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Everything posted by momofmiraclebaby
Q1. What effect does Satan want trials to have in our life? FOR US TO TURN FROM GOD AND RELY ON OURSELVES. What effect does God want them to have? GOD WANTS THEM TO BRING US CLOSER TO HIM WHICH IN TURN STRENGTHENS US The effect really depends upon how we respond to the trial. Have you ever been through a trial that strengthens and invigorates you at the end? YES Have any of your trials inspired others or have you been inspired by another's trial? YES
Flesh to me means the very thing i battle against daily and have to rely on God every moment for deliverance. It's the thing that looks so easy and alot of the times fun but the end result is seperation from God, because sin brings death and the flesh is our old sinful nature. But as Pauls says, O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Daily I thank God for His Son....He is the truth and the only way!!
Q1. (12:10) What dangers faced Abraham and his family as aliens and sojourners in Egypt and elsewhere? Who might oppress them? What "aliens and sojourners" live in your community? Why did they come? How are they being oppressed or discriminated against by employers and others in the community? What can you and your church do to "love those who are aliens"? ok i could give the same answers i have seen repeated about not having rights and such, but i have a question? In my studies when i come to this scripture it talks about Abram being under trial; forsakes the place of blessing and chooses to go to Egypt(which in my studies is likened to the World or Worldly). And in making that choice he starts down a slippery slope, cause in the very next verse he has his wife lie. Once you choose the world over God; sin riegns. To me they are aliens because they are out of the will of the Lord and when you make the choice to be out of the will of God you can expect bad and hard things to come your way. We are aliens in this world because we are not from here. And i so look forward to going home one day. And as a child of God (an alien) here on earth there is discrimination as well. so my question is can we expect God to protect us when we knowingly go against what He told us to do or where to go? I know God can do anything and everything but as i study this scripture during Abrams disobedience in going to Egypt, did the Lord speak to him? i don't see God speaking to him again until he is seperated from Lot. maybe this is totally off the subject, so if you want to know the correct answer to these questions look at the previous posts.
Q4. (12:9) What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"? What does it mean for you to "call on the name of the Lord"? He knew that God was the one true God. It means the same for me..... God is the only one who i can call on who knows what i truly need, even when i think i need something totally differnet than what He gives me.
Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now? Fear is the reason it takes a special faith to obey God. Fear that you will fail, fear that you misunderstood what God said, fear that you aren't strong enough. It takes daily FAITH to walk this Christian walk, like a popular saying "to take the first step even when you don't see the rest of the stairs". I have had these "opportunities" and clinged to Gods hand because only through faith in Him was i able to take the first step. We adopted our special needs daughter when she was 1----only through faith were we able to step out and take that great responsiblity. Only by faith have we been able to endure surgery after surgery, but through our faith God has blessed us by continuelly touching our daughter. For a child who was never suppose to make it to the age of 3, never suppose to get out of bed, never suppose to walk, talk, eat or breath on her own; faith was the only answer. Now she is 7 years old, breathing without a machine, walking, talking, and eating non-stop. FAITH in an ALMIGHTY, Loving, Caring, faithful GOD is what can carry you through any adventure!!
Q1. Beginning Again
momofmiraclebaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
God lead me 3 years ago to start an in home Bible Study for women. During those 3 years we have seen many women come and go and sometimes it was only 3-4 women but I have come to find that even if it was just me there; the whole purpose is to study God's Word and to apply it to everyday life and i need that just as much as the other women, so it never lacked purpose. When we were small in numbers I know God had who needed the lessons there. We have taken a break the last 2 months due to family issues and vacation and death, but i miss it and so do the other women and this break has made us realize how hungry we are for the Word and also the encouragement that is offer to one another. I would like to encourage you, that if you have been on a "break" and your not feeling the hunger for what God laid on your heart.....PRAY!!! God hasn't moved.....have you? -
Q1. (Hebrews 4:14) What is so important about "holding fast to our confession." What is our confession or profession of faith? Why is maintaining this confession so vital? We can't waver in our confession of faith....Jesus died once for our sins....He said "IT IS FINISHED" so we can hold to the finished works of Christ and then do as He tells us to "GO FORTH" that is why we maintain our confession....so that we can tell others as we go forth into all the world and share the good news of Christ.
Q4. (Hebrews 4:12-13) What do these two verses have to do with what precedes them? How is the Word described? What effect does the Word have on us? Why do we need to continually expose ourselves to the Word of God? These verses show the importance of the Word and the effects of what will happen if we don't do what the Word says. the WOrd is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. the Word can have a pruning, healing and growing effects on us as Children of God we expose ourselves to the Word of God so that He will expose us and teach us how to become what God desires for us.
Q3. (Hebrews 4:8-11) What do you think the writer of Hebrews means by this promise of "rest" for the believer? Why does the writer urge us: "Make every effort to enter that rest"? What is the difference between apostasy from Christ and the kind of falling into sin that all Christians experience from time to time? I think we can have rest in the Spirit now....just as we have joy in the midst of sorrow.....now the great rest will come when we are in heaven with Christ. The writer urges us towards that rest because when we come to the place of rest.....the closer we get God. Wether that be in heaven or in our spiritual walk with Him.....where ever He is there is rest.
