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Everything posted by van
Q4. Discerning the Best
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Paul ask God to give the Philippians discernment so that their love and knowledge of God continues to grow and strengthen them in their walk with God. He wants them to be able to discern what is right and true and live that way until Christ return. Selfishness think about self only, and not the needs of someone else. "We can be so preoccupied with good things, that we don't have time for the best, most important, most significant things". -
Q3. Bring to Completion
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
He who began a good work in you will carry it out to completion. Paul have a assurance that it is intended for who are seriously seeking to follow Christ even though they are not perfect. Because God's assurance is for us today also. -
Q2. Partners
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
We receive spiritual and material blessings out of the partnership. Other kinds of support are offering our services, love and encouragement in spreading the Gospel. I have peace within my spirit when I I offer my services to the spreading of the Word. -
Q2. Partners
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
We receive spiritual and material blessings out of the partnership. Other kinds of support are offering our services, love and encouragement in spreading the Gospel. We can also support in giving of necessities in order to keep the spreading of the Gospel afloat. -
Q1. Slaves and Saints
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
The basic idea of a slave is you are owned by your master for life. Saint is being dedicated or consecrated to the service of God. They are basically saying you are a slave to Jesus Christ for life, and saint means you are set aside just for God. Both means you live your life for God and Jesus Christ. -
I think of spending eternity in heaven with Jesus because I will get to see Him as He is. Jesus will reign as King over this entire world and everything in it forever. He will be the King of glory. He is the King of glory in my life because I live to please and worship Him. All the glory belongs to Him.
Jesus separates the purify from the un-purified. First Corinthians 3:13-15 States, "His work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames."
Jesus has all things and all things and people belong to Him. We are co-heirs because we are His children. Together with Jesus we share God's glory. We belong to Jesus and Jesus belong to God.
Jesus being the Son of God and part of the Godhead was here from the beginning and He will be alive forever more. The more we keep our eyes on Jesus the stronger our faith becomes.
Jesus is the radiance of God glory. His appearance was transformed so that His family was shinning like the sun and His clothes became white as light. Jesus' glory is intended to be revealed by means of the miraculous signs that He performs. Jesus will appear in heaven transformed.
Q4. Bridegroom and Husband
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Jesus our Light, Life, Bread, and Bridegroom
To be presented as Christ pure virgin bride our lives has to be totally like going for Christ and know one else. We put Christ first and ourselves last. When we don't put Christ first, then we are living worldly and committing sins. It talks about the wonderful ways we are loved, pursued, protected, and by Him. -
Q3. Christ Who Is Your Life
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Jesus our Light, Life, Bread, and Bridegroom
Christ is the center of my life and I depend on Him wholeheartedly. I don't rely on my judgment because it always had came out wrong. To prove to another person that Christ is the center of my life will be shown in how I live because Christ is my life force. You have to repent and mean it in your heart. Otherwise, repentance will not work. God knows our heart and thoughts. -
Q3. Christ Who Is Your Life
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Jesus our Light, Life, Bread, and Bridegroom
Christ is the center of my life and I depend on Him wholeheartedly. I don't rely on my judgment because it always had came out wrong. To prove to another person that Christ is the center of my life will be shown in how I live because Christ is my life force. You have to repent and mean it in your heart. Otherwise, repentance will not work. God knows our heart and thoughts. -
Q2. Living Bread, True Vine
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Jesus our Light, Life, Bread, and Bridegroom
If we draw on His life we have no need for worrying about things in His material world because Christ provides for our needs. When we stop relying on Him all kind of things happen that takes us out of the comfort zone we were in when we relied on Christ. Because of our selfish nature that tells us we don't need anyone. -
Q1. True Light
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Jesus our Light, Life, Bread, and Bridegroom
Jesus is the True Light because He brought light to a dark world. He shines bright and no sin can hide from Him. People resist the light because they want to keep sinning and are afraid of what the light will show. Jesus light never goes out. It shines bright all the time. His great light is nothing like the light we know. We are the light of the world by being a true servant for Christ. All the wickedness we see around us obstruct our light. Jesus is the light so nothing can obstruct His light. -
He is he only one who can heal this broken world. Jesus can do what man can not. Jesus can heal you from the inside out because He knows all creations.
Scriptures declare that Jesus is the one and only Son of God. He is ultimate truth. Life comes exclusively through him. He is the Way that leads to God.Our society wants to believe that there are many paths to God. We can decide large the truth by God's Word.
Q2. Rock, Stone, Foundation
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Jesus our Head, Cornerstone, and Way
It shows Christ as our strength, might and our sustaining fortress in th midst of trouble. People become to caught up with their own will and won't give up their own will to follow Christ will for their lives. Christ is my strength in every area of my life. I don't have the strength to stand on my own in a troubled world we live in. -
Q1. Head of the Church
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Jesus our Head, Cornerstone, and Way
We should remember that He is the head and He should be glorified in everything we do. The universal church is the church as a whole everywhere. In everything that we do, Christ suppose to be represented. The visible church is to represent Christ by teachings, love, worship, prayer, and service. I can't speak for others but I can speak for myself, I try my best to follow Christ leadership. -
Q4. Good Shepherd
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jesus our Savior, Shepherd, and Redeemer
The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. The good shepherd knows His sheep and His sheep knows Him. Hired hand is not always dependable. When we are called as leaders to shepherd Jesus flock as bishops, teachers, doctors, pastors, ministers, etc., that is what we should be doing. We are to represent Christ! -
Q3. Kinsman-Redeemer
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jesus our Savior, Shepherd, and Redeemer
Jesus serve as a Kinsman-Redeemer to us by coming to serve us, not for us to serve Him. He became a ransom for us in order to pay for our sins. We our in terrible condition with sin we need a perfect lamb, Christ. Our Father paid the redemption price for our sins by giving His only begotten Son. -
Q2. To Seek and Save
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jesus our Savior, Shepherd, and Redeemer
In order to assist Jesus we witness and evangelize to others. We are to witness and evangelize to our friends as we do everyone else, the Holy Spirit does the change. We don't need to keep pressuring them, all we need to do is plant the seed. -
Q1. Friend of Sinners
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Jesus our Savior, Shepherd, and Redeemer
I thank God, Jesus seek and saved me when I was lost. If it hadn't been for Jesus I would still be living in sin. It is a joy to know that Jesus is a friend of sinners! Our relationship with people who are in deep sin, should be is to introduce them to Jesus Christ. He loves them and is the only one who can save them from whatever sin they are in. It is no sin to great for Jesus to forgive. -
We are to be servants. We are to serve, not be served. You got to get rid of self and think doing the will of Christ and think on others. You must put others before yourself, just like Christ did. I keep my heart and mind on the Lord because I want to stay obedient and humble to Him.
Q3. The Lord's Supper
van replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Jesus the Lamb of God, Holy and Righteous One
The purpose of the Lord's Supper is to partake in it in Remembrance of Christ death on the cross and that He shed His blood for the remission of our sins. We are to partake often until He returns. If you are not living for Him then of course you would forget what He has done for you. I pray to Him daily to make sure I don't ever forget what He has done for me.