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Everything posted by Julie
Q4. Never Give Up
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1 Returning to Rebuild the Temple (Ezra 1-6)
We give up because we are not strong enough to overcome the odds, but with God on our side we are strong enough to overcome all odds. A disciple lives by faith in Gods promises. -
Q2. Restoring Worship
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1 Returning to Rebuild the Temple (Ezra 1-6)
Anything done for the glory of Christ Is worship. I do need to put God number one, I at one time put God as number one, but over time I put other stuff before God. One way to restore my relation with God is studying His word, in which I become closer to the Lord. -
Q3. Redesigning Worship
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1 Returning to Rebuild the Temple (Ezra 1-6)
The uncommitted people are not serious about God, They are not putting the Lord first in their life. Letting them redesign would be a disaster. To be innovative and still be faithful to Gods heart is to stand fixed on Gods law. -
Q1. Motivation to Return
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1 Returning to Rebuild the Temple (Ezra 1-6)
To answer the question it helps me to describe the characteristics of Meekness. Those who returned to rebuild the temple had this characteristic of taking the role of a servant, they willingly submitted themselves to service to God. They were the chosen ones, the Jews that were exiled to Babylon. The ones that stayed behind were not part of the exiled ones, but willingly financed the expedition, they did not have it in their hearts to return to take part in the actual rebuilding of the temple. The characteristics of a disciple is to have a right relationship with the Lord to be meek, remorseful, to have a spiritual desire, to be merciful, to have a pure heart. -
Q4. The Pre-Tabernacle Tent of Meeting
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Golden Calf and Moses
Q4. (Exodus 33:7-11) Why is Moses -
Q3. (Exodus 32:11-13, 30-35; 33:12-17) Why is interceding for the people so important in Moses' ministry? For Moses is interceding for Gods people Why is this such an important role for pastors and lay leaders today? This is your flock or people tht you are looking out for. To intercede effectively before God, why must we know both his character and his promises?? We have to have a relationship with God an upfront one and in order for this to be possible we get to know one another.
Q2. Aaron's Irresponsible Leadership
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Golden Calf and Moses
Q2. (Exodus 32:21-24) What was the nature of Aaron -
Q2. Aaron's Irresponsible Leadership
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Golden Calf and Moses
Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? They were unable to see Moses, they did not have his presence and thought he was gone so they turned away to something they could see Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? He wanted no conflict so he went along How do you think the golden calf made God feel? Very dissapointed, no angry What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? Worldly things -
Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? They were not patient they wanted everything to happen now Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? He wanted to be a leader so bad that it took over his God knowing judgment How do you think the golden calf made God feel? Dissapointed What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day? None that I know of
Q4. The Blood of the Covenant
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19-24)
Q4. (Exodus 24:8; Matthew 26:27-28) What is the function of the -
Q3. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) In what sense is Israel a
Q2. Royal Priests
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19-24)
Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? They acted as God's representative In what sense are you a priest? We also are one of God's representatives How do you function as a priest? By serving Him In what sense are you a -
Q1. Treasured Possession
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19-24)
Q1. (Exodus 19:5; 1 Peter 2:9) From an emotional standpoint, what does it feel like to take out and look over one of your treasured possessions? self satisfying How was the idea of -
Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? He was taking the whole role on himself not realizing that he could delegate What were the qualifications of these judges? They were tribal leaders, elders having respect from their peers How is Moses
Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? For they would stop their grumbling Why did the manna finally cease? They got to their destination Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? It was waiting for them everyday and they expected it to be their for the Lord always took care of them. What provision of God are you taking for granted? Like the Israelites that God will always be their for me
Q2. (Exodus 16:7-8) Why can grumbling against a leader really be a symptom of grumbling against the Lord? When we grumble against a leader we are grumbling against the Lord because the Lord is talking through the leader. Are there any cases where this might not be true? Yes, when the leader is a non-believer and then the Lord is not talking through him. Why do leaders tend to take complaints so personally? It is hard for us to remember that it is not us they are complaining about What does it take to learn that "it's not about you." Maybe we need to remind ourselves that it is not about us everyday
Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it? They question why this happens and grumble when everything does not goes as planned and if they have no faith then they begin to fear the unknown If you dont have any faith you live in fear and find yourself grumbling We should do as Moses and take it to the Lord but we should also try and solve some of lives problems on our own without grumbling, just do what is right.
Q4. God's Glory
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Passover and Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 12-15)
Q4. (Exodus 14:4, 17-18) Why is God -
Q3. Blaming the Leader
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Passover and Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 12-15)
Q3. (Exodus 14:11-14) Why do the people blame Moses for the advancing Egyptian army? Scared, and did not have real faith. What motivates their fear? Insecurity Who are the people really blaming? God How does Moses respond to their blame and fear? By reassuring and commanding them Why doesn -
Q1. Christ Our Passover Lamb
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Passover and Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 12-15)
Q1. (1 Corinthians 5:7; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19) In what sense is Christ our Passover Lamb? In what sense are we marked with his blood? In what sense does God -
Q3. Obedience and Deliverance
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Passover and Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 12-15)
Q2. (Exodus 12:50) Why was obedience so important to the people -
Q4. Letting God Fight the Battle
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Finding Courage to Stand (Exodus 5-11)
Q4. Why do we tend to fight our battles -
Q3. Why didn
Q1. Blaming and Resisting God
Julie replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Finding Courage to Stand (Exodus 5-11)
Why did Moses blame God for his troubles? Blame it on Human Nature. Why are Moses and Aaron so stubborn, do you think? Was it fear? Was it unbelief? Or both, perhaps? I think their stubborn because man is stubborn, and also they feared for the unknown. Why does God have to command Moses and Aaron? He needed to get HIS message across, to get what is needed to be done, done.