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Everything posted by Julie

  1. Submit-yield to others, the church which is us, should yield to others, we should submit, consider, surrender to others, an attitude that it is not just us that Christ is also with us and due to our love for Christ we need to respect others. My own submission is of leaving my old self behind, the independent, proudful person I was to a person of dependence, (instead of depending on myself only as I used to) to depending on the Lord, instead of being proud, and thinking all good is of myself to knowing that all good is from the Lord to being humble instead of proud. The united congregation should be one of prayer, Joy, Loving. Christ head of the church we all know that the church is the body of Jesus, and if this is so then He is also the head of His body, and the head of us and all things done in church should be done to glorify Him.
  2. Pastor and teachers provide us with God's word to prepare us for His work. When I first started my church I attended a class which introduced me to the basic's and what the church stood for this in turn helped the body by letting the Pastor concentrate on bringing us to maturity on giving us meat and not milk. Again all Pastors, teachers and leaders provide us with God's word to prepare us for His work. Thanks Pastor Wilson for through your studies I am maturing.
  3. For they are to feed the flock with God's word, to focus on Jesus not on what the people want. Equipping would involve deep study of who God is, for we may know Him & know His way so we may follow Him. Jesus equipped His disciples with the wisdom of God.
  4. An evangelist looks no differ than you and me, they function as a teacher of the word, they help build the body by bringing the Word of God to the people, to strengthen them.
  5. By being a witness, by going out to teach others of Christ, by instructing and encouraging others of truth or knowledge of God's will, by being able to distinguish between the light and dark, good and evil, God communicates to them through the Holy Spirit, Are we all Prophets? for He also communicates with us, if we only listen and obey.
  6. We are all given a special talent to carry on the work of Christ, through the gift of God's grace. If everyone does not do his part then the body does not fully function to grow in maturity-not fully grasping the wisdom of God.
  7. I need to be less judgemental.
  8. We are all baptised by One Spirit so there is no division, through the bond of peace is how to maintain this unity, there should be no blurring of Biblical understanding, there is only one way, and it is not man's way, if you have any confusion about anything just look in the Bible the answer for every question is there . We can balance things by maintaining unity with the seven elements.
  9. One Body, One Spirit, One Hope, One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One Father. The Spirit is the most compelling, for it is the Spirit which compels me to Follow Christ.
  10. I also agree that the Spirit is who brings about the unity, and we are to maintain it, this should be a primary goal. I think the bond of peace is attending church, for Paul is urging this and speaking to the churches, urging the keeping of the unity, for we are united together at church, "through the bond of peace", the body of Christ.
  11. Humility, Gentleness, and Patience, I find Patience is the most difficult for me, and Love the most important.
  12. Living a life worthy of our calling is to walk or follow Christ, we have an ongoing relationship with Christ, we desire to be Christ-like, we begin to develop this character when we are saved, and it is not completed until we go to Heaven, this change in character comes by the grace of God and is never earned, if you trust Christ as your saviour then you have been saved by God's grace. The transforming grace of God is found in Christ, and will give us power for the work Christ has for us, and then we can serve the Lord acceptably. In Church we all come together as one, the church is the body of Christ, and we are maturing in that body, we come together as one with no divisions. The only separation is the seperation from sin, we are to be one,("I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in then and you in me.") We are to be a source of grace or strength to others, we are to build one another up in faith, and this can't be done without following Christ.
  13. The Church is the body of Christ, and believers have a position in that body. We are a group of people in which the Holy Spirit dwells with in, individually, we come together as one at church, to be joined together, to be built up, for God's own purpose, His desire. We should long to be Christ-like.
  14. The apostles and prophets contribute everyday to my life with the scriptures, and to my extended family the same way the scriptures, they are the foundation. Jesus is who the foundation is based on, so in the congregation Jesus should be the one we follow the one we act like, the one we trust, for we are created in Jesus. We are united as one in the Body of Christ so growth comes by every one of us in the church, joining together under one head, growing in Christ, building each other up and giving praise and glory to the Lord.
  15. That the church is a family, and that God is our Father. Appropriate fellowship would be of building each other up in Christ, and to bring praise and honor to Him. The implications for those who do not attend could be that they are not part of the building, they are not joining themselves together to create a Holy Temple for God as He desires.
  16. We are citizens of God's Family, we are heirs. We are Saints or Holy for we are separated and faithful to Our Heavenly Father.
  17. For without access to Our Father we could not have a relationship with Him, it is similiar to diplomatic in that it is open, open to all, in which was obtained through Jesus. This access fulfills the two greatest commandments for access to God is access to Love for God is Love, and He lives in us in which the commandment is fulfilled. We are to be righteous-to live right with Him through faith and to live right with others.
  18. According to 3:20-21 God's power works within us, the church then is filled with this unmeasureable power. It may not be evident due to lack of knowledge or lack of prayer and or lack of faith. Exercising this power causes others to think of His goodness and in turn praise Him.
  19. Christ is head over everything, for the church. The church is Christs' body, we are members of the church we are a part of that body, The power of the church is more then I can comprehend for the church is God's foundation, Christ is the cornerstone, the church is owned by God, Jesus leads it and builds it through us and His Spirit, Jesus imparts power to us and gifts for which we can serve. There is nothing the church can't do that is good and of the will of God.
  20. WOW! Now I see! It is hard for us to comprehend that we live in a world with demons, evil spirits who can live in us, as Christ lives in us, before we were saved by the grace of God, the evil spirits were in work in us and is in work in all that are not saved, but "God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the Heavenly realms in Christ Jesus..." Through our faith in Jesus, and by the grace of God we are saved we died and rose as Christ did it is by faith alone, nothing else. Works do not count observing traditions don't count, we are raised up with Christ through faith, the evil spirits have no control in us. Thank-You Jesus!Ephesian 2:. 13But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.
  21. 2. The importance of Paul telling them that Christ is seated at God's right hand, is to let them know that Christ is present with our Heavely Father on our behalf, that there is no need to fear spirit beings they feel have power over them, that Christ is our living Priest having ascended on high, Christ is above them all, is the head over everything.
  22. Hi, everyone Paul prayed that their eyes would be opened to discern His imparably great power, so that they would see that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that is at work in them and us. There is nothing wrong with their or our physical eyes, the eye is the light of the body, if it is healthy he will be full of light, if not they are in darkness, the light that is in you is the heart, not the organ, it is the inner man which shoud be focused on spiritual discernment.
  23. Christ is our eternal High Priest, The Son of God, and has sat down at the right hand of Our Heavely Father. I just realized this is the last question in our studies, so I went to jesuswalk.com and found another study starting May 2, Grasp God's vision for our church and signed up. Hope to see you all there.
  24. What's the importance of Christians reigning on the earth? To be like Christ. To praise and bless Jesus. Of being priests? To build one another up in the faith. Do you think we are to reign now or later? Both God Bless, everyone
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