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Everything posted by katef
Q3. Blessed Are the Meek
katef replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
The world teaches to depend on no one but yourself. Look out for number one. Jesus teaches the importance of being gentle and humble. To truely be Christian, you have to acknowledge that your works do not serve God, and that all of our gifts are both given and used by the Holy Spirit. We are but vessels. -
Q2. Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
katef replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
If you think you have it all, you will seek no more. If you think you have nothing, you will search. I had to be aware of my spiritual poverty before I could believe there was a reason to listen and read the Bible and the Word, that I could trust and believe what I read and heard. Sometimes you don't know how little you have until you start looking. Like you think you understand calculus, but then when you try to teach it and it evades you. You then realize how little you really understand. This creates a kind of sadness or mourning, and a desire to learn more and understand better. Becoming a Christian is continually learning and applying, listening and following. I experience mourning as a Christian whenever I watch the news. There is a lot of evil, abuse, and misplaced principles. -
Q1. Beatitudes and Spiritual Fruit
katef replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
The two parts apear to be opposites, with the first being undesireable and the second desireable. I believe Jesus made each Beatitude a paradox because it is an "attention grabber". It is a completely different way of teaching which draws each person in to truely consider the words and their meaning. The realtionship to the Fruit of the Spirit is that none of the rewards can be redeemed by self works, but must come from the Spirit of God. -
He makes me feel safe enough to rest comfortably (green pastures), unworried about potential enemies or troubles. He pays special attention to my fears, and helps me overcome them or go around this fear to make me feel safe (still waters). He "restores my soul" by rejouvinating me, refreshing me, like awakening after a good nights sleep. He guides me, He doesn't lead me, but walks with me and still allows choices. He is beside me, even mores so in troubling times. He has tools that I can see (rod and shaff) that I know are for my protection and assistance. He gives me more than I need, especially when I need it the most. My needs that are provided are food, drink, comfort, cleanliness, and rest. He lets me know that He will always be there for me, here and the here after.
He has stilled and quieted his soul. He recognizes what is not in his control and relinquishes that to God's way with total confidence.
Q4. God's Protection
katef replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
Faith must come first. Through faith, even the darkest situations don't seem as dark, because God is with me. It's kind of like seeing the glass 1/2 full instead of 1/2 empty. As per the lesson, there must be maintained two separate distiinctions of protection, one in this life, the other in the next life. This must always be kept in mind. -
I don't feel like God is a 'mother hen' and resent the watchfullness. I am very greatful that God cares so much for me that He is always watching and protecting. It makes me feel like I can let go of some of my fears and some of the things that I think I am controlling.
God wants a relationship with us. We only need to want one too. When we have this relationship, He promises to be there for us, to rescue, protect, etc as per lesson. This psalm makes me feel thankful, but also somewhat overwhelmed. God wants me to know him, and he does all the giving.
The images that communicate trust in God's protection include 'calling from the ends of the earth' (with faith that he will be heard), 'as my heart grows faint' (when he is feeling like there is not much hope), 'lead me to a higher rock' (you can keep me safer). 'tower against the foe' (secure), and shelter of your wings (protected and loved). These verses make me feel more secure in God's compassion, abilitiy and love to take care of me, especially when I feel I need it most.
I think that when a person and a nation has drifted that far away from God, it will take a lot of prayer and work from the people to show God that their heart is true. When I am that lost, my first prayer is to help me see my sins. "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" psalm 139:23-24. I have to admit I am wrong, but may not know why. After willingness and recognition, I would pray for forgiveness. My strongest prayer is always to pray for God's will instead of something specific, I have a hard time believing that I could have a better idea. I know the bible tells us to pray incesessantly and specifically, to ask and we shall receive, but I am still afraid of what I want. 2 Chron 7:4 says to pray, humble, and truely seek God by leaving all evil ways. I think I covered all of that. The prayer for a congregation would be the same, but I would have less ability to humble the community. It would require the effort of the whole church through a good leader here on earth.
I had not thought of that before. The lament is usually sandwiched between praises. I can see now that this will help us keep our troubles in perspective (small in comparison to the world and the abilities of God) and keeps "our eyes on Jesus", our focus on how the problem can be solved, through the will of God, and not on me and me concerns.
Have to have humility, we are human, God is not. We will make mistakes and to acknowledge that is necessary to recognize when we do need to ask for help or forgiveness. Faith is necessary because since we are human, we can't fix it. We must have faith in Christ to help us through our troubles.
Have to have humility, we are human, God is not. We will make mistakes and to acknowledge that is necessary to recognize when we do need to ask for help or forgiveness. Faith is necessary because since we are human, we can't fix it. We must have faith in Christ to help us through our troubles.
still small it must be a mistake I am starting to believe it, but it is still scary. It seems like too much to live up to. It's just me.
Nothing comes from God on our own merit, but on God's grace. When we sin, we must repent and ask for forgiveness, and God will redeem us because of His love for us. But we may suffer the consequences of our actions, and His "rescue" may not be on our time table.
8:5-13 faith alone will heal 21:33-44 accept Christ and the kingdom of God will be given to you 22:2-13 all are invited, but only those who show respect will be allowed in 24:14 gospel preached to all people 28:19 "make disciples of all nations" These all have in common the idea that Jesus is for all people who have faith, both Jews and Gentiles. The relation of the wise men to this theme is complete faith. All are saved by faith, through grace. We must have total and complete faith and reflect that in our words, actions, and prayers.
Q2. Humble Worship
katef replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Wise Men and the Christmas Star of Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1-12)
Humble about sums it up. Age, wealth, wisdom all meant nothing to the true messiah. This showed tremendous faith and belief. We can emulate this by humbling ourselves to Jesus and to others. -
The main reason for priase in this psalm is God's salvation of the nation of Israel. It is exuberant because the people have seen both God's love and his anger. I don't consider my praise "excuberant", but do consider it heartfelt and sincere.
He is our Lord, our Maker, and he has ownership over us. Worship includes not only prayer and thanksgiving, but more importantly the way you live your life. If you praise God, but do not follow His will, you are not truely worshiping Him, you are showing doubt. This last half of the psalm relates to the second because it ties the two types or worship, praise on the outside and following God's will on the inside.
Everyone should praise the Lord all the time, where ever we are, whatever we are going through. We should praise him from our heart. That may be with an instrument, singing, yelling and dancing, spontaneously, or during planned worship.
I believe I have great curiosity that is shown by my interest in studying the bible and trying to understand as much as I can. Thoughtful meditation is seen in my life from studying the bible as well, and reflecting on events in my life and the questioning of my place and purpose from God. My joy is increasing, as I grow in Christ and don't place my joy in earthly things. My amazement almost borders doubt. It is so hard to believe things so wonderful and seemingly impossible, but I am overcoming pieces of doubt daily. It is hard to believe something as wonderful as Christ our Saviour. My praise is increasing as a am studying the Psalms (also with Pastor Ralph) but again the blessings of Jesus are so great I sometimes don't know where to start. Telling others is probably the hardest for me. It is easiest among believers, easier to those willing to listen, but I haven't witnessed to anyone that didn't want to hear. I believe this will get stronger as my faith gets stronger, but I don't want to be the type to tell others this is the only way. I want to present it to them, show them the life, and let them come to Jesus on His time schedule.
Q4. The Angels' Titles for Jesus
katef replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
Christ - christos - anointed - Messiah Lord - Kurios - owner, lord, master. Yahweh in scripture. together, divinity and most exalted = Messiah Yahweh