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Everything posted by lonnie617

  1. The Lord continuously assures me as to how He will always watch over me. The flesh so quickly forgets but because of His reassuring comfort of protection I can just rest in Him. He knows all, sees all is in control and I must just submit, surrender and obediently keep focused on Him.
  2. This beautiful Psalm teaches me that as long as I dwell in His presence and abide there, He will be my protector, my refuge, my God, my Savior and Lord. It also teaches us that He is and will ever be with us. I am reminded of His words of promise, "and lo I am with you even unto the end of the world." It also teaches us that in danger he will be our hiding place and will deliver us from the hand of the enemy. We have the power through the name of the Lord to command the enemy to flee. The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and they are saved, protected, unharmed. The honor to abide under the shadow of the Almighty Protection Will deliver from the snare of the fowler Will cover us with his feathers No evil will befall us, protection His angels will have charge over us to keep us in all our ways When we call upon the name of the Lord, He will deliver us and answer We will be satisfied, and shown salvation He will honor us I feel loved, honored, awed, grateful, thankful, humbled, protected, confidence through the Lord. I feel His arms of love around me. Praise His Holy Name!
  3. The images that the psalmist evokes to communicate his trust in God's protection are: He is a strong tower; He is a sheild; a Rock that is higher than anyone or anything; a strong tower that can not be demolished; He is a hiding place; a tabernacle, a covert. Regardless of what is going on, we are assured that "Christ is the solid rock and all else is sinking sand, and we will be protected as long as we stay and dwell in His presence. It makes me feel protected, quiet, humbled, confident in my Lord and Saviour that He is in control and no matter what may come my way, He is working all things out according to his purpose. "If God be for us, who can be against us?" What a priviledge and honor to serve such a mighty God and to know that He is God and beside Him there is none other!
  4. Humility and faith are definitely necessary when approaching the throne of grace. God will not, does not walk with those who are proud. Humility is being submissive, having meekness in knowing that we are nothing before the Lord. Faith is having complete trust and assurance that God is King of Kings and Lord of everything and that He is in control. Without faith no man can please God. Therefore praying without one or the other just doesn't work. Humility and faith before our Lord is the confidence we are to have in Him.
  5. I am humbled to think that the almighty God keeps me in His thoughts and holds me in the palm of His hand. I who am nothing..."I am amazed that He loves me, I am amazed how He cares." It makes me respond by gratefully thanking Him, adoring Him, praising Him for He is worthy--more than worthy to be praised.
  6. Because the Psalmist knows God and has complete trust in Him. He understands the true fact that God is in control and will make a way some how. It teaches us that along with our laments and prayer, praise must always be part of it. Praising the Lord uplifts our faith, and confidence in our Lord that there is nothing oo hard for Him to do. Praise keeps me focused on the Lord and when I do that regardless of what is going on around me, He knows about it. What a blessing to belong to Him!
  7. David had a true and deep relationship with God. He loved God so very much taht when he sinned he did not blame others, he did not make excuses, but owned up to what he had done. With his repentant attitude he faced God in humbility to ask for forgiveness. He knew God's mercies endureth forever. He loved so much that He shed His precious blood so that when I sin can ask for mercy and be cleansed in His most precious blood. "Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his hertitage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy." Praise the Lord for His graciousness, lovingkindness and tender mercies!
  8. He is a great God. He is our Lord and King. Even the very elements that He has made show His might and power. When you think of who He is and His lovingkindness and praise just comes. He is more than worthy. He has shed His precious blood, His grace and mercy and love...PTL! It is very exuberant in our congregation through stringed instruments (violins), trumpet, and other instruments. I love to sing and sing loudly to His honor and glory. In my life as I count my blessings and name them one by one on a daily basis, whatever life brings I strive to contuously praise Him through my life and actions.
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