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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Miss Christina

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Everything posted by Miss Christina

  1. The fact that an animal has to die to make up for something wrong shows how grave sin is. The exchange for it has to be death. God is so far from sin and He is so holy or "set apart" so much so that the greatest sacrifice of a life has to be in exchange to once again be closer to God. No animal sacrifice is enough though. Only Jesus paid the price for our salvation.
  2. In ancient Hebrew culture it is customary to use lambs as atonement for one's sins such as in the story of Abraham and Isaac, when the Lord stopped Abraham from killing Isaac, God provided a ram instead for the offering. Even the high priest who enters the holy of holies has to offer up a sacrifice for his own sins. He cannot do it for another much less for many people like Jesus who took upon Himself the sin of the whole world. It was unheard of at that time.
  3. Jesus chose to reveal His coming to shepherds because He wants all of us to know how reachable He is. He wants the poorest of the poor to identify with Him. I believe He also wants for us to remember the symbolism of being our Good Shepherd first of all. Shepherds were the common folk in those days and we don't need to be part of the in crowd to have access to the King of Kings! Isn't that wonderful? Being born in a manger where animals are kept shows me how Jesus limited Himself for us. One who knew the wonders of the universe was willing to contain Himself in a tiny little body and to be contained in a position of need on the brink of depravity. Knowing our personal limitations in life should all the more draw us closer to Christ and enrich our lives due the fact that Christ did it for us! In imitating Christ by limiting ourselves to do good we grow to be more like Him everyday. Have a blessed Christmas everyone!
  4. Hello there! I'm Christina from the Philipines and I'm quite excited to start this online Christmas bible study. I'm not really sure how it works. Glad to meet you all and my prayer is for all of us to encounter the Lord very personally this advent season! God bless you Pastor Ralph for sharing this with us!
  5. Hello there! I'm Christina from the Philipines and I'm quite excited to start this online Christmas bible study. I'm not really sure how it works. Glad to meet you all and my prayer is for all of us to encounter the Lord very personally this advent season! God bless you Pastor Ralph for sharing this with us!
  6. Hello there! I'm Christina from the Philipines and I'm quite excited to start this online Christmas bible study. I'm not really sure how it works. Glad to meet you all and my prayer is for all of us to encounter the Lord very personally this advent season! God bless you Pastor Ralph for sharing this with us!
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