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Q4. Associating with Unbelievers
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. As for Me and My House (Joshua 23-24)
Jesus associated with them but they came in Jesus world, Holy and righteous. These people were not His buddies, his Disciples were his buddies because that's who he spent his time with. we balance our lives with nonbelievers by walking righteous like Jesus did. We are not to join in with with their ungodly living. Living our life for God should show through you. -
The Israelites were to throw away their foreign gods before everyone gets infected with serving a foreign god and not the Lord God Almighty. Keeping these images in he house only brainwash them into forgetting all about the true God. I learn in life while walking with the Lord not think greatly on worldly and focus on heavenly things.
Holiness means being sanctified in living for God Almighty, not the world because we become separated from the worldly living. Our body, mind and soul is centered on living a Godly life. (2 Corinthians 3:18) says it perfectly, "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit".
Holiness means being sanctified in living for God Almighty, not the world because we become separated from the worldly living. Our body, mind and soul is centered on living a Godly life. (2 Corinthians 3:18) says it perfectly, "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit".
We have a tendency to think we accomplish things on our own just because we don't see God working. We are tempted to do nothing because we feel that God doesn't need our help to complete a job He is mighty by Himself. God increases our strength and ability many-fold. They still had to fight, but God fights alongside them. I lean on God for strength because I can't do it by myself.
Q4. Acsah's Character
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Caleb: Give Me This Mountain (Joshua 14:6-15)
We learn that Acsah was bold and didn't hesitate asking her father for what she needs, just like her father don't hesitate to ask God. Examples of strong women of faith are Mary of Bethany, motivated by love, anoints Jesus with extravagantly expensive perfume, though the disciples rebuke her for it. The woman with the flow of blood presses through the crowd to get close enough to Jesus that she can touch the hem of his garment. The Syro-Phoenician woman presses Jesus to heal her daughter. -
Q3. Othniel's Character
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Caleb: Give Me This Mountain (Joshua 14:6-15)
Othniel also was a man of faith. Caleb decides not to conquer Debir but instead offers a challenge that he will give his daughter in marriage to a man who lead his men in battle to take over the city, that way He will have a faith bold son-in-law. The power behind Othniel's judgeship is the Lord. -
Q2. Boasting in Faith
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Caleb: Give Me This Mountain (Joshua 14:6-15)
Caleb is boastful, not of himself, he is boastful about the Lord. He is bragging on the goodness of the Lord. Caleb never doubted what God can do. He listened and believed God and God rewarded him for his obedience. This is not a flawed because Caleb live his latest feel for God only. I believe he wanted Hebron because the Anakite giants lived there and had terrified his fellow scouts 45 years earlier, but, Caleb drove them out of Hebron. A strong leader can be truly humble by supposing submitting their heart and soul to God's cause. Strong leaders that are tempted towards pride are those who self-centered and prideful. -
Q1. Following Wholeheartedly
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Caleb: Give Me This Mountain (Joshua 14:6-15)
To follow the Lord wholeheartedly means there is no doubt in your mind who to follow. Following the Lord in good times as well as bad, wholeheartedly. Your mind and soul completely rely on the Lord. Fear in leaders cause everyone around them live in fear that something bad is going to happen. Fear will cause you not to do God's will. Because of their unbelief, the Lord was angry with the people of Israel and vowed that none of their generation would enter the Promised Land, only Caleb and Joshua. -
Q4. My Heart, Christ's Home
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Possessing the Land (Joshua 10-22)
Bob Munger explain the process of surrender to Christ by first welcoming him in the front door of our house. Then in various rooms such as our mind, desires and intimate fellowship with Him.This clean-up requires continued surrender and cleansing by the Holy Spirit so that it is a fit place for Christ to dwell fully. When we are sanctified the ugly things in our lives are washed away by Jesus blood. Our lives change more and more to reflect Christian. -
Q3. Compromise with Sin
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Possessing the Land (Joshua 10-22)
The Israelites failing to drive out the Canaanites correspond to compromising with sin in our lives by not letting go with all of the sin in our lives. The Israelites did not complete what God told them to do. Failing to do so caused serious problems with the children of Israel. This is similar to our claiming to worship God and do what He tells us to do, and still holding on to some things that causes us to sin. Jesus Christ paid for our sin completely on the cross with his life. All we have to do is turn our lives over to God completely. God gave us a way out the same way He gave the Israelites a way out, but we tie God's hands when we don't obey. We suffer in the end, just like the children of Israel. -
Q2. Incomplete Conquest
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Possessing the Land (Joshua 10-22)
God told them to drive out the Canaanites completely because the Canaanites would eventually infect the children of Israel with their pagan beliefs and practices. The Israelites could not drive out the Canaanites completely, but the children of Israel grew strong and they put the Canaanites to forced labor. Because of Israel disobedience God didn't drive out the Canaanites. The long-term result for the children of Israel was worshipping the Canaanites gods and Involving themselves in corruption and sin. -
Q1. Fighting Alongside God
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Possessing the Land (Joshua 10-22)
After marching fast over 21 miles up and down high elevated ground in the pitch dark, God was with them, because early the next morning they surprised and defeated the opposing armies. God caused large hail stones which killed the majority of the opposing armies men. Finally, God caused the sun to stand still for a full day, while the Israelites defeat their enemies. God actually did the fighting through the Israelites. God refilled His promise to Joshua by defeating all the enemies. God expect us to be prepared to fight in batteries with the enemy through our Savior Jesus Christ. -
Joshua's failure to consult God before making decisions hurt Israel by sending 3,000 men to take the city of Ai but was defeated and they sampled the provisions without seeking the Lord first. Jesu always communicated with God before making major decisions. We need to learn to seek God's guidance always before making major decisions.
