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Joshua sent his men to Jericho so they could check out the surrounding area, as well as the city's weaknesses. They stayed there because the prostitute house would have been the last place they would've looked. Yes, I believe God did sent them there so it can uncover faith in the heart of the prostitute.
Meditating on the Word means to think about or ponder on what God's Word is actually saying to you. The difference between Christian meditation and Eastern meditation is we study and think on God's Word. Eastern meditation consist on getting on your knees and mumble some words. When we meditate on God's Word more and more, the more we get to know God. Our secular world thinking is transformed by the renewing of our mind.
Q3. Fear vs. Courage
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Be Strong and Very Courageous (Joshua 1)
Joshua will be tempted not to go into battle to take over the lands God told him to. He will feel that he will fail the mission. Faith is believing the promise so much that we are strong and courageous when the problem come. They are opposites, fear is lack of faith and no strength (weak). Faith is strength and courageous. -
Q2. God's Promise
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Be Strong and Very Courageous (Joshua 1)
It's important to Joshua because God made a promise Be would never leave him or forsake him. I got to have God with me at all time because I came make it through things in life without Him. If God is with me I have no limitation. -
It's conditional because where Joshua and his people physically go, God will give them that territory or land. The key here is winning battle after battle. All those lands God gave to Joshua and his people. Life sometimes can be hard or distressing. Certain things in my life God has given me and I am to keep moving forward to get all He promised me. He is definitely a God that gives you what He has promise, all you got to do is follow His instructions.
Q1. Poverty and Riches
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. A Partnership in Giving and Receiving (Philippians 4:10-23)
The prosperity doctrine threatens Christian ministry because it is saying that if you are poor then that's a curse and you must be doing wrong. Christians will seek riches instead of doing Jesus Christ work from the heart. When you put riches in front of the Lord that's saying the only reason why you are doing Christian ministry is for material gain. The prime motivation in us to appeal to such teaching is the inner desire of not being in need for anything and always have plenty of what the world gives. That is being very selfish and thinking only of what you can gain instead of the importance of leading the lost to Christ. Our reward is not from on this world, but is in heaven. The bible teaches that be content in whatever circumstances you're are in, whether rich or poor. -
Q4. Mind Control and Peace
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Rejoice in the Lord Always (Philippians 4:1-9)
Mind control is necessary for success because if you don't control your mind it will control you into doing something very irresponsible and cause a big down fall in your life. If you dwell on worries and anxieties you will never have mental and spiritual peace. You got to believe that God will never lie nor forsake you and that's His assures to us. Because of this, our mind is free to think on other important things. -
Q3. Relationship through Prayer
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Rejoice in the Lord Always (Philippians 4:1-9)
It helps us to have peace even in the midst of a storm. When we let our request be known to God with thanksgiving, we are building a relationship of trust in the creator knowing that whatever you go through God will give you a way out. God's promise of peace is that He will give us peace beyond whatever we can imagine. It surpasses our understanding. -
Q2. Prayer with Thanksgiving
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Rejoice in the Lord Always (Philippians 4:1-9)
God hears prayers that are prayed with heartfelt thanks for all God has done and will do. When you believe in your heart that whatsoever you pray for will come to pass, God reacts to that prayer. Stepping out on faith assures you God will answer your prayer. -
Q1. Rejoicing -- Passive or Active?