Q2. Hardened by Sin
momofmiraclebaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jesus, the Giver of Rest (Hebrews 3:1-4:13)
Q2. (Hebrews 3:12-14) What is the importance of faith in our relationship to Christ? How does sin trick us? How does it harden us? What is the value of Christian fellowship to keep our faith strong? I think faith is importance because that is the base of our relationship with Christ.....we have to have faith in Him in which we have not yet seen. Faith defined: Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. Sin tricks us in our everyday life......in little things so that as we look at them and ok them cause they aren't hurting anyone we get hardened and the bigger things then seem smaller then nothing seems like sin. The first thing someone does when they start slipping away from God is to seperate themselves from the other Children of God....so no one will see what kind of shape they are getting into. But when we come together it is harder to slip away from God because we lift each other up as we praise the Lord. As we come together we strengthen each other. -
Q5. (Hebrews 2:16-18) Why in God's plan did Jesus have to become human like us? How does his humanity provide encouragement and help to us when we are in trouble? Jesus became a human so that we would know that God understood what we live with daily....in the flesh. This provides encouragement to us because being Children of God who have His Spirit living in us we can walk as Christ walked.....flesh but filled with the Spirit.....and we can walk through our trouble, just as Christ walk through the Crucifixion and came out the other side of that painful time VICTORIOUS .... over sin and satan. There is always another side to our troubles if we will keep walking hand in hand with Christ and walk through them and learn from them.
Q4. (Hebrews 2:14-15) What was the purpose of Christ's death according to verses 14 and 15? In what sense is this mission accomplished? In what sense will it see its final completion in the future? What is the result in our lives from Christ's accomplishment? To destroy the devil and free us from the bondage to the fear of death. It is accomplished because Christ has the key to death and hell Final completion will come when the church is rapture and the dead in Christ shall rise The result in our lives is that we are free free free from this world of sin
Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? Through the plan of salvation is how He brings many sons and daughter "to glory" Jesus became perfect by laying down His will and doing His Fathers will "not my will but thine" Impliactions: we can become perfect when we learn to lay down our wills in EVERYTHING we do and say not my will Lord but thine!! Honestly speaking that is a very difficult thing to do.....we want to try it our way first and when that fails, then we run to the Lord to put the pieces back together.
Q2. (Hebrews 2:9) In what way did Christ "taste death for everyone"? Why is this so dependent upon God's grace? If Christ died for your blackest and most stubborn sins, what are the implications for you? Christ tasted death because SIN means death and He took on the sins of the world. It is dependent upon God's grace because without His grace He wouldn't have sent His precious Son to die for me and for you....... The implications for me......is that He made away for me to be brought into glory with Him. HE died for my sins so that i would not suffer the pains of spiritual death. Therefore i have assurance to live on high with Him on that glorious day!!
Q1. (Hebrews 2:9) In what ways did Jesus suffer during his life and death? In what ways are we likely to suffer? Does suffering have any value? What happens when we live in such a way to avoid all suffering? Jesus suffered in every way that we could suffer. He suffered being lied on, being talked bad about, laughed at, His own friends turned against Him, His own people did not believe Him and on and on....yet He remained sinless. In His death...what more to suffer than your Father having to turn His face from you because all of the sins of the worlds were placed on you. Yet doing it because He knew it was for the salvation of the world. That isn't even considering the physical suffering that He felt. Does suffering have any value? Yes if you learn from it.....no if you wallow in it and make your life about the suffering. If we avoid all suffering we avoid all growth.
Q4. Miracles and Faith
momofmiraclebaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus, the Father's Own Son (Hebrews 1:1-2:4)
The truth of my salvation has been confirmed by Christ dying and being crucified and raising on the 3rd day and now setting on the right hand of God on high.....His blood confirms my salvation. The Disciples walked with Christ and saw all kinds of wonders and miracles and still yet they didn't truly get it until after Christ was gone....so i don't think signs and wonders would establish anything; only faith alone can bring about what Christ came to earth to do. Don't get me wrong I believe in them all and there is a time and place for them...Christ tells us that we would do the same things He did and even greater......I have seen miracles myself in the miraclous healing of my daughter......so why is it if Christ tells us that we will do as He has done.....why aren't we seeing healings, lame walking, blind seeing, deaf hearing......etc.? -
i think we drift because we become hearers of the Word and not doers of the Word. We can't grow in the Lord if we don't take what He tells us in His Word and do it.....i agree with the statement there is no standing still in our relationship with God, we are either moving towards Him or we are drifting away from Him....how do we keep from drifting? By not only hearing the Word but heeding to it. Lord, help me not to be just a hearer of the Word!!
Q2. Son of God
momofmiraclebaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus, the Father's Own Son (Hebrews 1:1-2:4)
He is appointed heir to ALL things and He made the worlds, the brightness of His glory, He is the express image of God. Upholds all things by the word of His power......He set down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. scriptures says it best!! -
Q1. The Idea of "Son"
momofmiraclebaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus, the Father's Own Son (Hebrews 1:1-2:4)
i think He is using it as a biological relationship. And the Son's words have more weight because Christ is superior to all the writers of the Bible, because He fulfulls all of the Word and He Himself gives God's final word to man. He is the Word how much more weight could any man hold? He is God! so all of His words out way others. -
Q1. The Idea of "Son"
momofmiraclebaby replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus, the Father's Own Son (Hebrews 1:1-2:4)
i think He is using it as a biological relationship. And the Son's words have more weight because Christ is superior to all the writers of the Bible, because He fulfulls all of the Word and He Himself gives God's final word to man. He is the Word how much more weight could any man hold? -
Hi! I'm Misty from Ky. Looking forward to the study! God Bless!
Hello! My name is Misty, I'm from Ky. Looking forward to the study on Hebrews! God Bless!