Taking the Lord's name in vain is misusing the weight that it carries; making the Lord's name worthless. There's people taking the Lord's name in everyday by the terrible words they use. One of the worse things that I don't like is to make promises that are not kept. The Lord's name becomes regular language to some people, they don't take the name Lord serious. This reflects God character as if He is not our creator, like He is human!
Rich suffer from greed when they hoard all they have for themselves. Poor suffer from greed when they steal something that is not theirs. Greed affects our giving to the church by not tithing and giving offerings knowing that you have way more than enough to give. Some people don't have anything to give but themselves as a service in the church. Also, it affects our way of giving to the church by thinking that the one in charge will put your money in their pockets and not n the church. Americans are captured by greed because the more they have they more they want. We must repent to God and give what we are suppose give. Also, by helping those less fortunate than yourself. Greedy people look at it as though they worked hard to get without even realizing all of what they have belongs to God.
I believe that the sin of one person can affect a country (probably not this country), but it does affect some of the other countries where they are not free to choose as an individual. One person choice in such a country can cause the deaths of many innocent people. It can also affect a congregation. If sin is committed in church, you can sense by the way people react. Those sins s what's keeping many people out of the church today. Ever since sin was born into this world through Adam, everyone has sin and fall short of the glory of God. Sin causes death. The consequences of sin in the church need to be addressed to the people as a whole. The bible which is God's law and rules for living a godly life needs to be practiced over and over. Prayer as a whole need to be taken serious instead of some praying out of tradition. Confessing sins on behalf of a congregation, a denomination, or a nation is done to receive God's free grace. Those sins need to be discerned, confessed, and repented of by the body.
Q5. Manna Ceases
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Entering the Promised Land (Joshua 3:1-5:12)
The manna ceased because Passover was over and they can eat from the fields that they work. Plus, they also took God for granted as though it's natural to be given food without doing anything for it. The manna ceased to draw them closer to God and depend on Him to always provide. They had to learn to work for their food. I was in a circumstance five years that taught me to rely on God and have faith no matter what position I was in at the time. God provided for me and still is providing for me in many areas of my life. I thank God that He is in my life because I don't know what I would have done without Him. Now I am thankful for little things and don't worry about big things in life. -
Q4. Monuments
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Entering the Promised Land (Joshua 3:1-5:12)
Joshua had one man from each tribe to stack boulders as a memorial that God dried up the Jordan river so their ancestors could cross. The effect on the future generation is that the memorial was done by all generations. Today, we don't use boulders as a memorial, we have communion in order that we don't forget Jesus Christ died for us. Memorials are a part of our faith and if your heart is not clean you will be in danger of going to hell. -
Q3. Jordan Stops Flowing
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Entering the Promised Land (Joshua 3:1-5:12)
Joshua was to announce it to the people just as God gave it to him. The kind of faith Joshua had to have was believing God will carry out what he promised. The people believed Joshua because of his faith in God carrying out His plan. The Israelites had to wonder if Joshua had lost his mind in thinking they could cross the Jordan. Joshua said, God will make a way. They saw that Joshua had strong faith in God that helped them to trust Joshua. -
Q1. Making Ready
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Entering the Promised Land (Joshua 3:1-5:12)
The Israelites had settled in and got to use to camp life in Shittim. They was carrying on their routine duties as if Shittim was their home. The Israelites seem to have forgotten the promise land. I try to follow God's leading everyday because I will always make mistakes. -
Q2. Consecration
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Entering the Promised Land (Joshua 3:1-5:12)
The Israelites needed to consecrate themself before they touch the land that God had given them. This had to be done to partake in by things. This would require washing your clothing, if that is the only piece, bath, refrain from sex and pray. I need to stay in prayer more. -
God didn't honor Rahab for lying because it's a sin. He honored her for putting her life in danger in order to hide the Israelites. God don't accept lying and it isn't justified in any case. You should ask God to forgive for lying which is sinful. There is no permissible time that you should lie, but, if you do, you should immediately pray for God to forgive for lying.
Rahab was honored three times in the New Testament because of her faith in being obedient to God when she hide the three spies. God is always in the redeeming business. If a prostitutes turn from their sin, God will give them mercy and grace. Jesus forgave the prostitute and rd her to go and snow no more. Sin is sin to God, no matter what type of sin it is. But, He is a forgiving God.
Rehab indicated that she believe in Israel's God by choosing to take risk in hiding the spies Joshua sent. She believed that, "Lord our God is God in heaven above and on earth below. This shows that she had replaced her previous belief in Baal with a belief in the Lord. Rehab faith in God show in her taking a chance with her life, which if caught she would have been killed, in hiding the spies on her rooftop. Your faith must be strong in believing that God would deliver you from the destruction of the city as well as save you from eternal destruction.