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Everything posted by van

  1. The positive characteristics of two witnesses is they were given power from God, and they also prophesied 1,260 days. We should stand in the same kind of faith believing and depending on God to see us through an situation in earth. The reward they received after the enemy over-powered and killed the two witnesses, instead of being put in a grave they laid in the street for three and half days and God raised them from the dead for everyone to see and those that saw was afraid.
  2. The bitterness is for those who have a chance at the tribulation to repent and don't. The sweet is Christ church which He is coming back for because He loves His church, the faithful ones of Christ. I believe we reject what is hard for us to understand because of the punishment that God will bring upon mankind. We tend to see God as loving and kind, not mean enough to send you to hell. But what some don't understand is God gives us a chance all the way before your life ends to repent and if you don't it's not His fault but your own fault. God gives us a choice and the choice you make will determine where you will spend eternity.
  3. They came from every nation, tribe, people and language standing before the Lamb. They shouted salvation is from God and the Lamb of God. Because of salvation we have a chance to see God!
  4. We learn that if you don't have God mark upon you during tribulation you will be destroyed. This will include old, young, men, women and children. All nonbelievers in Christ will be destroyed! The seal is their mark so they would not be destroyed by God's wrath. God will not have pity on those without the mark, they will be destroyed!
  5. We learn that Christians were persecuted and killed because of their faith in Christ. These souls were under the altar of God in heaven. Not only the souls that was persecuted and killed for Christ name sake, those who were martyrs also because of their belief in Christ. These are the ones left behind at the rapture of the church, accepted Christ during the tribulation and were killed by the antichrist or martyred. They prayed to Christ to take vengeance upon the antichrist for their lost of life. The white robes signify that these souls kept their faith in Christ no matter what the cost and now that can rest within worry. We must also stand firm in our belief in Christ even if we have die for Christ name sake.
  6. The Lamb of God initiates this great storm of destruction by opening the seven seals. The Son of God is the only one who could open the seal because He gave His life for the sins of mankind. Nobody else could have done this but the Lamb of God, He is without sin. It is directed toward all unbelievers. Yes it is just because He gave His life for all so we could have a way into heaven. Even at the end, there are going to be many unbelievers. "Narrow is the gate to heaven, and wide is the gate to destruction". "And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see (Rev. 6:1)."
  7. The significance of the quality of worship for both God the Father and Jesus Christ is seen through the Godhead. God the Son was born into the world and named Jesus Christ because we as sinners needed a sacrifice in order to have a chance to get to heaven. We must worship both in Spirit and in truth and this can only be done through the third person of the Godhead, God the Holy Spirit who indwells in believers. Our bodies are a temple of God because He is our creator. Their relationship to each other is the Godhead (Trinity). Jesus Christ is also called the Spirit of Truth and He said that Him and the Father are one. No one goes to the Father but through Christ because He is the way, the truth and the life.
  8. As believers to reign with Christ, personally it would be a privilege consisting I was born into sin, and saved by His grace and mercy. Believers in Christ must hold on to their faith in Him all the way to the end in order to reign with Him. Nothing should be more important to us as believers than to reign with Him. We will serve as Christ priests and reign over the new heaven and the new earth. We are the kingdom because we are the body of Christ on earth which is the church. I think it is awesome to know we will be Christ royal priesthood. I am looking forward to the rapture!
  9. There are many elements and concepts about worship in Revelation chapter four and five. "In heaven, in the spirit, on the throne, Lamb of God, Spirit of God, praise, glory, honor to the slain Lamb, He is worthy, worship Him, redeemed us, prayer, singing, power, He lives, He reigns forever, white robes and gold crowns on their heads. The power of Christ going to be the perfect sacrifice shows all the love and obedience He has for God the father. The only begotten of the Father. It shows of the beauty of heaven and how worthy is the Son.
  10. There are many Christian hymns that comes from Revelation chapter 4 and 5. Just to name a few, "Holy, Holy, Holy", "Holy is the Name of the Lord", "Home", "The Angel Choir", "Thou art worthy O Lord".
  11. Christ is noteworthy to open the scrolls because no where in history will you find or ever will find anyone to do what Christ did for us. He saw mankind was so sinful and wouldn't have a chance to enter heaven that He offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice. The Son of God love God the father so, so much that he came down to be born from a human to be that sacrifice we needed. The Lamb of God is the only one that can take away the sins of the world! I always say that Christ looked over 2,000 years down the line and saw a poor sinner like myself and I was going to need Him to die for me in order for me to be saved. Thank you Lord Jesus! Only He is worthy!
  12. Churches were criticized for immorality within the body of Christ. They focused more on their own desires instead of the desires of Christ. They lacked love among each other. The church was praised for keeping their faith in Christ even though they were facing tribulations and persecution. Finally, the church was praised for their faith even through poverty. These observations should shape our walk with Christ on a daily basis. No matter what we are going through or are about to go through, never take our eyes off the prize (JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD).
