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Everything posted by Julie

  1. 1. wisdom 2. you must believe and not doubt 3. for it is through trials that we become strong in faith and its through faith that we become loyal or singleminded to the Lord, then we will be able to hear the Lord.
  2. These trials break the hold sin have in our lives, and by achieving this we learn to be loyal to Christ. By being loyal to Christ and going through trials our faith grows to the point that we know in our hearts their is no one not even ourselves that we can trust to help us, except the Lord.
  3. People tend to blame others for it takes the pressure or guilt off them, makes them feel better to think it was not their fault, it is the easy way out. No, God does not tempt us, nor does he tempt sinful people. God allows people to sin and evil to exist for it is our choice on what to do when tempted by our own sinful desires, it is our freewill choice.
  4. I value highly these trials for they have given me more of a understanding of Gods word, have helped me to grow spiritually, have helped me to grow in the truth, have strengthened me, they have helped me to be more like Christ, and have deepened my faith in Christ, these trials has shown me how to trust in the Lord. No satan did not destroy me for God refined me. I have changed for my faith and love for Our Heavenly Father has deepened. I am more at peace not worrying about things, I am not afraid for the Lord will look after me.
  5. What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"? Abram is relying on Christ in every situation. What does it mean for you to "call on the name of the Lord"? Dependence I depend on the Lord everyday without Him, I am lost.
  6. Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? For a person to have this special faith they must first believe in Christ, if a person does not believe in Christ they will not trust in Christ or believe in His teachings or Calvary, without this faith they will not do something if they can't see how it will turn out for they have no trust in the Lord. This faith in christ, the total dependence on Christ, assures the faithful that we will be lead the right way even though we can not see where we are heading. Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Oh Yes. Are you in the midst of this adventure now? Every day.
  7. In what ways was Abram blessed? He was given favor, happiness, misfortune was prevented, Abram was made a great nation, his name is great, he was blessed, and we are blessed through Abram. How have all the people been blessed? Due to Abrahams obedience all people are blessed. In what way does Abram continue to bless people through your life? For when God raised up Abram he made him a blessing by turning us from our wicked ways as we ought to turn others from their wicked ways and bless them.
  8. OOPS. answered wrong it is YES, NO, Yes
  9. Oh Pastor Wilson without this and your other studies I would fall. SO these studys mean alot to me. They enrich my life by giving me wisdom and by keeping me in the word. It is through your studies that I have found the intimate relationship with the Lord.
  10. Everything, It means everything to me. I can't explain this joy towards me We are blameless through Christ death and resurection, but I feel we need to work on not compaining or arguing with anyone unless we are being zealous about the Lord, Philippians 2:14:15.
  11. 1. Keep your relationship with God alive. 2. By spending time with Him in His word. 3. Pray, worship, remember the Lord in all I do.
  12. For it is our choice to follow or not follow the Lord. Reading and studying His word, which builds your knowledge and builds your faith. I need to study more and find a local church to help me be built up better.
  13. Being called by our Heavenly father catches my attention more, for God chose me when I was still a sinner He placed it on someones heart to seek me and bring me to Him, this is truly being loved by God, for God wanted a relationship with me, and the relationship is like and will never be like no other. The relationship is very special to me, it enables me to walk with the Lord, to talk with the Lord, to be kept by the Lord. My faith is encouraged for I depend on the Lord with my life.
  14. 1. We should strive to live according to Gods standards 2. There lives are not reflecting Jesus.
  15. 1. For some feel they are not worthy, some feel they could not meet Gods standards (Do any of us), some feel they will be giving up to much 2. No 3. Yes, For fear of grieving the Lord by repeating the sin, For I know 70x7, He will forgive, but if you keep doing it over and over I feel our hearts will be hardened, blessings taken away, crowns removed.
  16. 1. For God wants all to come to repentence 2. That God is long-suffering, God is Love, merciful, full of grace.
  17. To perish is to be destroyed, to put an end to, to do away with, God will put and end or do away with those who do not come to repentence, what a tragic mistake this is. If these truths are not taught, we will not grasp the true meaning and not strife to bring others to repentence.
  18. 1. For we will not forget 2. By studying Gods word 3. By sharing His word
  19. Maybe their afraid of offending someone, which leads to decrease in numbers which leads to a decrease money. I do not really know I do not want to judge I know I am not perfect, I'm still growing spiritually went to one church for 4- 5 years the one I started to go to after I was saved, I am now without a church but still longing for one, I find that some of the things that were taught seemed to be twisted out of context, alot of teaching was on numbers how to get the numbers up even though there were hundreds attending, I learned that you do not bless those that oppose you which is wrong, the race card came up, even though they just had a pig roast to get the numbers up they turned away one family, which is wrong, I heard alot of I's, and my's I did this and my church, and also heard that you should be obligated to the person who saved you which is wrong. I was so confused, but know that the almighty God is in control and what I went through was not for nothing and He will lead me to a loving church, and I do know that the Lord is working through Pastor Wilson. God bless him and the Lord keep him.
  20. Flagrant defiant sin enslaves a person for the sin will grow, multiply, and take over the person The way out is to stop, and take the path of Jesus Love the sinner hate the sin, we need to remember that Jesus died for all sinners, we need to be merciful and snatch them away from their sin. By judging others we judge ourselves, by condeming others we condem ourselves, For it is written "It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord.
  21. Sexual sin goes against the Lords teaching, and when you go aganst the Lords teaching you are dening Christ, when you go against any of God's ways you are dening Christ, for if you are not following Christs ways you are against Christ. why are we so complacent, why are we not as bold, we should be bold when it comes to Christ, we should make our voice heard, but the voice of the ungodly is heard above ours.
  22. For souls will be lost if we do not contend for the faith. If we confront false teachers and show them gently where they are wrong we might make the difference obvious, they may go on and continue in the same manner but beware you will have to live with yourself knowing you did not contend for the faith which is intrusted to us.
  23. The scriptures refers to God, The scritures is the word of God by studing the word we begin to know God and become closer to Him. For the Holy Spirit is God and without the Holy Spirit we would know no Truth for God is Truth, the Holy Spirit is who lives in us and teaches us.
  24. By being obedient and receptive to Our Heavenly Father the Holy Spirit moves us to speak for Him. The ship was carried along by the wind to where it needed to go after the men were receptive-ready and obedient.
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