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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Helen Vipond

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Everything posted by Helen Vipond

  1. Without love we are nothing. Love makes us feel alive, feel special and makes our hearts sing. Knowing that God loves me gives me deep. deep hope whilst my life is falling apart. What means much more is that I don't have to do anything to earn that love that he just loves me.
  2. Psalmist thirsting and hungering for God, spiritually thirsty and seeking God. During my time of depression it has caused me to reach out to the Living God and pour myself weeping at His feet, during all my time of grief He has been faithful and fed and watered my soul with His word and His presence, holding fast even when at times I have not 'felt' Him near. Praise God for His unfailing love, compassion and commitment.
  3. It tells of God's majestic name and of the creation, God's hands at work of the place we have in God's eyes. It also tells of our responsibilities to stewardship. Awesome Psalm.
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