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Everything posted by Julie

  1. For by the sprinkling of His blood we are forgiven. You can' t have one without the other this was the purpose. It is through Gods' grace we are saved, through Gods mercy, for His love for us, we were given, Jesus, whom, is our atonement, our sacrifice, and our forgiveness for sin. There is no type of work any man can do to save himself, it is only through Gods' grace.
  2. For by the sprinkling of His blood we are forgiven. You can' t have one without the other this was the purpose. It is through Gods' grace we are saved, through Gods mercy, for His love for us, we were given, Jesus, whom, is our atonement, our sacrifice, and our forgiveness for sin. There is no type of work any man can do to save himself, it is only through Gods' grace.
  3. Hi my name is Julie, from Ohio, I have been doing Pastor Wilsons Bible studies four years now, Praise the Lord for introducing me to these studies. I have found the best way to learn is to of course take your time, pray that you understand, to not read others answers before adding your reply.
  4. As a Christian who over time backslid to their former lifestyles, for before we had the knowledge of Our Father, the world was our home, our only hope was in the world, but now we have the power and knowledge to know that this world is a place we our staying until we go home. I have filtered back in to some of my former lifestyles such as not being longsuffering, slow to anger, or a gossip, but I pray that the Lord would give me these characteristics to be more Christlike, and I have found that I am more aware, alert when I am becoming angry, impatient or about to gossip, I can then control these unpleasant and unchristlike characters. Hello everyone It's good to be back.
  5. What I should be doing now, going out everyday, and inviting anyone who wants to come to come.
  6. They all point to His one and only Son whom He gave to pay the price for all of our sins with His blood For if you live unholy you would question if you were truly saved, for the Spirit gives us gifts and we bear the fruit of the Spirit For it Glorifies Him
  7. The water of life represents Gods word, for the word is the truth, and the truth is life. It is a free gift for it comes without a price, for Jesus paid the price. We should extend the invitation to all who will take it.
  8. We are now created new, our old self has passed away, we have a new resurrected body like Jesus, a new heaven, a new earth, we no longer need a place to worship for God is their, no light for God is the light, God will reside with us, we will see Him, we will walk beside Him, we will have full communication with God, we will live in paradise the way it was to be in the beginning before the fall of mankind. The promises can only be fulfilled in Heaven for this is where God lives, this is Gods throne. I especially look forward to dwelling with God.
  9. Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? For being afraid of not doing enough, not hearing the words "well done my child" Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? For the Lord is not in them
  10. King of kings, Lord of lords, Christ has all authority, Christ is above all others ,I am to obey our laws and others who have authority over me for example my boss, I am to use Gods word in all matters, if I am told to do something that is outside the boudaries of Gods word then I am to gracefully decline. For the world that surrounds me some are as I and others will do what it takes to gain something, they will place others above the Lord, they will place themselves above the Lord.
  11. I never quite looked at it this way before, we are betrothed to the Lamb, as Mary and Joseph to each other, as we are when we are engaged, and we must remain faithful for if not the other would not marry him or her, just as Gods people as his betrothed bride, we are to remain faithful if not there will be no wedding supper. For christ alone has the authority to remake the earth and rule it with righteousness
  12. To humble yourself and praise the Lord, to give Glory to God not to yourself or another man. Give glory, honor and thanks to Jesus for He is worthy.
  13. For we have been taught to love our enemies, but we have also been taught to be obedient, disobedience brings punishment, for those who are unjust eternal punishment is just, for they did not seize doing wrong, oppressing others, or corrupting others even though they know in their hearts it is wrong.
  14. By their complete dedication , their unwavering love, their obedience, truthfullness and by washing their robes in the atoning blood of the Lamb
  15. The antichrist will appear and perform signs and wonders to lead people astray, he is mainly going after the saints, for he already has the unsaved, he will try to decieve the saints by rebuilding the temple and acting as though he is God, he will demand worship and sit in the temple, he will rage war on all that do not follow him and he will demand that all take a mark of the beast, the false prophet or prophets work with the antichrist he will be the one that forces people to worship the antichrist or die. We all know that the antichrist is going to appear and act as though he is God, he does this by doing the things that Jesus says he will do when he returns, but we all know that when Jesus returns we will be taken up, some are taught that we will be taken up before the antichrist appears or when the antichrist appears and will not have to endure any part of the tribulation or the persecution, could this be the great falling away of the church, for the saints that believe we do not have to endure this will be confused as what is happening and then might fall for the antichrist when he trys to decieve us in this way. I beg everyone to read your Bible, and put to test the word of man.
  16. Christians overcame satan by Christ's atoning blood, by bearing witness of Christ, by standing firm for Christ, by not bowing down to satan, even though it meant death, for in death we have victory, for we gave our lives to stand for Christ. Loving our lives usually means we are a lovers of the world, the world is the world of men with God left out, if we do this we are preventing spiritual victory for we are loving what sinful men love and we are not setting ourselves apart from the world, which is our love for God which marks us apart from the world.
  17. As in Jesus day, satan seeks to destroy any thing or any person that stands for Christ, satan uses whatever he can to win people over, he lures people away by decieving them, satan and all that oppose God wage war every day with the people who follow God, we need to be cautious every day so that we are not deceived. We will be protected from satan, for we have victory already, if we follow the message of God and not the opinion of man.
  18. They persevered, stood firm for Christ, for His plan, as we should stand firm, testify for Christ, for His plan, even unto death. Their reward as our reward , reigning with Christ
  19. Q5. (Rev 10:1-9) What is bitter about what you've read in Revelation 6 through 10? The destruction of the souls whom never repented. What is sweet? The coming, of the Lamb, the Lambs protection doing this time of trial. Why do we tend to reject what is hard for us to understand? For it's not what we want to hear. I have been taught through man, that we would be taken up, will not have to endure the tribulation, but if you read the Bible you will find that some of us are here doing this time, (if the 144,000 are the church) it is a testing of faith, but we will not be harmed and in the end will reign with Christ.
  20. From the passage what do we learn about the people who make up the great multitude before the throne? A. They are a righteous people, a delivered people What is their origin? B. They are the slain people of Rev. 7:10 What does their spirit within them cause them to do? C. Sing with thanksgiving What does the first verse of the song Amazing Grace have to do with 7:14? D. Came out of the Great Tribulation-They died rather then deny their Faith, and the grace God bestows on us, for the sake of Christ, who died for our sake, saved a wretch like me, our robes once stained are white as snow, for we are washed in the blood of Christ, This does astonish me, was lost, but now Christ is with me, was blind, but now am drenched with the living water and can see.
  21. What do we learn about God? That God is all-powerful, His power brings everything under His control What is this suppose to do for the 144,000? Save them from God's wrath
  22. What do we learn about the Church from what is revealed in the Fifth Seal? Where are these "souls" at the time of this scene? What does their proximity to the altar signify?Why are they killed? Why do they ask for vengeance? Is that a Christian prayer? What does the white robe represent? What do we learn from their instruction to "wait a little longer"? A. Tells me that some had been martyled B. Under the Altar C. Their sacrifice D. Testifying about Jesus E. For they desire to be with the Lord. F. Yes G. Pure-Blamless H. There is more of us to be martyled
  23. Christ initiates this great storm It is directed at the unrighteous Yes, it is just, for everyone is aware of right and wrong, God's laws is written in everyones hearts, and on everyones mind.
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