  13. So many churches are in a hotbed apathy because of various reasons. Immorality that is bred by sexual immorality and/or greed among church leadership. This is devastating to the church because lay people look up to those in leadership roles within the church and if impurities is present if will definitely affect attendance. Another problem is those within the church that don't have anything positive to say about the church. Everything that comes out of their mouth is negative. This causes discord among members and many members don't want to attend services. We can combat this by being dedicated in attending and participating in worship and ministry. We must make ourselves available for Christ by keeping our mind on Him only. When our little light shines, those within the church and those we witness to will see it and all praises will go to Christ!
  14. Religious compromise required by practicing in heathen religious practices in the trade guild was spiritually destructive because it opposes all the principles Christ taught. Christ opposed compromising of God's law in the church for any reason. Many within the church close their eyes to all types of sin that is performed within the church. Sexual immorality not only hurts us and others, but it hurts God and leads us to destruction. It destroys families, churches and communities because it destroys the integrity in which it was built. We must have no part in sexual immorality even in our culture today! The real compromises that dilute vital Christianity is heresy and immoral practices. We should never tolerate sin by bowing down under pressure that would lead us to being open-minded in justifying sin.
  15. Loosing of sexual standards is already destructive. This is seen on television and in everyday life. They promote homosexuality like it's something good. It has gotten so bad that there is a high rate of homosexuality among teenagers today! Not to mention teenage pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases. Mankind are so selfish that they focus on their own desires instead of what God desires. Sex was God's idea, therefore, it was meant for good. But mankind distorts it by ignoring God's specific standards making it harmful and destructive. God created and married the first man and first woman to be fruitful and multiple the earth (Gen. 1:28). Therefore, God created sex for the purpose only. This is vital to Christian faith and witness because if you are not living right yourself, you most definitely can expect for someone to listen to your witnessing. We can either do things God way and experience the beauty of His plan, or, we can do it our way and experience harm and destruction (Prov. 16:25). Throughout the entire bible we are warned about sexual immorality. I can go on and on regarding sexual standards. The Christ said if you live by the sword, you die by the sword. The choice is yours! I choose not to die by the sword.
  16. The local church can lose its "first love" for Jesus by growing cold in worship and ministry. By that I mean, in worship we should feel deep in our hearts how good Jesus is and want to give Him our ultimate praise. But, many are only there in body only. Every type of ministry within the church should be done out of love for Christ, not because we want to stand out and be noticed! Including your offerings and tithes. They should be given with a glad heart unto the Lord. But, this is not the case most of the time. I actually hear some people complaining. Everything we do for Christ should be first and foremost and should always be done out of love and honor for Christ. The members of the local church need to stop backbiting because that is not showing love for Christ. The local congregation and regain its love by forgetting about yourself and focus on the one who died for the sins of the entire world, Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.
  17. The significance of the exalted Christ walking among the lampstands shows authority and power over the entire world. It also shows He is a friend to those that seek Him. He is closer than a brother. Christ is the head of the church and we are the body of Christ. It teaches us that Christ loves us so much He laid down His life for us.
  18. The vision of Christ among the lampstands shows His exalted state, sitting on the right hand of the Father, being Lord over all. That is different than Him being a Carpenter-Teacher because here on earth He was the Son of Man born of a woman. In His exalted state He is the Son of God! That is very important to know that He is King and Lord of Lord being the Son of God and we can't go to the Father but through Him!
  19. Correction on "them" to "they".
  20. Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution are mostly third world countries that are dominated by other religions. Those Christians are being tortured and murdered daily. The book of Revelation gives them comfort and encouragement to know if them just hold on to their faith in Christ, when He comes back there will be no more suffering and no more tears.
  21. Christian persecution can be seen today in many third world countries where they are taking chances daily witnessing about Christ. The theme of testimony and witness is important because it give hope, courage and strength to keep pushing onward for Christ who will reward all those who faithfully followed Him and is not ashamed to witness to others about Him. Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) suppose to encourage us by the life Christ lived on earth. He was crucified and rose from the dead and is alive forever more. Believing in Him gives us that same chance to rise from the dead and meet Christ in the air during the rapture. Jesus faith in doing the will of the Father no matter what happens to the body should encourage us to do the same. Even though we are not persecuted in our society, we are afraid of being clear witnesses because of what others will say about us. Many Christians don't want to be hated it disliked by others so they are not putting out like they should. Furthermore, if God's Holy Spirit is not living within you, you are not going to be a clear witness for Christ anyways. We need the Holy Spirit in order to be an effective witness for Christ.
  22. In my study bible it is easy to see where Jesus is speaking because it is in red. The significance for our understanding of who Jesus is, is that both the Father (God) and Jesus (Son) were both at the beginning of creation of the world, they are the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. They are a part of the Godhead (deity). Gen. 1:26
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