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  1. Reading the Old and New Testaments, there are numerous references to wine, Noah drank it and get drunk, Jesus performed His first miracle turning water into wine for a wedding celebration, Paul tells Tito not to forget to add wine to his water. Why is it that wine is juice? II will sincerely appreciate to let me know know if there is any biblical support for this?
  2. Allow me to respectfully differ from the interpretation that the Last Supper was the Passover meal. Based on Israelite tradition the Passover Meal has to be eaten standing up not at a table, to remember the readiness of Israel just before parting from Egypt. If Jesus is the Passover Lamb, He had to die on Passover not before. He dies just before the start of the Passover and more convincingly the people ask Pilates to hasten the death of the slained because of the Shabbath. This has been one of the matters I have fully studied and researched for years. John opened my eyes: It was before Passover and then I remembered Deuterenomy stating that just after a normal working day, they had to take the Passover Meal at dusk (starting a new Jewish day 6 pm - 6 pm) and then starting the Unleavened Bread Festival that had to be Shabbath. The Gospel states that this Shabbath was a very special one and that people were in a hurry. The Israelites were used to do this, it is my personal opinion that the Unleavened Bread Festival on that year was a Thursday and being Shabbath followed by another Shabbath no wonder everybody was in such a hurry to bury the deads and be prepared for two consecutive Shabbat. This will also explain the "sign given to Jonah" three days and three nights.
  3. For those who came to beliieve Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God and that He came as our Saviour, Jesus Blood made atonement before YHVH and washed away our sins. The Holy Spirit (Ruach Cha Hodesh) is the flame in our hearts that reminds us constantly Who freed us and Whom we belolng to and be aware of our actions and words. The Holy Spirit is our Reminder and give us the strenght to fight the world, demos and flesh. He reminds us that we have been bought.with Jesus Blood.
  4. At the beginning, between good and evil we chose evil, thus following the evil, Satan do not posseses us, we chose to follow him and by our forces we couldn't deliver ourselves from sin. We made ourselves slaves of sin. Jesus is the Only One who can rescue us from that condition. YHVH delivered Israel from Egypt because the Israelites have paid with slavery and forced work for many years, thus, according to YHVH King of the Universe, their debt was paid, the Egyptians have been paid off. They did not want to free the Israelites and YHVH rescued them, not paid a price, rescue them with His Might.. Satan never possessed us. We freely sinned and had no way to atone for that sin. We have been rescued and redeemed. We have been rescued from life emptyness, dispair and all other things associated with things not intended by our Lord for us to live by. We have been redeemed tthrough Jesus Blood to offer YHVH reparation for our sin and to bring us to YHVH's possession as it was intended from the Creation. He who accept Jesus as his Savior and Redeemer is property of YHVH and offers the perpetual sacrifice of Jesus Blood as if it was his own. We chose to be freed from sin and be part of YHVH's inheritance
  5. I still remember my mother and grandmother killed our chicken and ducks and my brother and I crying if the chicken in question was born on our house. I am not disturbed by the idea of killing animals for food. What I think of the animal sacrifice is different because killing a bull or a sheep not only meant killing but most importantly it was money. You commited sin, you pay for it. How? with an animal whose price could be consistent with the sin. Blessed we are that Jesus came as the Lamb of God, as we do not need to kill animals to Our Lord. Hearts I want, says the Lord, not sacrifices. Problem is we do not offer animal sacrifices nor we repent. Who knows perhaps if our society had to pay for every sin, could we see a change in moeurs? I consider myself as a city dweller but because of my upbringing I see no problem in killing a chicken thopugh I could not do it myself.
  6. I am not sure if God gets angry at every moment humans commit sin. I wonder that being slow in anger means that Our Father knows we all commit sin, the thing is are we aware of it, do we repent as soon as we realize it? Perhaps this is why Our Merciful Lord is slow in anger. When He punished His people, Israel, He does it after many years of continuous sin that made His people callous and they did not take time to analyze what they were doing, same as today, we are so bussy or we say, these are these times, we have to allow things that 20 years ago, we said were sins. Well. they are still sins. We have become callous or worst, we know we allow this behaviour and do not have the courage to break with family and friends because we know we will be alone, outcasted. I pray Our Lord to give me the courage to allow my anger at myself and at the sin and rise my voice to confess and say to others that I will ask forgiveness for my sins against them and ask them not to tell me things they know I do not approve. The most wonderful thing we have is Jesus. He took our sins away and when we fall, we can count on HIm to help us raise again.
  7. The question of why it is so radical the concept of sin forgiveness could perhaps be seen in the idea Jews have about the Messiah (many still think this way). They did not expected their Messiah first to die, second because they beleived the Messiah was a person sent by God bit only God could forgive sins hence saying This Man will take away the sins of the whole world was at least revolutionary and stating that He came as a sacrificial Lamb, well, unthinkable. At least that is what I think. I am new, this is the first question of the first Lesson.
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