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  1. i think jacob was being taught a lesson, what goes around comes around. he needed to be shown who was in charge/
  2. The erection of the stone was Jacob acknowledging his own faith in God. It was anointed to show Jacob's cleansing and his dedication to God, it was his promise to love and worship God and to follow God's word. His promise was if God took care of him that he would Follow GOD.
  3. This was God's blessing to the first son thru Isaac,it wasnn't Isaac's place to undo it. God knows everything, he knew what had been done, he was the one to take care of everything
  4. I don't think Rebekah can be excused from the deception. a lie is a lie. Jacob was weak in character because he didn't say"no this is the wrong thing to do" Neither were willing to wait on God's promise,they took things into their own hands so for the rest of their lives they lived a lie.
  5. selling his birthright was looked on as lack of faith in the new testament. it showed he put more value on getting something for himself for the moment than holding onto something of value from his father.The birthright was a legacy handed down from his father and should have meant more to him than a bowl of soup.It shows that Esau's values and morals were more earthly. Jacob proved he was deceitful and couldn't be trusted and would easily betray anyone to get what he wanted. I think the saddest part is that he deceived his father, if you can lie that easily to your father then you have no character, no morals,no values at all
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