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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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  1. Good afternoon everyone, My name is Carla and I reside in Alabama with my husband of 27 years (who was saved on August 5, 2007 praise God) and my youngest son who lives with us while in college. We have an older son who is the father of the two joys of our lives, the two beautiful granddaughters and we are awaiting the arrival of the first grandson in March. It is a pleasure to be here with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I have never done an online Bible study before but I am excited about it and can't wait to see what transpires. I was saved in January 1991 and as some of you have said, have not been the same since. True, I get in the flesh sometimes, but I am saved by Grace and want everyone to know it. Have a lovely day all.. looking forward to doing this study with you all.
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