When we pray "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done" we are praying that God will manifest Himself and His glory in the world and in our lives. There are so many things going on in the world that we don't understand. Yet we must pray that God will continue to manifest Himself in the world so that spirtual healing, deliverance and restoration may come and the unsaved may come into the knowledge of a relationship with God.
Sometimes, as I pray, I am lost as to what I should pray about regarding my life and the lives of those around me. I rely on the Holy Spirit, my earthly Intecessor, to interpret God's will to me. Often, the things that we want and we pray for are not God's will for us. We must pray for His will to be manifest and have the faith to accept His will.
When I pray, "thy will be done", I am saying to God - I trust you and your will for whatever situtation that faces me, I trust your faithfulness, your mercy and your love.
You have proven that Your way is the best way; You have a credibility - at track record of faithfulness in my life.
When I pray these words, I can pray with the confidence that even when it seems that He is taking His time in revealing His will for my life and manifesting Himself and His glory, I still trust Him.