Hello! My name is Deanna Corey and I am so excited to start this study! I did the Names of God study which was awesome but didn't participate in the forum board. I am looking forward to that this time with studying Psalms. I live in the San Bernardino mountains in a little town called Running Springs which I am sure many of you know is on fire as i type this. We were evacuated out on Monday and we are living in a travel trailer in my daughter's yard for who knows how long. It is tight!!! 5 of us plus 4 parrots, and 4 dogs and 1 cat...we are the Ark!!!! I was able to borrow my son-in-laws laptop so I could get my lessons as they come in. What a perfect time to study Psalms...I am excited!! Please pray for us as you get a chance. We don't know too much yet except the fire is all around our home and town.
Blessings and Hugs in Him, Deanna