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Everything posted by Julie

  1. For they are accountable to God, their prayers will suffer, or may not be heard at all. The wifes prayer will be hindered in the same way.
  2. For women are weaker and equal spiritually, Love is shown with a gentle spirit. Dominating another is not Gods chracter, it does not show love, respect, it is not peaceful, gentle, or humble
  3. 1-2. By putting God first, by focusing on God, and putting their hope in Him 3. For it is doing what is right and not giving away to fear. 4. For what he sees is not made up it is real and it is pure.
  4. 1. For it is a reflection on our spouses, and God. 2. When they spend more time on their beauty instead of spending time in Gods word 3. Keeping yourself in Gods presence, in His word, and doing what is right, and not spending your time worring about your clothes and hair.
  5. Submission: 1. For sometimes it is hard for us to obey others. 2. By studing this exposition I have found that submission does require me to be silent, for it is our behavior that wins our husbands and others, not out words. 3. Submission is wrong when it is against Gods word, then we are not to be quiet.
  6. For satan will not leave us alone, he tries to destroy and hinder us. We must say no to sin, we must deny ourselves, in that I mean, we must totally commit ourselves to live for the Lord, not for ourselves, to suffer even if we did no wrong, we must live for righteousness which in everyday language would mean we must have a right relationship with God and others.
  7. Without Jesus bearing my sin I would forever be lost, forever be without the Father, living without direction, without help, without hope, I would be doomed to eternal suffering.
  8. Sin separates us from Our Father, without Jesus' sinlessness we would be forever cut off from God. Again Jesus not only suffered a gruesome brutal physical death, He bearing my sin experienced the Father's wrath against sin. He who had known nothing but a perfect relationship with God became conscious of the break in that fellowship, what worse fate could there be? It was Jesus will that He be a substitute for us, how Jesus stood this corruption only one way LOVE.
  9. I'm going to bear the sufferings that I must endure, with a quiet spirit and trust myself to God.
  10. We need to allow ourselves to be subjected to injustice, this is being submissive, obedient and humble. We should not complain, for the employer needs to see our inner self of a quiet spirit. We need to be an example of patience in the time of suffering.
  11. By submitting to our employers is agreeing to obey, when we are employed we know what is expected of us, if we do not give our full effort means we are disobeying and dishonoring God, for we are not submitting out of reference for Christ.
  12. By submitting ourselves to Gods will, and by being obedient to the Lords commands causes us to spread the Gospel, and when men have knowledge of God, we bring honor and praise to Him. God does not receive the glory unless the gospel is preached.
  13. 5. They can see that they do not have to conform to this world they can see that there is another way to follow a way of truth and love and this in turn gives the Lord praise and glory. If we blend in to this world how can we be separate, how can that give God praise and glory for then we would be no different, there would be no praise.
  14. Peter tells us that we are strangers in this world that this world is not our home and that satan uses sinful desires to wage war against our soul to make us struggle against right and wrong, Peter tells us that we need to say no to these desires for they are not pleasing to God. This helps us in that we have the knowledge of this war against our souls and with this knowledge, and the power of the spirit within us, we know we can abstrain from these desires.
  15. 3.That we should be different then the world we should not be worldly, our desires should be of serving, of things that pleases God, not of things of the world which make you powerfull to others of the world. That we should reflect Gods' Holliness, and intercede and represent God before man so others can see God in us.
  16. 2. By offering our lips as a sacrifice, by giving thanks to the Lord, by clearly letting others know you are Gods child, by rejoicing in the Lord, by singing, exalting the Lord for His goodness, mercy, holliness, for deliverance from our enemies, for our Salvation.
  17. There relation to God, is one of serving, one of doing everything to please God. In which my mindset should be the same, one of serving, one of pleasing God through Jesus Christ.
  18. Yes, I have felt worthless. My worth is precious and valuable as the Lambs'. Gods' love is so precious for us in order that we would never be separated from Him, He gave us Jesus to bare the separation and suffering for us. They are worthless Faith in Jesus, for He is our only hope.
  19. They feel they are being picked on For we will be with the Lord, without final judgement we would be doomed to a life separate from God. In order that we can find our hope, and comfort in knowing this. Could there be a Gospel if there is no final judgement, there would be no Jesus, so then what would the Gospel be, the Old Testament points to the New Testament which points to the Final Judgement.
  20. Holy- to set yourself apart from the world, to not be as the world, to be loving, forgiving, compassionate, giving, humble, meek, slow to anger, longsuffering, sober, self-controlled, peacemaker, fair, honest, in other words to be like God. I would like to believe I am loving, compassionate, giving, humble, meek, sober, fair, honest, and strive for peace. By asking for forgiveness My biggest struggle would be patience and control of my tongue.
  21. That we need to be ready, we need to overcome the trials that we have to endure, before Christ comes, we need to be longsuffering, and place our faith in the Lord, we need to pray that His will be done, even if it is different then ours, in order that our minds our set on Our Heavenly Father. For Christ is our only hope. For self-control and soberness are virtues of Christ. If we want to follow the Lord then things like Jealousy, envy, pride..., and not being of a clear mind, are some of the things we need to overcome. We could filter back to old lifestyles.
  22. To Love and believe in what you have not seen. This joy is far beyond emotion, it is joy of knowing that you are chosen that you are loved far more then you can love back, a joy that can never be taken away, a joy that comes upon you at any time and completely takes over to the point of dancing and singing without a care of who is around. A joy that is forever.
  23. Oh, Yes, I have difficult circumstances in which God has refined and purified my faith, He accomplished bringing me and my family closer to Him. As we are being tested we are proved geniuine by following Gods' word, by walking in the light, this brings gory to Jesus for others can see Christ in us
  24. Our part is faith, Gods' part is protection
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