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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Nelson Collar

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Everything posted by Nelson Collar

  1. How do you know that John the Baptist's statement about the Lamb of God refers to sacrifice? I feel John the Baptist was the forerunner of Christ and the philosophy was radical. When Jesus came to John he proclaimed that He was the One that would take away the sins of the world. It was unheard of and they were to believe, but some believed. How was the comprehensiveness of "sin of the world" so radical a concept? Since the beginning in the garden animals have been used as a sacrifice for our wrongs (sin) and now it was going to be different. People are not going to need animals for their sins. Human nature is most often a doubting belief, show me! It’s is radical and how can one person change all that? Jesus Christ took all the sins of the world (yesterday, today and forever) we have an advocate that stands in when we do those things that we know not to do. We can come straight to the Father, The Throne of Grace and we do not need to wait for a chosen time or to find an animal to kill.
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