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Linda Spilman

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  1. Q.5 Share His message with others more - not weighing nor debating why I should or shouldn't.
  2. Q.4 These passages show that many will not enter in because of sin. The 1 Cor. passage goes beyond right living. Right living does not wash,sanctify nor justify us before God. Holy living is important to salvation as it is our response to the price that was paid. For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's . Holy living is important to God because it shows that we are His and that we honor His gift - His Son.
  3. Q.3 He sees the church as those having the glory of God and "her light was like unto a stone most precious" (Rev. 21:11). The perfection and beauty portrayed in this chapter is the ultimate reward made possible by Christ's sacrifice and God's love for the faithful.
  4. Q.2 The water of life represents life and that God is our only source of life. Only He provides the water. It's a free gift and the invitation is for all - "Come" all those who hear and are thirsty. It is free in the sense that Jesus sacrifice on the cross is what makes it available for whosoever will. The invitation is extended by the Spirit and the bride and they say Come. Are we connected to the Spirit? Are we connected as in John 15? And are we diligent in saying, "Come"?
  5. Q.1 The significance of God being with them is that we are redeemed and restored to the position that was intended for us at creation. Though we have sinned we have not been abandoned by God but are cleansed and symbolically in the garden again. The promises in 21:4 can only be fulfilled in heaven because of sin on earth. The promise I look forward to is no more death.
  6. Q.4 I'm placing my assurance of my name being in the book of life because of Jesus' blood. The sacrifice was made on the cross and the price was paid. I have been bought and desire to honor His sacrifice. Of course I sin, repent and continue to focus on what it cost for my name to be in the book.
  7. Q.3 In reading the notes for this section it wasn't the different beliefs concerning the 1,000 yr. reign that caught my attention. It was the sentence about the books being opened and the pure justice of God's verdict. That's what makes it awesome - He is all knowing. My husband attended a funeral where the minister said, " This is one date (death) that all of you are going to keep and you can't send your lawyer". It is so frightening because it is so final - the books cannot be changed. Maybe it's hard for people to believe in God's judgement because of the God is love theory and our concept of justice is influenced by the media and what we think is right. Pure justice of God's verdict - those few words say so much.
  8. Q.2 The implication of the title is that there is none above God. We live in a world of many implications. If I am not grounded in the truth of the " KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS " then the temptation is great to fall away and fritter from one ism to another. The implication for the world is that we are not in charge and that we have a choice to make.
  9. Q.1 As the betrothed I am admonished to remain pure and loyal anticipating the great marriage feast. I have been bought with a price and my betrothal is to be as binding as marriage. Encouragement comes from Christ paying the price - clothing me in white and allowing me to be in His presence.
  10. Q.4 Yes, there is a balance a combining of the two- being in the world and being salt and light. Yet we are to remain faithful and not allow the world to change our allegiance to God. Just as Jesus withdrew for times of prayer and solitude we too can find that in our private study time and prayer - then it's time to be in relationship with others (to be salt and light).
  11. Q.3 Appropriate worship is acknowledging the characteristics of God. These passages in Rev. give us many characteristics - Holy, Worthy, the Creator, Redeemer, Praiseworthy, Eternal, Judge, the Rewarder, Just, Truthful, Righteous, etc. So many songs but these come to mind - Holy, Holy, Holy, Standing on Holy Ground, Praise Him, Praise Him, Blessed Redeemer, Thou Art Worthy, This is My Father's World, Our God is An Awesome God, How Great Thou Art, etc.
  12. Q.2 It's difficult to accept the reality of eternity and it's easier to focus on and to understand that God is love. Also Satan and our ego deceive us with the lie that surely God will make an exception for me! Until we get beyond this way of thinking it's hard to accept that God's justice includes eternal punishment. God is eternal and God is just - focusing on this helps me get myself (thoughts and speculations) out of the way and be ready for His coming.
  13. Q.1 First they are in God's presence and have His seal. This makes the characteristics particularly noteworthy. What examples to emulate! - spiritual purity not sexually immoral nor idolatrous, followers of the Lamb, purity of speech, without fault, and the firstfruits (allegiance to God as the giver of all) unto God and to the Lamb.
  14. Q.4 They are representatives of Satanic orgin who bring persecution against the church. The first beast represents civil power; the second beast represents religious power employed to support civil power. With wonders and deceit many are fooled and perish. Those who are saved are the ones who receive and believe the truth.
  15. Q.3 Defeat of Satan! The saints/martyrs overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb and the testimony by the word. We have victory if we remain faithful. No matter what kind of death we experience even a martyr's death Christ's blood assures us of a resurrected life. Loving our life more than we love Christ prevents us from dying to ourselves (bear his cross) and following Him (come after me).
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