Blessings to you all!
Grace and peace be unto you from our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. My name is Darin and I am 17 years of age. I live in Canada and have been born again for a year and a half and have been craving the milk of the word as newborn babes! I live in a non-Christian home and it is hard to live out my faith at times but I keep on praying and know that the Lord is always with me.
You may hear me speak from the KJV a lot, hence it is the translation I use and have been "raised" with. despite my young age, I have learned a lot and realize that there is so much out there that I know not and so much that we cannot know become of whom we are. I have been praying about my future and know now as of yet where the Lord is leading me in terms of a career. I am presently studying computers in a trade-center because I have always been involved with computers and have a gift in helping others and fixing problems in that area. However, I was a counselor for eight weeks this past summer at a Christian camp and have been told by fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord that I have a gift for speaking.
Truly, I am in prayer wondering where the Lord wants me because I want to follow Him in all that I do. I am so thankful for His love and guidance and direction in my life thus far, that even when I knew Him not, He sought me out and protected me from a past that I am ever so thankful to be out of. My love for Him grows each day as I read His Word and draw "nigh unto God that He might draw night unto you" as well as "casting all of your cares upon him for He careth for you"
What a wonderful God and how thankful I am for your forum and studies! May we grow closer to our loving Father and in the knowledge of our Savior, even Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father!
Lastly, I have a prayer request and apologize is this is not the area designated for such a request. I find myself in awkward positions in that I love people and am told that I am a "very kind, gentle and compassionate, caring person" though I am also very quiet and shy. I feel very alone at many times (espescially during the holidays) and get very sad and would ask that you would pray for the Savior's love to just be with me and that it would be enough. I do not have a girlfriend and that makes me feel sad with Valentine's day in the near future. Anyways, enough of my babbling....
Greetings and I look forward to posting around here!
With love and prayers,
As always,
In Him