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Rejoice in the Lord Always (Philippians 4:1-9)
Rejoicing in the Lord is a feeling when the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within constantly. When I think about God's love for us my heart in over joy. Jesus when upon that cross and died for my sins and sins of the entire world. The more you walk hand and hand with the Lord, you can't help it but say, this joy I have that God gave me nobody can take it away. It's a overwhelming feeling the you feel for our Heavenly Father and our Lord. We sing a song in church that says, "I get joy when I think about what He has done me, I get joy when I think about what He Has done for me, the world didn't give and the world can't take it away". The effect rejoicing to me is in the song above. It's a feeling you have never felt in your life. Pray, pray, pray. God knows our hearts and the more you talk to Him you feel a burning flame within your heart and and soul. Thank you Heavenly Father for loving me so much that the Son was born to die in my place. -
Q4. Christian Citizenship
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Pressing Toward the Goal (Philippians 3:12-4:1)
We need to understand why we choose to follow Christ in order to be able to affirm our citizenship in heaven. Heaven should be our focus, not things in this world. That's the purpose of keeping our eyes on the prize, which is living eternity we Christ in heaven. If the church combine and confuse the concepts of a Christians true citizenship which is heaven, the congregation will not know that we are to live our lives following Christ in order to go to heaven. -
Q3. Discipleship and Imitation
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Pressing Toward the Goal (Philippians 3:12-4:1)
Paul can be bold because he lives his life totally for Christ. He walk, talk and speak all Jesus. Jesus to Paul is the best person that he ever met. Paul is completely sold on Christ and he wants others to imitate him because he imitate Christ Jesus. We are hesitant because of mistakes, so we do not want anyone to follow us when we fall short in following Christ. God uses Christ death and resurrection to build disciples. All who believe are to follow Christ example in walking the Christian life. -
Q3. Discipleship and Imitation
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Pressing Toward the Goal (Philippians 3:12-4:1)
Paul can be bold because he lives his life totally for Christ. He walk, talk and speak all Jesus. Jesus to Paul is the best person that he ever met. Paul is completely sold on Christ and he wants others to imitate him because he imitate Christ Jesus. We are hesitant because of mistakes, so we do not want anyone to follow us when we fall short in following Christ. God uses Christ death and resurrection to build disciples. All who believe are to follow Christ example in walking the Christian life. -
Q2. The Upward Call of God
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Pressing Toward the Goal (Philippians 3:12-4:1)
It is a special call on your life through Jesus Christ for salvation. It is the prize promised by God's Heavenly call in Christ Jesus. To be called by God to receive your big prize because you never gave up in running the race. You ran the race all the way to the end. It becomes dim in our hearing because sometimes we feel we have a lots of time to answer God, and sometimes we feel it's not important. We can renew our hearing through prayer and studying the Bible. If you earnestly ask God to help us, He will strengthen us to be able to run the race to the end. The prize is the fullness and complete gaining of Christ Jesus. -
Q1. Forgetting What Lies Behind
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Pressing Toward the Goal (Philippians 3:12-4:1)
The past can get in our way of growth in Christ. Instead we should refuse to remember our past failures and look forward to the future. We must keep our eyes on the goal. We need to forgive ourselves. In Christ we can find grace in order to forgive. I learn to forgive myself and others in order to grow in Christ. -
Q1. Forgetting What Lies Behind
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Pressing Toward the Goal (Philippians 3:12-4:1)
The past can get in our way of growth in Christ. Instead we should refuse to remember our past failures and look forward to the future. We must keep our eyes on the goal. We need to forgive ourselves. In Christ we can find grace in order to forgive. I learn to forgive myself and others in order to grow in Christ. -
Q4. Knowing Christ
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
In order to know Christ, you must believe the being God's only Son, came here to pay the price for humans through shedding His blood on the cross. So, you most definitely got to have faith. Yes you must have faith in Him. When you become born again, each believer must develop their own personal relationship with Jesus. My personal relationship with Christ is this, I always want to know a little more about Jesus. -
Q4. Knowing Christ
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
In order to know Christ, you must believe the being God's only Son, came here to pay the price for humans through shedding His blood on the cross. So, you most definitely got to have faith. Yes you must have faith in Him. When you become born again, each believer must develop their own personal relationship with Jesus. My personal relationship with Christ is this, I always want to know a little more about Jesus. -
Q3. Righteousness through Faith
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
Righteousness obtained through the law is when you are found guilty of a crime you commit and got to serve time and released after time is served, he paid his debt to society and is free. Righteousness released through faith is when you believe Christ came to die for the sins of the entire world by the shedding of His blood. Everyone has different views and opinions. It would be difficult to nonbelievers because you got to be born again to understand. -
Q3. Righteousness through Faith
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
Righteousness obtained through the law is when you are found guilty of a crime you commit and got to serve time and released after time is served, he paid his debt to society and is free. Righteousness released through faith is when you believe Christ came to die for the sins of the entire world by the shedding of His blood. Everyone has different views and opinions. It would be difficult to nonbelievers because you got to be born again to understand. -
Q3. Righteousness through Faith
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
Righteousness obtained through the law is when you are found guilty of a crime you commit and got to serve time and released after time is served, he paid his debt to society and is free. Righteousness released through faith is when you believe Christ came to die for the sins of the entire world by the shedding of His blood. Everyone has different views and opinions. It would be difficult to nonbelievers because you got to be born again to understand. -
Q3. Righteousness through Faith
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
Righteousness obtained through the law is when you are found guilty of a crime you commit and got to serve time and released after time is served, he paid his debt to society and is free. Righteousness released through faith is when you believe Christ came to die for the sins of the entire world by the shedding of His blood. Everyone has different views and opinions. It would be difficult to nonbelievers because you got to be born again to understand.