the sheep and gives them confidence by providing them all they need and also providing them with his protection.
I believe that David quiets his inner person by putting his hope and trust in the Lord.
Q4. God's Protection
aray1967 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
We have to believe and have faith. I don't believe we have to completely understand the protection - just know it's there. Some believers lose faith or they simply get scared and forget. I do believe God protects us - He protects our souls. God has given us the promise of everlasting life with Him in his kingdom. He has not promised us a human life without trouble or pain, only the promise that we will not ever have to endure the pain alone. -
I find it very soothing to know that my Lord is in constant watch over me. Even if I should make a step in the wrong direction, He is there to guide me back to the right path. He is also there to walk with me on the right path when everyone else around me choses a different one. This Psalm fills me with a great sense of peace, love and self-assurance. I am thankful each and every day that I know my Lord loves me and will be with me always.
This Psalm teaches us that if we believe and love in the Lord and acknowledge His name, he will rescue us and protect us and not leave us when we are in trouble. The Lord has given us the authority to fight on the offensive against our enemies and make strides to overcome our enemy. The Lord promises to: rescue, protect, answer, be with us in trouble, deliver and honor us, give us long life and show us his salvation. This Psalm makes me feel like there is nothing I need to be afraid of because he is always with me willing to help me through all the strife. Wow!!! What a wonderful thing to know!!!
The images provoked in me are the loving wings of a mother bird and The strong tower. I feel protected and supported in the time of need.
Honestly, when I realize that I am being focused on - it makes me nervous and very excited at the same time. Nervous because I don't feel worthy of such attention and very excited because my Lord believes that I am.
Thank you for putting this so simply - I read this Psalm 3 times and did not get as much out of it as I did when I read your replies to the questions.
I have been told from the beginning of my journey as a Christian that if I truly believed and repented - I could ask the Lord's forgiveness and that it would be given to me. I believe that the same is true for David and anyone else who believes.
We should worship the Lord because He created everything and everything belongs to Him. We are his children. He is the Parent and the Teacher not to be tested or quarrelled with because we are of His creation. I think the warning was put there just to keep us reminded that He is a vengeful God and will not tolerate being tested.
This Psalm teaches that Praise to the Lord is very very important. Praise Him for everything, with lots of music and Praise Him everywhere. I feel very excited after reading this - I am so very happy. I am also very sad for those who don't know how this feels.
Q3. Psalm 133
aray1967 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
I agree that "dwelling together in unity" is difficult because we all think very differently from one another. Being "together", we make ourselves vulnerable to others - which is very difficult. We know we need each other, but we still want to be ourselves with our own ideas and not get hurt. I am a very new Christian and am having alot of trouble making myself vulnerable to others. I still have my own ideas and ways of doing things and trying to learn and live the Lord's way is proving to be a challenge. I believe that reconciliation and unity are very high values in Jesus' teachings because we have to : 1. recognize our sins, 2. ask for forgiveness and 3. try to love others as Jesus loves us Most of the time, these are very difficult things to do all at once. -
Q2. Psalm 15
aray1967 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
I believe this passage is talking about telling/speaking the truth and always doing the right things - even if they hurt us. Also, loving our neighbors and taking care of them as if family. Wouldn't it be wonderful if more people believed this??? -
Good morning, I am ARAY and I live in Indiana. This is my first Joyful Heart Bible Study and I am really looking forward to learning alot.