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  1. I think that from time to time we all ask God for a sign to reasure us that we are doing His will. sometimes Gods plan for us involves many people and can be life altering for all and we need to make sure that we are not influenced by human nature in any way. To tempt him is diffrent . God makes no deals when he ask us to do something sometimes the reason is unclear at that time but God always reveals the reason to those who need it when they need itnot when demanded.
  2. I agree with all Gideon needed reasurance that he was doing what God told him to do instead of his will {Gideons}. I dont feel that this request was due to lack of faith but to put a army of your own in such poss danger as this he had to make sure Gods orderes were followed to the letter. Sadly today people ask for proof due to selfishness greed and total disbelife some ask onyl in a attempt to disprove the fact that there is a God Saten plants a small seed of dought then the weakness of man feeds it .Gideon didnt dought; he knew that if God said it ,it would happen The strenght of faith and love for God he had at this time had to be so strong wouldnt it be great if everyone had this type of faith today I dont think we would be worring about oil!
  3. Q3. Can a person be a "disobedient disciple"? Doesn't that represent an oxymoron? Did Gideon have a choice here? Do we have choices? Does anyone remember doughting Thomas To dought Jesue Christ would be verry disobiediant But we are forgiven God gave us all minds to use them and freedom of choice its just that for every action or lack there of there is a reactionand alot of imes that reaction brings us back to the fold Gideon had a choise ofcourse but his Love for God was so strong and after seeing God he porbly didnt have to think much about it. We have choices to make every day and somedays we make the wrong ones and learn from them and go on knowing that God will never forsake us helps us to see our wrongs and holds us up while we make mends
  4. Yes we are to honor our parents however God comes first in everything we do At that time his father wasnt a Godly man after all he took care of the idles Our parents raise us and we are to respect them and their wishes but we are responsiable for our salvation and by Gideon making the first move his father may follow .Put nothing before God
  5. The peoplewere worshiping tem They were his fathers He was to put up a alter to God He was afrade to do it in daylight that could be a weakness of faith but with him only having a few to help him and the threats of death night was probly the best time because he would have time to get both done with out a riot.
  6. What is God's answer to Gideon's self-image? (6:16) Does this spiritual principle apply to our lives as Christians? Can you recall any New Testament passages that teach the same principle? What is an appropriate prayer to pray in light of what God has taught you from this passage God is telling Gideon I AM HERE WITHIN YOU and with me YOU CAN DO IT ! Oh yes this applies today as well sometimes I dont think I would have the strenth to walk out the door to do anything if I didnt have God within me With out him I could do nothing. John15:4-5 4 Abide in me,and I in you As a branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine;no more can ye ,except abide in the vine 5 I am the vine,ye are the branches:He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much frut:for without me ye can do nothing. My Heavenly Father, Thank you for the carring you do of me and for allowing me to experiance the vallies for they are nothing but reminders that all I have to do is look up to you and you will take all my worries and fears and give me the strengh to accept anything that this world hands out because with you I can do anything, without you Im lost I give you all the Glory Lord amen
  7. I cant help but think that God seen Gideon as a half molded piece of clay that has all the possibilties in the world, all he had to do was trust in God and allow Him to enter into his heart and do as God ask him to do completly. I guess I'm saying to put his life in Gods waiting hands. Gideon seen himself from the outside only small ,smaller clan, outnumbered ,worthless ,and beaten down just trying to survive. Gods view is always most correct after all He created us and when He makes each of us it is for a pourpos and Only God knows what that pourpos is until it is time to reveal it to us .Besides God never makes junk we could all be mighty warriors once we allow God to take control. It is so easie to see ourselves as Gideon seen himself beaten down by the world allowing otheres to keep us down and weak so they can appear strong and inpower.If we dont look up from the hole we are in and reach to God we will stay there till we hit bottem .We have to allow God in our hearts and take controll of everything to be able to see ourselves as he does, and when life gets tough remember with God all things are possiable.Maby that is why God use what we see as the smallest or weakest to do such a task if He can give Gedion the power to overcome the opressors just think what he can do for us.
  8. 1 He ask if God was with them why had everything happened to them. He is lookong at the dear me nobody likes me side of life.Had the Isrealites just done as God instructed none of this would have happened.The people actually caused the oppression because of not following Gods orderes. God in turning them over to the Midianites was giving them a big wake up call .He was always there to be called on but they had to want to call. It is so easy to blame God when things dont go our way. A big lesson I had to learn was God does answer prayers but in his time and in his way.Sometimes its just easier to give up and become hard hearted, thats why we have to keep faith and be strong and keep on asking God for help. Sometimes thats all that gets us through. I have found that my church helpes me along when I dont feel like I can make it when I look around there is always someone in more need than me and that reminds me to Thank God for all he has done for me and look to see what He wants me to do. First Day and Im looking deeper into my life I like this Study!!
  9. Kim


    Hi Im Kim from WV I attend a local Baptist church and am "Hungry to learn "all I can about Gods word ! I beleave that a better understanding of the Bible helps us to be strong in todays world.
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